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Circa Survive – The Difference Between Medicine and Poison Is in the Dose (Album) Lyrics 17 years ago
i think its about the effects that hallucinogenic drugs can have.

move one inch at a time
don't make shit rhyme
(the slightest movement or sentence can make u flip out, it sounds silly, but the mind undergoes an experience that is completely different and new from the norm)

would it be easy to repeat the first line?

my mind's not a well, it won't run dry
(this line is about the effects the drugs have on the brain. that whole seeing random shit and/or everything has this "glow" that makes everything interesting. imagination really comes into play)

just keep drinking water and you'll be alright
(keep hydrated!)

this is paralysis, with no time at all to let go
(that numb feeling that comes with the high)

well don't call me by my full name

all this is temporary
(highs don't last forever)

it feels much better to know
that you won't feel a thing
(the numbness again)

well don't talk about it
write it down
(its hard to explain the things that are being seen during the trip after its done, someppl try to write down, if possible, what goes on because during the trip, everything makes sense)

but don't ask for help
(no one else can interpret what u see)

I can't be honest with even myself
(its hard to interpret what is being seen, cuz whats being seen could be a manifestation of some deep dark secrets)

did you ever wish you were somebody else?
(its a bit extreme, but he could be talking about the low when the effects wear off. it does suck)

accomplishments are transient
they pull me in unremittingly
(again the trip's temporary effects and what u "understood" about everything during the trip)

just lasting this long, I feel relieved
let repetition save me
(ive got nothing for this part)

Saosin – Translating the Name Lyrics 18 years ago
i'm sure its about an pregnancy and anthony's (or whoever the father is) take on the whole thing. the "saving green" and "i was only one" lines are about him saving money for an unborn child, but he was the one who was going to support it financially (i.e. he is the only one who had a job). the chorus is him saying either to himself or the female that "things look fine for you cuz u have the easy part of just spending time with the kid, while i'm the one working my ass off to give u money to give u that peace of mind, but i won't say anything for the sake of the child and us ("holding back, now and forever")." the "your walking so peculiar" line is i'm guessing about the girl walking around while she's pregnant (u know, that waddle pregnant females have at the end of their pregnancies :-p) and her trying to hide her belly cuz she thinks she's getting fat and unnattractive ("like you had something to hide"). i interperet "still so deadly" as the girl's moodswings and the hurtful things she says too anthony while she's pregnant (cuz we all know how pregnant chix get so damn emotional and say shit without thinking, its even worse during pregnancy). "sweet penance for a sound" to me is the girl giving birth to the child, the sound is the baby's crying. "it might explode in our hands" is the problems they'll face with the child as it grows if they don't raise it right. the "brown pigmentation" verse is the final moments of labor, "savoring the sound" are the parents hearing the first sound of their child as he leaves the womb. "severing the ties between mother and son" is umbilical cord being cut. the last line is what anthony had been through in the past and him trying to make things right

Thursday – Ný Batterí Lyrics 18 years ago
let me take back that last part. i can say they suck, but they don't. they're different, but i don't like they're music.

Thursday – Ný Batterí Lyrics 18 years ago
i've heard both versions of the song. i have to agree that geoff's singing sucked, but then again what did you expect from someone who has never spoke icelandic before? but i liked the sound of thursday's version better. i don't like sigur ros. they're sound is much different that anything i've ever heard, but that doesn't mean that they're a great band or a greater band than thursday. but i can't say sigur ros sucks. if you like them then you like them, if not, then you don't. its just a matter of personal preference.

Thursday – Counting 5-4-3-2-1 Lyrics 18 years ago
this song, i like. i do agree that the lyrics are definitely not geoff's best but the overall sound is awesome. personally i can't stand screaming from any band (and to those bands that scream every song, you suck, but that's just me) and i like geoff's singing voice a lot better. i truly hope they don't become a trl band. a video here and there is not a bad thing, but when you just make music to make a video to show on trl, and put none of your heart and soul into those songs, then we've got a problem.

James Blunt – You're Beautiful Lyrics 18 years ago
blunt has done one hell of a job. the song is a complete mindfuck. but he made some serious cash off of this mindfuck. he hit a jackpot with lonely, desperate women and men who have had the testosterone, the very essence that makes a man a man, drained from their bodies. how was this essence drained you ask? it was drained through attempts to attract females by being sensitive and watching the Lifetime channel. don't get me wrong, sensitivity is important and necessary when dealing with females, but at the end of the day that female wants you to hold her in your arms and tell her that everything is going to be ok. she doesn't want you crying along with her. but, i've gone off of my point. back to it. blunt did it by using a somber sound, along with a voice to match, and lyrics, in which he is pretty saying that he saw an attractive female that he made eye contact with for a second. this second is supposedly that special, that it is going to remain in his and her memory for the remainder of their conciousness. those lyrics made the aforementioned people go "awwwww.......he sounds so sad. i feel (or have felt) the same way too." i have seen many a female and found them quite attractive, even made eye contact. but. i have never, ever, thought anything as innane as what blunt was trying to convey. if he really wanted to make the moment last, he should have just gone over to the female and talked to her. that would've lasted for longer than a second and it would have more meaning. DAMMIT I HATE THIS SONG!

Kaddisfly – New Moon Over Swift Water... Lyrics 18 years ago
to me, this song is about someone talking (or writing) smack about the singer. He's saying in return that he still wishes for the smack talker's well being.

Thrice – Of Dust And Nations Lyrics 18 years ago
Best freakin' intro to a song that I have heard in a long,long time. Anyways. I'm surprised nobody referenced buddhism in any way. I'm not exactly all to clear on buddha's teachings or how buddhists run things, but aren't they the antithesis of our modern capitalistic society? For the most part aren't they all humble beings living out simple lives trying to reach oneness with the universe. Sorry, back to my point. I think this song has very strong buddhist connotations. Like many of you have said, this song seems to be about how in the the end all of mankinds seemingly indestructable monuments to itself will be buried and forgotten by time regardless of the material used to create them. Again I just feel this song is more strongly related to buddhist principles than christian ones.

Circa Survive – The Great Golden Baby Lyrics 19 years ago
this song is amazing. however to me i has one flaw. it doesn't have the "remove from home" part that juturna has. i don't like how it goes from relatively calm straight to "the amplifier screams out loud." i like'd that little transitional part between. all that aside, it still an amazing song from an amazing band.

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