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Paul Simon – I Don't Believe Lyrics 18 years ago
To pantomime prayers with the hands of a clock.

Is it too much to ask for people to read the insert in the CD case before they post lyrics? The last line of the song is not up there! Not to mention that other parts are wrong... and if anyone is going to try to argue, PLEASE go read the lyrics that COME WITH THE ALBUM. If any lyrics are right, it'll be them.

That said, I absolutely LOVE this song. He has so many brilliant quotes-to-be just waiting to be picked out, particularly the last two lines of the fourth and seventh stanzas.

Paul Simon – Wartime Prayers Lyrics 18 years ago
Brilliant. That's all I can say about this song.

I will admit that when I first heard it, however, I thought it was probably going to be some cheap song about the current war that everyone is writing the same things about; but Paul came through again with a winner. Its a beautiful and minimally cliched song, much more than you can ask from a lot of artists these days, who all seem to write the same things.

I'm personally in love with the lines, "because you cannot walk with the Holy if you're just a halfway-decent man." Makes me smile, mostly because it seems to get back to the roots of Christianity, back when God expected you to be good and didn't coddle you; if you were going to make it to Heaven, you had to obey, no ifs, ands, or buts. This connects well with the fact that Paul is Jewish, and doesn't believe in the more modern personification of God.

Paul Simon – Under African Skies Lyrics 18 years ago
I always thought the line was "this is the story of how we FORGET to remember" not begin. But I could be wrong. If I am, then that makes me sad because I loved that line... :(

Paul Simon – The Obvious Child Lyrics 18 years ago
"the cross is in the ballpark" is, I think, a reference to how important things like a ballpark are to you when you're young; the cross, instead of being in a church, is in a ballpark because that's what the kids care about, sports and fun are almost religious to them.

Paul Simon – Slip Slidin' Away Lyrics 18 years ago
I think that the song is trying to give a sense that you need to enjoy the feelings in life, the people that pass through it; mostly because of the last few lines where he talks about how working a job and making money, and in general focusing on the material and the 'proper', makes us think we're sailing along when we're really sliding away from what life's really about.

Paul Simon – Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard Lyrics 18 years ago
Rosie the QUEEN of Corona... queen being the key word if you're going to use the homosexual interpretation; most of you have probably heard it used as a name for a very obviously gay and often slightly feminine man. Rosie might be a flamingly gay friend or even an alternate identity of one of the boys.

Paul Simon – Loves Me Like a Rock Lyrics 18 years ago
I always took this song as a light-hearted little story of how a boy loses his innocence. He starts out in the Sunday choir being tempted by the Devil, then he's a consummated (non-virginal) man but is still tempted by the devil, showing that he still has religious ideals and beliefs, and finally he's the President, who is no longer being tempted by anything fantastical- he's being tempted by Congress, a representation of sad realism, he's lost faith in anything besides what he can see and touch.

On a different note, it just plain makes me smile that Congress is compared to the devil in this song.

Paul Simon – Hearts And Bones Lyrics 18 years ago
I've heard this song is about his marriage to Carri Fisher-- "one and one-half wandering jews" being them. Makes sense to me, but I could be wrong. Calling it an "affair" gives it the feel of a passing fancy, something neither of them should have done, like he regrets it.

Paul Simon – 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover Lyrics 18 years ago
For some reason I always saw this song as a woman talking to her boyfriend/husband (the narrator) half jokingly, like she realized something was off in the relationship and this was her way of confronting him. He leaves the conversation with no real idea what he wants to do, but he's prepared to be persuaded. No idea why, but thats always what I've thought.

Kaiser Chiefs – Wrecking Ball Lyrics 19 years ago
Absolutely LOVE this song, one of my favorites by t'chiefs.

