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Joanna Newsom – '81 Lyrics 12 years ago
i've interpreted this song as a song about abortion. it fits with each paragraph, and i believe the tone of the music.

>>I found a little plot of land
in the garden of eden
it was dirt and dirt is all the same>>

the garden of eden is where people/life comes from. it represents the womb.

>>I tilled it with my two hands
and I called it my very own
There was no one to dispute my claim>>

the narrator makes it clear that we're talking about her womb, and that she became pregnant.

>>Well, you'd be shocked at the state of things
The whole place had just cleared right out
It was hotter than hell, so I lay me by a spring
For a spell as naked as a trout>>

in joanna's usual disconcerting style of wording traumatic events in her life using depersonalized/dissociated language, she describes how what she grew in her garden (her preborn person) was aborted, from its perspective.

>>The wandering eye that I have caught
Is as hot as a wandering sun>>

the preborn person has huge potential,

>>But I will want for nothing more, in the garden
To start again
In the hardening of every new heart but one>>

but the narrator has no choice but to toughen up and "start again" (someday have another child).

>>Meet me in the garden of Eden,
Bring a friend, we are going to have a time
We have are going to have a garden party,
It's on me, no sir-e, it's my dime>>

next time she "meets someone in the garden" (has a baby) "it's on her" (because she feels guilty about the last time).

>>We broke out hearts in the war between
St. George and the dragon
But both in equal parts are welcome to come along
To come along, I'm inviting everyone>>

it broke her and her unborn person's heart, after "the war" between two choices (to abort or not to abort). but it's okay, because the next unborn person growing in her "garden" is just as welcome.

>>Farewell, to loves that i have known
Even muddiest as waters run
Tell me what is meant by sitting alone in a garden,
Seceded from the Union in the year of '81?>>

she is saying goodbye to romance, as she'll be alone in her garden for some time, i assume due to the emotional toll of the abortion. the garden was seceded in 81 because it is her garden (her womb) and she was born in 1981.

The unending amends you made
Are enough for one life, be done
I believe in innocence, little darling, start again
I believe in everyone

I believe, regardless, I believe in everyone

Björk – Hyperballad Lyrics 13 years ago
i have a different perspective of this song. we live in an amazing universe, and sometimes we realize it. every morning, bjork feels how amazing it is. she also organizes parts of herself, so that she can maintain a relationship ("to be safe with you" after "you" wakes up) and maintain herself (throwing things off the mountain is sort of like emptying your psychological baggage). basically, she meditates each morning, and it renews her spirit.

the words "it's become a habit" and how she holds back what the ritual involves suggests to me she meditates using cannabis, like myself and many others (maybe i'm reaching too far here, but i think it's very possible). cannabis and meditation and understanding one's body tend to go together.

when her body breaks, this is the metaphorical destruction of the ego/self. meditation and psychedelics lead you to this state. she transcends the material world if she throws enough off that cliff (even herself). "renewal" of one's personality each morning is possible with meditation and/or proper use of psychedelics.

Björk – Who Is It? Lyrics 13 years ago
i think i figured it out. who is it? the earth, it fits with the lyrics. the following part..

>>and the ornaments are
they're going around
now -- they're handing it over
handing it over (x4) >>

orbiting moons and planets.

gaia is our fortress, something we all share, something that unites us. but we're all given this crown, and a crown implies responsibility--we all share responsibility for our life system that we came from.

there's a skeleton of trust, right beneath us. we have to overcome this as a species...

Björk – Aurora Lyrics 18 years ago
A mountain shade
Suggests your shape
I tumbled down
On my knees
Fill the mouth
With snow
The way it melts
I wish
To melt
Into you

^oral sex?

CocoRosie – K-Hole Lyrics 18 years ago
Ketamine, a dissociative psychedelic drug, puts the user in a dissociated state, meaning that they are less connected to both a sense of self and the reality around them. If a large enough amount is taken the user may go into or through a "K-hole", a state of wildly dissociated experience in which other worlds or dimensions that are difficult to describe with language are said to be perceived, all the while being completely unaware of one's individual identity or the outside world

The Smiths – Sheila Take a Bow Lyrics 18 years ago
"sheila" is australian slang for a young woman (, yet it is capitalized in these lyrics, maybe leading to confusion

Tool – Parabola Lyrics 18 years ago
{We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment
We are choosing to be here right now, hold on, stay inside }

This precious moment.. is your immediate consciousness. What else is there in your universe!? You can't relive a memory, you can't live the future, you are aware in this present moment

You are choosing to experience the way you experience. you have a profound ability to influence the way you percieve reality

{This holy reality
This holy experience, choosing to be here in }

not only are you here, but it is simply amazing that you are here. it's so amazing, it so defies our traditional rational way of thinking, that it's divine, holy, that we are alive and feeling this present moment

