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Chevelle – Skeptic Lyrics 14 years ago
Wow, after only two posts on you've got me all figured out. No, I do not need proof to have faith because if I did then it wouldn't be called faith. It would be called facts, or knowledge. Faith is a feeling, or a hunch. I don't need proof to have a feeling about something. I think you're interpretation and mine could coexist. I was only referring to the lines

This isn't even clear
It doesn't tell they why
This is an incomplete
It doesn't tell the why

not the song as a whole. I think your interpretation fits in nicely.

Modest Mouse – Workin' on Leavin' the Livin' Lyrics 15 years ago
I'm not so sure Isaac is an atheist, I would lean more toward agnostic. There is actualy a thread on a modest mouse forumn for debating that very topic.
Some of his lyrics hint at agnosticism, such as the opening lines of "Doin' the cockroach".

I was in heaven
I was in hell
Believe in neither
But fear them as well.

...and some lean towards athiest, Like this line from "Styrofoam Boots/It's all nice on Ice":

I'm in heaven
Trying to figure out which stack
They're going to stuff us athiests into
When Peter and his monkey laugh

(Personally, I think he went with athiest here because 'agnostics' is harder to squeeze down to 2 syllables, like he does with 'athiests'.)

In short, an atheist says with 100% confidence that there is no God.
An agnostic, however, will say that the subject matter is truly unkowable, and cannot be 100% sure either way. Usually they lean heavily toward the athiest end of the spectrum, they are 99% sure there's no God but acknowledges the possibility.

Ok, back to the song at hand. The chorus is hauntingly beautiful. I hadn't noticed the connection to Eraserhead until reading these posts here, but i do see it now. That movie creeped me the eff out.

Hollywood Undead – Undead Lyrics 15 years ago
Sorry threetearz, i didn't mean to reply to your specific post, just wanted to post my own comment. This is my first posted comment since the new site format. Here's my origninal comment:

Loud? - check
Catchy? - check
Engergizing? - check
Other than that, the lyrics have no substance and are entirely unclever and unimaginative . I count no less than 5 references to fags/faggots and an equal number of "motherfuckers". I guess I can see why, the started out just 3 years ago, on MYSPACE!? I can imagine how that came about:
stoned white guy #1: Dudes, do you like slipknot?
stoned white guys #2-6: Yuuuuuup!
stoned white guy #1: What about ICP and Linkin Park?
stoned white guys #2-6: WORD!
stoned white guy #1: Let's start a motherfuckin' band and show those faggots whats up!!
stoned white guys #2-6: Fuck yeeeeaaaahhhh!

But I ain't no "hater", you kids go get your money, you deserve it i guess.

Hollywood Undead – Undead Lyrics 15 years ago
Loud? - check
Catchy? - check
Engergizing? - check
Other than that, the lyrics have no substance and are entirely unclever and unimaginative . I count no less than 5 references to fags/faggots and an equal number of "motherfuckers". I guess I can see why, the started out just 3 years ago, on MYSPACE!? I can imagine how that came about:
stoned white guy #1: Dudes, do you like slipknot?
stoned white guys #2-6: Yuuuuuup!
stoned white guy #1: What about ICP and Linkin Park?
stoned white guys #2-6: WORD!
stoned white guy #1: Let's start a motherfuckin' band and show those faggots whats up!!
stoned white guys #2-6: Fuck yeeeeaaaahhhh!

But I ain't no "hater", you kids go get your money, you deserve it i guess.

Gnarls Barkley – Just a Thought Lyrics 16 years ago
While I do see your point Gezza, I just interpret the song differently. To me, when he says "But I'm fine!", it DOES sound convincing and leaves me with a feeling of relief because throughout the song I'm thinking "Man, this guy is doomed". But at the end it seems like he takes a step outside of himself to see his problems from a different angle and realizes that they're not really as bad as they had seemed before. Also, I don't think the line "....looking in the gun's direction." is not to be taken literally. That's just me, but I can definitely see how you can come to your conclusion if you take the lyrics a bit more literally than I have.

Chevelle – Skeptic Lyrics 16 years ago
Well, if your idea of the "why" in the bible is "because it's God's plan", that doesn't hold much water for a lot of people. They need more of an explanation than "Because God said so, that's why". For those with blind faith and conviction that may be enough but the curse of the thinking animal is that we have the ability to reason and most people I think need more.

