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Pedro the Lion – The Longer I Lay Here Lyrics 12 years ago
First off, the lyrics are wrong. its gambling or gin.
also its fine cutlery and forgive me this SIN.
You are apparently an idiot who is the worst fan ever and can't spell.

Christina Perri – Jar of Hearts Lyrics 13 years ago
i love the line about the light in her eyes. an ex of mine who was my first every thing showed at my door recently after years of not talking on purpose. he took away the light for a really long time and it took me so long to get back who i was. he cheated on me and criticized a lot about me and i let him.
thank god i don;t have that shit to deal with any more.

Caedmon's Call – Piece of Glass Lyrics 15 years ago
no they didnt hear it wrong. i've been listening to this song for years I even wrote a paper about it for a class in highschool. that was in 2001.
the original words were "filling me up and filling me out" it was also far more acoustic and you got a better feel of the song.
i also think the last line is im not more than just a piece not you're.
it was actually way better then what i hear now on

Run Kid Run – Move On Lyrics 15 years ago
i know what the song is about and more importantly who.I know these guys and I'm friends with the singers ex. they were young loves and he kind of more or less,screwed up.

Brandi Carlile – Cannonball Lyrics 15 years ago
this song pulls at my heart and reminds me of a horrible break up or loosing some one or some thing important.
like the line says:
"but behold,when you fold its the same old cannonball coming back for your heart again"
you can fall out of love but man when it finds you,man,it hurts so much to loos it all again. you fall for that cannonball every time.
however this line reminds me of horrible heartache
I was born when I met you now i'm dying to forget you.

Jordin Sparks – No Air Lyrics 16 years ago
this is an awesome song I agree,but a lot of the lyrics are wrong.

they need to be redone and resubmitted.

Rogue Wave – Man-Revolutionary! Lyrics 17 years ago
a couple of the lyrics are wrong.
its some bed or roses i have given you
you DON'T stand up.

however,this song is fantastic

John Mayer – Daughters Lyrics 17 years ago
well you know,Heliamphora ,you don't even have to listen to his music. just like i choose not to listen to country music.

this song has a lot of meaning and truth behind it and i can understand it.

i have a dad who walked away,who left. i know how hard it is to open up to any guy and for them to feel very lost. or unable to fix some broken girl.its a vicious circle of unreliable fathers,emptiness,and wanting.

Run Kid Run – We've Only Just Begun Lyrics 18 years ago
i've known these guy forever,and this song is so good. side walk slam,and now this.if you get a chance to see them,do it. they are some of the nicest guys you'll ever encounter and they have an extreme passion for their music.

Sufjan Stevens – Out of Egypt, Into the Great Laugh of Mankind, and I Shake the Dirt from My Sandals as I Run Lyrics 18 years ago
if this song is from come on,feel the illinoise(which i am assuming it is),its in reference to an area i live not far and sort of in
there is a town called cairo way way south by missouri thus southern illinois is called little egypt. oh yeah and that whole lake,sand thing.

Feist – Mushaboom Lyrics 18 years ago
this song is really sweet. i never say that,but its true

We Are Scientists – This Scene Is Dead Lyrics 18 years ago
what if it is about the baby jesus? i would laugh

Rainer Maria – Burn Lyrics 18 years ago
i love this song so much. rainer maria never gets old and never ceases to amaze me.

John Mayer – Daughters Lyrics 18 years ago
I don't typicaly like john mayer,not all of this stuff but i love this song.
i never cry at songs really,but i can relate to this one so much. i did indeed cry,the first time i heard it.
i know what its like to be so disconnected from relationships or struggle in them because the one male you should've been an example,wasn't.

Jimmy Eat World – (Splash) Turn Twist Lyrics 18 years ago
this song reminds me of freshman year of college. i loved this song such,some thing about jimmy eat world will always be amazing.

Wham! – Last Christmas Lyrics 18 years ago
if you ever work in retail,you'll hate this song for ever.

Kelly Clarkson – Because of You Lyrics 18 years ago
i can relate to this song so much. i'm 24 and I still live with my mother. she used me a lot for leaning on whe my dad left 7 years ago. at the time,I didn't know what to think or do and my mother would just cry and cry. I felt guilty for leaving my house,for going places without her,because my mother might be a alone.
she freaks out over every thing and most days I just want to get away from her so much but at the same time,I love my mom.shes held me back from a lot of things in life because she felt it didn't right. i agree with renthead,every one says i'm my own person,but how much of that has been because I broke away to prove a point.

Pedro the Lion – Rapture Lyrics 18 years ago
I think what a lot of people have failed to see,or hear about most of david bazans album-they tell stories. also,before ever becoming so popular he was in fact on a christian label,thus,his mentioning of god. so he himself is a christian of sorts.
he uses a lot of examples and turns his fictional songs into whole stories on an album. each songs works for every one in some way shape or form.
he still plays a huge christian music festival every year in northern illnois called cornerstone.
many of my friends have issues with seeing him live now,because of his political views. i say fuck it and enjoy his words and music.

Sufjan Stevens – To Be Alone with You Lyrics 19 years ago
some one commented about christian muscian and there are A TON of popular bands now,that were or are christians. or they still have royalty to a label.
mxpx is a BIG ONE. they were on tooth and nail along with pedro the lion,blindside,etc.
6 pence none the richer,switchfoot,nodes of ranvier,eisley,mewithoutyou,etc.

Fiona Apple – Parting Gift Lyrics 19 years ago
i love this song so much.

The Black Eyed Peas – My Humps Lyrics 19 years ago
hey, I got one thing to say.....STFU! its a song your morons. its fucking hilarious and its whats it called A SONG.

Mates of State – Goods (All in Your Head) Lyrics 19 years ago
yeah I hate it when lyrics are in a huge block like that.

Death Cab for Cutie – Someday You Will Be Loved Lyrics 19 years ago
wow you are totally right. i never thought of it that way until just now.

The Union Underground – South Texas Deathride Lyrics 19 years ago
i don't even know who the fuck this band is,nor do I care. but it cracks me up that someone seriously put SUPAFLYS. because so often i say man...where are my supa flys.

The Red Hot Valentines – Firecracker Lyrics 19 years ago
yeah this song has nothing to do with sex. its about being young and being mischievous with your friends. she is not a person. and being lit doesn't mean being high.

The Red Hot Valentines – My Girlfriend Has A Boyfriend Lyrics 19 years ago
this song is about his ex-girlfriend. i know.....i grew up with them. he was fairly um.....bitter? but this was a very long time ago. hes married to someone else now,so.

that dog. – Minneapolis Lyrics 19 years ago
its hung around til closing time not holding time. what the hell is holding time anyway

that dog. – Minneapolis Lyrics 19 years ago
i use to listen to this song everyday during lunch when i was a junior in highschool.ahhh memories.

Lou Barlow – Royalty Lyrics 19 years ago
to me this songs uses a king/queen example of someone who uses people. someone who doesn't know who they are and uses others in relationships. they want some thing or someone more and in the process end up hurting others and becoming alone.

Semisonic – Secret Smile Lyrics 19 years ago
yeah its remove this world and its sadness. i've never experienced whirling sadness. maybe I should try it.

Death Cab for Cutie – Styrofoam Plates Lyrics 19 years ago
i bought this cd my freshman year of college a couple of years after my parents really hit home in many ways and I in turn,wrote a small paper about it in my psychology class. we had to pick an article,a song,and something from a magazine we related to. this was one of them.

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