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P.O.D. – Abortion Is Murder Lyrics 19 years ago
you don't need to kill a man to keep him from murder.. it's even cheeper for the goverment to lock the murderers up. And if you lock them up instead and later realizes that the person is innocent you can let the person go. You can't undo the death penalty so why risk to kill an innocent just so you can have you're revenge on the guilty ones?!

"Thou Shalt Not Kill"

Why do you put youre self side by side with God. Let Him be the judge and the punisher He above all "pepole" should be able to punish those who deserves it.

P.O.D. – Abortion Is Murder Lyrics 19 years ago
If you think it's wrong to abort then you should bee a vegetarian aswel... Why?! Because if you think an unintelligent thing as foetus can't be killed then whycan it bee ethicaly correct to kill a pig that is intelligent as a three-year old...

Tarkan – Simarik Lyrics 19 years ago
I have also been to Marmaris and this song was played over and over again.. or at least it felt like it was.. not that I mind because it's a very good song!

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds – Where the Wild Roses Grow (feat. Kylie Minogue) Lyrics 19 years ago
"the wind light as a thief" I think it refers to the fact that a thief has to creep with light steps so he won't get caught, and that day the wind was like that; light...

Furthermore I think this song is very beautiful and a bit sad.

Green Day – Church on Sunday Lyrics 19 years ago
This song is about thir marrige and it's a good song... Almost evry Green Day song I've heard is!! : )

Shirley Bassey – Goldfinger Lyrics 19 years ago
I think it's about a man who likes gold ; P : )

Madonna – Like a Prayer Lyrics 19 years ago
The felling you get from love can feel as powerful as the happines/hope a religious person can experience by his/hers faith in a God.

Madonna – Die Another Day Lyrics 19 years ago
This song is great! Perhaps it's not much meaning with the lyrics but it works anyway!

Shakira – Objection (Tango) Lyrics 19 years ago
Just love this song!

Moneybrother – They're Building Walls Around Us Lyrics 19 years ago
Love this song it just sticks on my mind! :)

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