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MGMT – Kids Lyrics 15 years ago
whats with all the environmentally aware interpretations?
this, to me, really feels like a cry or outlet of some form of anguish. the sound of children playing in the beginning of the song and the sudden and abrupt end to this sound attest to this. furthermore, the lyrics hint at the death of a child what with the lines of remembrance, such as all of the lyrics in the first stanza, and how they all point to the innocence of childhood and youth. then, with the third stanza, it returns to the idea of remembrance with the lyrics involving the birth of a baby crying out for attention. yet this memory fades like looking through a fogged mirror, and then the writer realizes that this situation is sending him shivers, and that what he thought would not hurt, instead hurt a lot. the second stanza, or the chorus, deals with the coping of this loss, as it has some words of comfort, yet the ultimate pain is still evident through the line "a family of trees wanted to be haunted."
this is also backed when the song is about to end and how it has the strong emphasis on the line "a family of treeeees," and how it just ends so abruptly, just like the writer's loss. moreover, the melancholy yet bittersweet sounds made by mgmt also add to this theme of loss.

Asher Roth – I Love College Lyrics 15 years ago
this song is horrid
its embodies the worst of college life
fucking get a life
graduate and get a job

Hilltop Hoods – The Certificate Lyrics 15 years ago
i fucking love this song
is blockade the one who raps the lines
"i arrange certain words in silence"

where else can i hear him?

Saves the Day – Head for the Hills Lyrics 17 years ago
Wow. This song is amazing. I've liked it for a long time cause of the energy that's in it.
Anyhow, recently I was looking through songs on my iPod and I highlighted over a song that my ex loved and listened to when we were together. I had a strong urge to click on it to reminisce about the old times and all, but I knew I would get hurt. I sat there, panicking and then, I pressed Menu thrice, went to my playlists and blasted this song at full volume.

It felt pretty good.

The Dismemberment Plan – Memory Machine Lyrics 17 years ago
this was the last song they played :(

Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton – Our Hell Lyrics 17 years ago

First went wrong is hard to find (line 1)

Last went wrong, where's my prize under the lights (line 3)

Can we call it in? We'll be on the road(line 5)

Rilo Kiley – The Execution of All Things Lyrics 18 years ago
though my friends say that my take on t.e.o.a.t is rather unnerving, i'll share it with you anyways.

this song seems to be a bittersweet goodbye. sort of like one of those big grins before you hang yourself. the lyrics and the tone make it seem as if you've done your share of rocking the world, and that you're prepared to leave and let the world live on.

which also reminds me of the dismemberment plan...

Metric – Combat Baby Lyrics 18 years ago
i hate how i'm deeply in love with emily haines.

Black Eyes – Deformative Lyrics 18 years ago
doesn't change the fact that this song rocks

!!! – Intensify Lyrics 18 years ago
this song is the amazing.

!!! – The Step Lyrics 18 years ago
"those who let me crash, crash on the couch"


The Dismemberment Plan – Girl O'Clock Lyrics 18 years ago
sex depravity. awesome!

The Dismemberment Plan – Back And Forth Lyrics 18 years ago
they broke up! what do we do now? oh noes!

this song has so much lyrical content and awesome word choice that i think i would cream my pants twice if i listened closely to every single syllable travis utters

The Dismemberment Plan – Gyroscope Lyrics 18 years ago
first d-plan song i ever heard
then i bought their cds and listened to more.
though this may not be their best song, it certainly has a nice snuggly place in my heart.

Beulah – Me and Jesus Don't Talk Anymore Lyrics 18 years ago
I agree with AllAboutThoseWords, the song doesn't necessarily have to be about Jesus, the Devil, or Christianity itself.
The song seems to describe a relationship between two people that may or may not be couples. I guess Jesus is supposedly the other, whereas the Devil is the singer. It describes that the Devil wants to be with Jesus, to have things work, but he can't due to his nature, or his being an assh*le, or Jesus' refusal to accept the Devil. Thus, it's an argument that can't be fixed.

The Dismemberment Plan – The City Lyrics 18 years ago
I always imagined to be sitting in a cab, watching the streetlamps go by one by one. The song also gives me the feeling of seeing random people walking down the street that you've never seen before. This song reminds me of how I moved away from New York for 5 years, and moved back, and realized that everything was different, but at the same time, not.

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