Modest Mouse – We've Got Everything Lyrics 16 years ago
Concerning my comment about the patent office closing. For those who don't know, that is an urban legend and I shouldn't have assumed that everyone knew that.

Modest Mouse – Willful Suspension of Disbelief Lyrics 16 years ago
I think everywhere=God, in reference to his/her/it's omnipotence (all-seeing, all-knowing and being all places at all times). I would have to agree that Brock leans toward agnosticism, I think any reasonably intelligent "atheist" should. Free-thinking People on both sides of the equation (those with faith and those without) have a strong feeling one way or the other but there is always that nagging "but what if?" in the back of their heads. It takes blind faith/conviction to say there definitely is or isn't a God and that's all there is to it. People are naturally skeptics (the curse of being able to reason) and it takes a strong willfull suspension of that skepticism/disbelief to have faith. I myself am an agnostic but I don't downplay the importance of religion, it provides those with faith a direction who have trouble finding it elsewhere. It's ORGANIZED religion that scares me.

Gnarls Barkley – Just a Thought Lyrics 17 years ago
Definitely my favorite song from St. Elsewhere. Our society places a great stigma on not only the act of suicide but also the mere mention of it as well. But the fact is you don’t have to be mentally unbalanced or have any kind of psychological disorder to think about it. I’d be willing to bet that 98% of perfectly healthy, fully functioning people have thought about it at least once in their lifetime. At the end of the day, it’s just a thought.

Modest Mouse – We've Got Everything Lyrics 17 years ago
@miki - I agree, except take that small group and expand it to all of humanity.
In 1899, the head of the US Patent Office, Charles Duell, said, “Everything that can ever be invented has already been invented..." And, in response, the government actually closed the patent office for a period of time because they believed him. This song reminds me a lot of that.
"If we carried it out to sea
Pushed it over the edge we'd have all been through"
Here he's reffering to the period in history when everyone believed the world was flat and that if you sailed far enough you would fall off the edge. There are quite a few MM songs that comment on our collective arrogance and often revel in our monumental acheivements when on a universal scale we don't know and haven't done shiz!

Foo Fighters – Exhausted Lyrics 17 years ago
This is my favorite song, by any band. When I bought my electric guitar all i could think about was being able to play this song. If it's the only song I ever learn to play, it'll be worth the $$$.

Hed PE – I.F.O. Lyrics 18 years ago
you can read more about 2012 and the mayans here:
Interesting stuff.

Hair – Aquarius Lyrics 18 years ago
According to the Mayan calendar, we will enter a new world age on December 21st in the year 2012. This is an event that happens only once every 25,800 years (you can read more about it here: This time around, the sun will rise (on that day) in the aquarius constellation, thus the age of aquarius begins (and the age of pisces ends). While all sorts of theories exist on what will happen on that day (from the human race reaching it's next step in evolution to the end of the world), the celestial event is real and it is quite amazing that the mayans were able to predict the exact day.

Modest Mouse – 3 Inch Horses, Two Faced Monsters Lyrics 18 years ago
True, this album was the last original release before bad news. But "rising attention" and "ever so close to mainstream" still don't equal mainstream. That was my point. In an interview taken Feb of last year with guitarist-keyboardist Dann Gallucci, he said "I remember before the record came out (Bad news), we were begging people to let us on tour -- that's what we do. Now, we haven't really had a break since the album came out." So I doubt this song is about dealing with the pressures and changes that being mainstream brings.

Modest Mouse – Convenient Parking Lyrics 18 years ago
Maybe it's just me but i think that "ha ha ha ha" park right after he says convenient is more than just filler. It's like he's saying "Convenient!? Don't make me laugh!"

Modest Mouse – 3 Inch Horses, Two Faced Monsters Lyrics 18 years ago
Kyounshi, they weren't mainstream until Float On, this song was out long before that

Sublime – Badfish Lyrics 18 years ago
I agree that most if not all the song is about the addiction but I like to think that the third verse is about getting drunk and going to bed with some nasty chick you wouldn't normaly touch with a 10-foot pole.
"baby, you're a big blue whale"- self explanitory
"I swim, but I wish I never learned
The water's too polluted with germs"- He banged her but now regrets it cuz he doesn't know what could be swimmin' around in there!

Chevelle – Skeptic Lyrics 18 years ago
I think the reason there are so many skeptics is because of the one question the bible fails to answer. It gives us the who, what, when and where but "doesn't tell the why".

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