{This body
This body holding me
Be my reminder here that
I am not alone in
This body
This body holding me }

his body holds him--"him" being his awareness. without his body, he has no memories, feelings/emotions, thoughts.

he is not alone? i am not sure what he means by this line

{Feeling eternal, all this
Pain is an illusion }

explained at the end

{Swirling round with this familiar parable
Spinning, weaving round each new experience}

our mind weaves our perception. this spinning, swirling, weaving, is making cognitive awareness seem like a spatial thing--thus, you can "travel" your mind

{Recognize this as a holy gift and
Celebrate this chance to be
Alive and breathing, the chance to be
Alive and breathing }

again: not only are you here, but it is simply amazing that you are here. it's so amazing, it so defies our traditional rational way of thinking, that it's divine, holy, that we are alive and feeling this present moment

{This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality
Embrace this moment, remember: we are eternal, all this pain is an illusion }

This is an interesting part. First his body reminds him of his mortality-he will die someday. But then we are eternal and should celebrate this moment. This could be referring to life after death. I prefer to think it's one of the most direct references he makes to psychedelia--a moment on a high dose of LSD (which he obviously wrote this song on--this philosophy in this song is closely tied to great LSD thinkers and their prose/poetry/narratives on philosophy) a moment on LSD can feel like an infinite amount of time. Time can slow more and more (and speed up) and explode into an "ocean of time". This goes back to the line {feeling eternal}

{Pain is an illusion}... this sounds like some form of enlightenment (bjork's coolest line: "i'm no fucking bhuddist, but this is..enlightenment!" this is also one of the most direct references to LSD

anyway.... awsome song. it relates exactly how i feel on my trips

Tool – Lateralus Lyrics 18 years ago
I believe that by "spiral" he may be referring to our DNA

"Swing on the spiral of
Our divinity and
Still be a human "

"Feed my will to feel this moment
Urging me to cross the line
Reaching out to embrace the random
Reaching out to embrace whatever may come "

"With my feet upon the ground I move myself between the sounds
And open wide to suck it in, I feel it move across my skin
I'm reachin' up and reachin' out, I'm reachin' for the random or
Whatever will bewilder me, whatever will bewilder me
And following our will and wind, we may just go where no one's been
We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no one's been "

i find that this beautifully relates the psychedelic experience... venturing into another world, letting every amazing and shattering thing pound into your consciousness...

Pink Floyd – Comfortably Numb Lyrics 19 years ago

i especially like how in the movie the wall, at the end of the comf. numb song...
after this deeply traumatizing experience (look at his skin, at the worms, how sick he looks, how he gts deeper and deeper into a horrible experience(looks alot like a bad trip on LSD)) in the end he rips off this sick looking skin and gives his hitler-like speech filled with hatred-------so i think it's saying, trauma/pain cause hatred/aggression

Pink Floyd – Comfortably Numb Lyrics 19 years ago
This song is full of heroin (or any IV opioid) references that you may not recognize if you aren't into drugs

{Is there anybody in there}
{Is there anyone at home}
{There is no pain, you are receding
A distant ship smoke on the horizon}
{Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying}

heroin distances you from reality

{Just nod if you can hear me}

if you're not a druggy you may not know... but the effect most people try to get from heroin is called being "on the nod" or "nodding," which is where you're so doped up your head nods down then up as if you're falling asleep in a sitting position, the way they included nod... "nod if you can hear me" the guy is going to nod anyway, hes on heroin

{I hear you're feeling down
I can ease your pain}
{I'll need some information first
Just the basic facts
Can you show me where it hurts}

Heroin is one of most effective analgesics known (analgesic=relieves phsyical pain) and also one ofthe most effective eliminators of mental pain (feeling down)

{And get you on your feet again}

if you're addicted, you need heroin to stay on your feet. you aren't going to be able to perform on dope sickness



{You are coming through in waves}

many drugs have the pleasant body feelings and euphoria and other mental effects come in waves, including heroin. the top of the waves are usualyl reffered to as peaks with other drugs (ie, im peaking)

{When I was a child I had a fever
My hands felt just like two balloons}

My friend used an opiate to help him sleep (hes a non druggy btw). he couldnt sleep because his hands felt like "balloons". opiates can make you feel very numb physically (hands feel like balloons) and emotionally (comfortably numb)

{Now I've got that feeling once again
I can't explain, you would not understand
This is not how I am
I have become comfortably numb}

he gets his hit. the heroin's working, he gets that feeling that you can't understand unless you've IVed heroin. it's not how he is, he's high now

{Just a little pin prick}

IV needle

{There'll be no more aaaaaaaah! }

dope-sickness (withdrawal) gone

{But you may feel a little sick}

opiates are well known for their nausea--ive puked on morphine, almost on vicodin

{Can you stand up?
I do belive it's working, good
That'll keep you going through the show
Come on it's time to go.}

he can do the show now--he got his hit

{When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone
And I have become
Comfortably numb.}

someone care to help me with this part?

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.