The Killers – Soft Surrender (Where Is She?) Lyrics 19 years ago
Not sure these lyrics are entirely right, but it is hard to hear Brandon on the track, so I'll let it pass for now ;)

This song is about a Scottish girl, Jodi Jones, who was killed by her boyfriend. Obviously it's from one of her parent's perspective. Apparently the guys in the band saw her story on the new when they were touring in Scotland, and decided to write a song about her.

The Killers – On Top Lyrics 19 years ago
Anyone heard the version of this song where they tacked part of Pink Floyd's 'Time' on the end? You should. It's awesome.

The Killers – Jenny Was a Friend of Mine Lyrics 19 years ago
And you can't forget Leave The Bourbon On The Shelf, which is as of yet unreleased.

The Killers – Andy, You're a Star Lyrics 19 years ago
What I've gathered from Brandon's interviews is that it really pisses him off that people assume he's gay because of this song. Supposedly it's only part-biographical, he knew a jock named Andy in high school and was jealous of him (Brandon was chubby as a kid), but the gay-stalker theme grew out of the song, it's got no relevance to Brandon himself.

The Killers – The Ballad of Michael Valentine Lyrics 19 years ago
Oy, I've been wondering the same thing! Actually, that's the whole reason I got into this band in the first place, because I saw the song name and thought there might be a connection. 'Stranger' is one of my favorite books of all time.

Oh, and it's muñequita (little doll) not monequita, and coattail left to ride, not cold tail left to write. There are lyrics printed on the Japanese version of the single.

Green Day – American Idiot Lyrics 19 years ago
I don't know if someone else has tried to clarify this yet (I got to pg 5 and then skipped to 47, so shoot me), but I think that when he says 'alien nation' he's making a play on the word alienation, saying that as a (political!)nation we've alienated ourselves from the rest of the world, not by being isolationist, but by being a bit ridiculously strongheaded and frequently sticking our nose where it doesn't belong.

Also, I'd like to differentiate between disliking Bush and liking Kerry- they don't go hand-in-hand, nothing is black and white, especially in politics. I personally agree with Bush more on foreign policy (Kerry just didn't make much sense), but I certainly do NOT agree with him on domestic issues. Neither is Jesus or the Anti-Christ, they're both just American men, for God's sake! I think that it too often is forgotten in politics that politicians are humans just like the rest of us.

Greendaygirl2 seems to be saying that all of our economic problems are Bush's fault, and while I wish it was that simple to just pin it down, that's just not true. The truth is that the state of the economy during a president's term generally has more to do with the decisions of the President before him than what he personally does. Our present situation can be attributed to an unfortunate series of events, starting with Clinton's presidency. Something should have been done in the Middle East during that time, when a stonger economic trend was in place, but instead Clinton was lax, setting Bush up with a bad economic and political situation. Soon after his election, part of the situation in the Middle East blew up in Bush's face, and it all went downhill from there. Some decisions have been good, some bad, but overall I think we're coming out of it better than what we could have.

Whew, got a bit carried away there. Anyhoo, in response to the talk of Greenday being hypocrites by complaining about the media, I'm not going to deny that that's sort of true. But I'm noticing a bit of a trend in the media as far as politics- as I see it, the news industry seems to be more conservative, while the entertainment industry is tending to be more liberal. And just to clarify, 'conservative' and 'liberal' are NOT INSULTS in my book, just descriptions! I hate that they've both developed such negative connotations.

Oh, and as for Billy Joe wanting to be an 'Arab', that kind of talk just plain pisses me off. Some people bitch that the 'Arabs' are aweful and hate America for no reason, but they just send the same undistinguishing hatred back. You wanna talk about hypocrites? Everyone should already know that in America, people have differing opinions, we're not all cut from the same mold. Has it not occurred to them, then, that it might be that way in other countries too? Or even people of Middle Eastern descent in the US, hating them just makes no sense. All these stupid people are doing is aggravating the situation! Someone has to be the bigger person and end the cycle by refusing to stoop down and allow themself to be gotten to. If you think this country is really the greatest, prove it.

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