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Mobb Deep – Drink Away The Pain (situations) Lyrics 15 years ago
Great song, alot of realness to it. Q-tip doesnt quite fit in here, but oh well. The beat is classic. Prodigy's spit about his dependence on drinking is eerie.

Big L – Lifestylez Ov Da Poor & Dangerous Lyrics 16 years ago
Pretty much L is talking about how he lived in upper harlem, which he calls "the danger zone" and all the stuff he did to survive. my favorite verses are:
Because I'm all about ends and skins
When you got dough, you don't need no muthafuckin friends
Breakin in cribs with a chrome bar
I wasn't 'poor', I was po', I couldn't afford the 'o-r'

that pretty much says how he was all about making money, and doing what he had to do to survive. Great song, it's shame he got shot down.

Geto Boys – Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta Lyrics 17 years ago
this song is basically saying how although alot of peopel condemn the gangsta lyfe, some people view it as the mothafuckin flyest shit they make alot of good political points too.

Pink Floyd – Wish You Were Here Lyrics 17 years ago
sorry tess, but ferthuko is right, syd barrett used alot of acid in the early floyd days (piper at the gates of dawn) and alot of quaaludes. he had a mental breakdown and the band replaced him with gilmour. i think this song refers to syd's mentality, and how the band is alot different without him even though he did weird ass shit all the time, like down tune his guitar in the middle of performances

Soundgarden – Black Hole Sun Lyrics 18 years ago
Cornell didnt join RATM, Zach de la Roch left RATM, so the other members of the band teamed up with Cornell to form audioslave, which is a disgrace to soundgarden, and RATM

Rage Against the Machine – C.I.A. (Criminals In Action) Lyrics 18 years ago
I think its pretty self-explanatory that he's pointing out the corruptions of U.S "defense departments"

Johnny Cash – Hurt (Nine Inch Nails cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
I think this version kicks the NIN versions ass by a thousand, to me, when cash covered this, it was really him bringing out all the regret about what he did do, and what he could've done. when NIN wrote it, it was about addiction and its black hole effect. cash meant to talk about death, he was near death when he covered this.

The Jimi Hendrix Experience – Purple Haze Lyrics 18 years ago
for some of the people out there, it would've been more about the weed purple haze than an acid trip, because every acid trip is different, nothing garauntee's that there will be "purple haze", also i heard he wrote it about a dream he had, he didnt just use one kind of drug, he was into alot of drugs, but whats for sure is his music revolutionized rock that we have today.

The Jimi Hendrix Experience – If 6 Was 9 Lyrics 18 years ago
i think its about him not wanting to conform to how all the "business people " are.

White collar conservative flashin' down the street
Pointin' their plastic finger at me, ha !
They're hopin' soon my kind will drop and die but uh
I'm gonna wave my freak flag high, high

during the "hippie revolution", hippies called corporate bully's "plastic people" because plastic was a man made product and wasnt natural. when he says he's gonna wave his freak flag high, its about not being afraid to be who he is.

The Jimi Hendrix Experience – Moon, Turn the Tides...Gently Gently Away Lyrics 18 years ago
well, sometimes, artists put songs on albums that go together, this song and 1983 go together, this song finishes off 1983, in 1983 he is about to go under the sea, and this is him being under the sea, living at peace. the same for rainy day dream away, and still raining still dreaming.

The Jimi Hendrix Experience – 1983 ... (A Merman I Should Turn to Be) Lyrics 18 years ago
when jimi hendrix started the experience, nobody in america wanted to hear him, then he made it in england, and came back to america for woodstock and other music festivals and got really popular with hits like purple haze, hey joe, etc. i think in this song he talks about wanting to live a simple easy life someplace where popculture doesnt exist, living in the sea is an analogy i think for wanting to live in a place where he doesnt have to be a rock star all the time and be in the spotlight with one hit wonders.

Rage Against the Machine – Snakecharmer Lyrics 18 years ago
i like RATM, their a favorite of mine, and i like their politics, im very political, but when it comes down to it, if you really dont like america, if you hate every last thing about it, then get out, no one is keeping you here. but with that aside, i think its about the fake-ness of american economics

Minor Threat – Out of Step (With the World) Lyrics 18 years ago
in the revised edition of "out of step" he added at the end "this is no set of rules...etc", he didnt mean to give edge people a set of rules, he mean "I dont smoke, I dont drink etc"

Minor Threat – Guilty of Being White Lyrics 18 years ago
well, i think this song is trying to point out how although most white people of this day and age never participated in the slave trade , they still get blamed for it. my family didnt even live in this country until the early 1900's. everyone is prejudice in their own way, but this is just pointing out how there is a reverse discrimination going on. now "all white people are evil because they must be racist against black people" so they are "guilty of being white"

Minor Threat – Screaming at a Wall Lyrics 18 years ago
i think its about trying to get the point across to someone who just wont listen, almost like the phrase "talking to the wind". and then you get pissed off because they totally disregaurd what you say.

