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John Mayer – Neon Lyrics 19 years ago
this song is simply about a college-aged atlanta (peachtree st reference) party girl who cant be tied down. these kind of girls will drive you nuts if you let them and there are plenty of them in atlanta(i speak from personal experience). she is boy crazy and goes out about 6 nights a week (classes be damned). he wants to tell her to slow down and not to get so fucked up all the time and to just hang out with him everynow and then. he wants to ask her to not get so hammered that she shacks up with a new guy everynight. but the problem is, he cant tell her this stuff because he knows that showing that kind of emotion would run off a girl like this. so he keeps quiet and continues to put up with her shit because he likes her too much and he "would take her any way he (i) can."

John Mayer – Why Georgia Lyrics 19 years ago
okay, since no one has gotten this one right yet, let me do the deed. first of all, "driving down 85" refers to Interstate 85 that runs through Atlanta, Georgia not Athens. Mayer lived in Atlanta for a while and this song is about wondering if he made the right choice moving there. he is feeling homesick and he is experiencing the self-doubt and confusion that most of us mid 20somethings go through. he felt he had to get out of whatever town he is from and for some reason he was drawn to atlanta, ga. thus, "why georiga, why?" this song is about having the balls to say "fuck that, im not going to just move back home after college like everyone else. im going to take a chance and go somewhere new, even if i know no one and its scary as hell." great song; it is the much more introspective version of "wide open spaces" by the dixie chicks.

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