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Within Temptation – Memories Lyrics 17 years ago
Evanescence has only been around since 2000

while WT has been around since 1997

for those who think (which they dont sound the same) they sound the same and get them confused

you should be switching you words around

to Evanescence sounds just like WT n not other way round and yes Sharon does have a bigger vocal range then amy

:) toodles

Sentenced – The Rain Comes Falling Down Lyrics 17 years ago
love this song.

its clear its about losing a loved one and then taking the knife to himself and taking his own life.

Eagle-Eye Cherry – Save Tonight Lyrics 18 years ago
i love his song. this song im going to play for my gf the night before i leave for my army training which is only acouple days away. this song has speacial meaning to me.

In Flames – Dead End Lyrics 18 years ago
and "The ability of our time"

In Flames – Dead End Lyrics 18 years ago
and "The ability of our time"

In Flames – Dead End Lyrics 18 years ago
i think its more around the line "We stand among hypocrites"

The Whitlams – The Curse Stops Here Lyrics 18 years ago
he wrote this song about the other 2 founding members of the band who both passed away. He talks about how he is thel last one and how there deaths effected him.

Epicure – clay pigeons Lyrics 18 years ago
i think this song is about how depressed a person was after losing a girlfriend in some way..i think a break up...

but they just felt so helpless and didnt want to live anymore because it felt like people were just there to put them down

but in the end they see that they are still alive and that there tears have run dry and that all they havto do is go on with there lives and not let the people around them hurt them like they use to do.

people should really start to comment of the best bands out there...

Opeth – Hours of Wealth Lyrics 18 years ago
and i also agree with malevolent. most ppl would no that true christians think that after you commit suicide you are sent to hell but another one is that after you are sent to hell you are only there until your true time is up then you go to heaven.

Opeth – Hours of Wealth Lyrics 18 years ago
this song just shows how well they can sing.

Epicure – goodbye girl Lyrics 18 years ago
yea that might be a part of it. "And goodbye girl...I'll be seeing you soon.
When I wake up, I will wake up next to you"

that could be another reason he has to do his "bloody work" because killing himself will take him to heaven where she must be waiting "Heaven will be the road that leads to you."

Epicure – goodbye girl Lyrics 18 years ago
Love this song.

This song is about a suicide bombers last letter or words to his wife before he goes off to do his "bloody work".

i would have thought more ppl would have commented on epicure.

Redgum – I Was Only 19 (A Walk in the Light Green) Lyrics 18 years ago
This song means alotv to me because military runs in my families blood.
i have a rele that was killed in the american civil wars another was captured by the Japanese in WW2 and another was at Pearl Habour when it was bombed. they are the bad stories of my families military service. so my family has a very long military service record and i intend to keep the record going when i try for a 2nd time to get into the Australian army. btw im only 17 i could be in a war my self in 2 yrs if that is what the future holds

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