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David Gray – Please Forgive Me Lyrics 19 years ago
I absolutely agree that this song is a powerful expression of love, but somehow i always get the feeling that the person he's singing it, doesn't quite understand the depth of his emotions. They just don't get it!!

David Gray – Please Forgive Me Lyrics 19 years ago
I absolutely agree that this song is a powerful expression of love, but somehow i always get the feeling that the person he's singing it, doesn't quite understand the depth of his emotions. They just don't get it!!

Chris Rea – Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea Lyrics 19 years ago
That's me ! that's me! pretty self explainatory.. how do you kick a habit (be it something or Someone!) that you know is no good for you, but he/she/it is a habit? anyone got any ideas?

I'm fresh out

Eric Clapton – Please Be with Me Lyrics 19 years ago
remember the feeling of first realising that you love someone. you try to make sense of it, rationalise it but you'll never be able to. A feeling of desparacy follows, of wanting the other person to make sense of it for you...
There's only one thing that makes sense, being with that person.

Oh how i love and hate that feeling!

Chris Rea – Looking For The Summer Lyrics 19 years ago
I undeniably love Chris Rea so to think that i could pick one song so call mine.. it has to be this one. It makes sense in life all the time..

"we scratched and hurt each others growing pains
i'm still looking for the summer."

I am still looking for my paradise.
This song can take me places and nothing else can..

Bread – Picture In Your Mind Lyrics 19 years ago
This song reminds me of a song by CSNY, Unequal Love. it truly is the worst feeling in the world when you wake up to find that the person you've been building your hopes and your life around, doesn't feel the same about you anymore. There is nothing you can do to change their mind and how do you change yours? any ideas?

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