Nena – 99 Red Balloons Lyrics 18 years ago
well for all of you who are pissing and moaning about translations, theres something you should understand, NOTHING TRANSLATES LITERALLY INTO ENGLISH AND MAKES PERFECT SENSE because there are few languages that have all the words that english does, and for that matter, has an alphabet like the english one, so stop trying to figure out the exact meaning of this song in german and why the english version is completely wrong, most times, when something is translated into english, different words are used so that it will make sense. Also, i think this song is about war.

N.E.R.D. – Bobby James Lyrics 18 years ago
a loser gets bullied, and turns to drugs

Elliott Smith – Needle in the Hay Lyrics 18 years ago
it went along well with richie's attempted suicide scene in the royal tenenbaums

Limp Bizkit – The Surrender Lyrics 18 years ago
it is a great song, maybe he means his surrender to society and everythign bad about it

Limp Bizkit – The Priest Lyrics 18 years ago
razormasticator, he isnt after kids now, he's talking about how fucked up the church is these days and how child molestors get jobs as priests and cover up all their "sins" with the image of being godly

Rage Against the Machine – Bulls on Parade Lyrics 18 years ago
because down rodeo, che is an icon of rebellion all over the world, rage is clearly a politicaly outspoken and rebellious band.

Minor Threat – Look Back and Laugh Lyrics 18 years ago
maybe its about ian trying to stay close with the guys in threat, but shit just kept happening and they were getting farther and farther apart. maybe this was written not too long before the tragic break up?

"someday something funny happened, and their friendship ceased to be...some day, i'll look back and laugh"

maybe all the fun he had as a member of threat, and he'll look back on what a good time it was.

Slayer – Chemical Warfare Lyrics 18 years ago
I think its about napalm in vietnam and how evil the U.S gov thought it was.

Minor Threat – Straight Edge Lyrics 18 years ago
it was ians idea of a "clean" lifestyle, it wasnt meant to be taken as a set of rules. If being edge is your thing, then fine, but if your a dick about it, stay the fuck away from me. Edge kids like to go around beating up people coming from out of bars, and slapping beers out of peoples hands. What kind of a jackass are you if you do those things? live your own lifestyle without getting in the way of others.

Minor Threat – Salad Days Lyrics 18 years ago
i like this song alot, one of my favorites, but to me, its ian saying how they were "babies" when they started, and now, music, and life has changed, and as a band, minor threat is coming to and end. if you listen to it in order that the songs are on the complete discography,and compare to the other songs, it even sounds like a "grand finale" song.

Minor Threat – Small Man, Big Mouth Lyrics 18 years ago
I think it has something to do with napolean , he's short, he did alot of battling "compete compete do it for the boys" to win public favor.

Minor Threat – Straight Edge Lyrics 18 years ago
theres a band called SS decontrol, they took this song and made it into a terrible movement of people who would swat beers out of peoples hands and act like jackass's to people who werent part of the straight edge movement. Minor threat inadvertantley started the movement, but some people chose to be really into it. It is just about making the right decisions and not following what back then was the fad, drugs and alcohol at concerts.

Slayer – Cast Down Lyrics 18 years ago
an angel got sent to earth and is living the life of a junky. another way slayer is trying to show gods irony and sense of humor.

Slayer – Disciple Lyrics 18 years ago
slayer is definatley trying to say they think that organized religion is bullshit, i think so, i cant say i fully agree with all their song meanings, but it makes sense . i strongly support the theory that religion is created so people will fear a powerful unknow being that has the threat of hell. if you ask me, this is just a follow up to the darkness of christ, but i definatley think their trying to say how everyone is like a heard of sheep instead of saying "baaaa" their saying "god"

Slayer – Behind The Crooked Cross Lyrics 18 years ago
maybe its something that has to do with the cruscifiction of jesus, but i think the swastika theory is a good one.

System of a Down – Aerials Lyrics 18 years ago
maybe about bomb planes, aerials in the sky, i know they had some song about a bombing of armenia

Slayer – Bloodline Lyrics 18 years ago
also, im pretty sure its "forever rape mortality"

Slayer – Bloodline Lyrics 18 years ago
god hates us all is a definite favorite of mine as well, and im pretty sure this song has to with satan, satan will live forever, and by lost child they might be implying about how people stray from religion/god (the father) and become satans victims.

Slayer – Angel Of Death Lyrics 18 years ago
i have a few slayer cd's, and people i know say they suck, but they've been around since 1983, and its 2005, thats alot for a band of aging metal players, i greatly respect their views and topics they write stuff about, in god hates us all they have a song about an angel who sells drugs, how fucking sweet is that?

Rage Against the Machine – Bulls on Parade Lyrics 18 years ago
I really think this was about the russian revolution when they overthrew Czar Nicolas the II.Czar Nicolas got his job becuase he was next in the family line, he did nothing to improve the economy. At that point a political group called the Bolsheviks went to the Czar's mansion and took his family and servants and sourrounded them out in the woods (rally round the family) and shot them all to death (and pockets full of shells). Also a few lines like "while arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells" could represent how russia began building up its weapon supply/army and started imprisoning what they called "policitcal dissidents". Like in Nazi germany, communist russia was big into book burning because stalin didnt want the educated people to be able to tell the common man communism isnt right and it only benefits the leaders. Also bulls on parade could have some connection with the bolsheviks who killed the royal family (bulls-bolsheviks).

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