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Lordi – Blood Red Sandman Lyrics 19 years ago
Chills of fear like a sawblade cutting deep

Ah. I love that.

Nirvana – Dumb Lyrics 19 years ago
I agree. Any rock band that uses Cello is kick ass xD

Out Of Your Mouth – Wank Lyrics 19 years ago

Sparks – Tits Lyrics 19 years ago
lmao. I don't even get the point of the songs. It's just about tits.

Evanescence – My Last Breath Lyrics 19 years ago
This song is beautiful. It's about her dying in her loves arms, and she's telling him she's not scared or afraid of what she has yet to know. I think it's a nice song, I've cried to it a few times (I don't care if you laugh. xD), and it gives a sense of hope...

Kelly Clarkson – Miss Independent Lyrics 19 years ago
The meaning of the song is that some self-centered stuck up snob that made everyone believe she was like, miss anything and everything, and was making it great on her own, fell in love and now she looks like an idiot. That's my view. Personally, I hate the song. Very annoying. I'd rather hear Since You've Been Gone or Breakaway. Only songs I like by her.

Kelly Clarkson – Miss Independent Lyrics 19 years ago
The meaning of the song is that some self-centered stuck up snob that made everyone believe she was like, miss anything and everything, and was making it great on her own, fell in love and now she looks like an idiot. That's my view. Personally, I hate the song. Very annoying. I'd rather hear Since You've Been Gone or Breakaway. Only songs I like by her.

Kelly Clarkson – Since U Been Gone Lyrics 19 years ago
Her voice in this song, ROCKS. Absoultely amazing. I think if you're in doubt about which point of view/kind of feeling she's trying to define, just look at the video. I LOVE the video. Makes me laugh all the time. I love when she snips the spaghetti straps off the dresses xD

Kelly Clarkson – Breakaway Lyrics 19 years ago
This song speaks to me. It's self explanitory, and when I first heard it, I loved it. I'm more into heavier stuff, but like some people said, the song just speaks to you. I can SO relate to it. I want to get the fuck out of where I am now. I think a good song to follow this up with once you've 'broken away' is 'Cruz' by Christina Aguilera xD

Guns N' Roses – Sweet Child O' Mine Lyrics 19 years ago
I don't think the song should be about a girlfriend, but ok, if that's the fact xD To me it's always sounded like it was a father singing to a daughter.

Cannibal Corpse – I Cum Blood Lyrics 19 years ago
Wow. I'm reading the comments on here and the first two pages are VERY interesting. -continues-

It's so much fun to watch people argue over stupid shit and try to look all clever and sharp and they look like imature 8 year olds. Psh. Fuck baseball. This is America's favorite passtime.

Cannibal Corpse – I Cum Blood Lyrics 19 years ago
Oh. My. God. I just pissed myself laughing while I was on the floor gasping for air. I laughed for about 2 minutes straight and I still am. This is the most hilarious thing I've ever heard. All I can say is once you hear the song you'll never get it out of your head. I just downloaded it to hear him singing it and it was even funnier. Oh, My, Good, God.

Ciara – 1, 2 Step Lyrics 19 years ago
I used to think the part that goes "strut my stuff and yes I flaunt it" was actually "strut my stuff and yes I farted".

Oh. My. God. I just pissed myself laughing.

(I'm not fond of the song, but it is a good dance song. Haven't heard it all the way through, it bores me.)

Linkin Park – Breaking The Habit Lyrics 19 years ago
I think it can mean Suicide or Drugs. Depends on how you look at it.

Christina Aguilera – Dirrty (feat. Redman) Lyrics 19 years ago
Adding to the comment made earlier, this came from Stripped. Thats supposedly what she feels, how she is, what her emotions are. I stick with my view that the song is meant for when shes in party mode. But I guess since everyone thinks shes a whore, they only talk about this one song and ignore the others.

Christina Aguilera – Dirrty (feat. Redman) Lyrics 19 years ago
Be true to yourself? She IS true to herself. her little pretty pop-queen image that they gave her did NOT at all suit her. I don't think the song Fighter would have been taken so seriously if she ran around as the Manufactured Pop Princess.

Christina Aguilera – Dirrty (feat. Redman) Lyrics 19 years ago
I think all of you need to stop the fucking arguing and accept the fact that this song came from Stripped. Stripped, as she said, is an album about her, stripped donw to the core, her emotions and her feelings. This is the song for when she's in party mode. I think this is the ULTIMATE party song.

Christina Aguilera – Fighter Lyrics 19 years ago
Oh. Wait. Yeah. Her Father. Sorry xD But no, seriously, I did see her in an interview once and she said the song is dedicated to many people, they know who they are, and also to an old flame that hurt her very badly, and to the one man who she shouldn't have had to write this song about (Now, I realize her father. Or maybe the fact that it's 2 AM and I had to wake up at 6 AM this morning. O_O)

Christina Aguilera – Fighter Lyrics 19 years ago
This song is perfect for anyone who's been through hell and has come back. Or even if you haven't, this song will inspire you to come back. In the song she talks about an old boyfriend, but it can be about anyone. I just can't explain anymore about it, all I know is, once you hear the song, and the way she sings it, you'll understand it far beyond whta you did than just by reading it.

Christina Aguilera – Cruz Lyrics 19 years ago
I agree. I think it's about her leaving her past. Maybe like she just turned 18, and finally came out of her rough childhood, and now she's leaving it all behind. That's my view of the song, especially since her childhood was VERY rough.

Fuel – Shimmer Lyrics 19 years ago
Oh, and not to forget. When he says that 'she says love is for fools who fall behind', I think it's like she's saying it joking around, or at least she thinks, but she says it because she actually can't comit to it. And the part about dreaming champagne dreams, its like, she has all these thoughts, and she tells him all these good things that are gonna happen, but then it all falls apart when she leaves. Like kinda saying "We'll get married... and have kids... and buy a house... and grow old together... and make lots of money... and be happy..." but she only says it so she can get him back.

Fuel – Shimmer Lyrics 19 years ago
I think she's not ready for love, yet she pretends to be, and he finally realizes it's no use, so he might as well let it go, because she'll never be able to get into it. When she comes back to him everytime, it's like a shimmer, like a shine, you know, something you see and you're caught in the moment, and yet it's sure enough to fade away, so in other words, she's gonna keep coming back and then leaving. So might aswell let her go.

Macy Gray – I Try Lyrics 19 years ago
I think she tries to walk away but stumbles because she's too fucking high to walk straight. xDDD Sorry. Had to say that. I find her voice SO annoying O_O

The Cranberries – Zombie Lyrics 19 years ago
OK...let me know what y'all think of this. When I first heard the song..and until now..i always thought the song was about abuse. I thought of it like this: the singer is talking to another person (who was possibly abused as a child)... when she is like "it's not me, it's not my family..." I kind of got that impression. Then she keeps saying how the war is still going on "in your head"....and keeps referring to the mother's breaking heart. and saying we "must be mistaking"-- as in..this seemingly perfect family is actually quite messed up. The person the singer is talking to has never fully gotten over the "war" and fighting he grew up with -- it's still in his head. I saw the bombs and tanks and guns to be taken symbolically-- not literally. does anyone else see how I saw it this way? or am i just wayyy off. i'm quite an abstract thinker, i guess. haha.

I can VERY much see where this is coming from. I think you inerpreted the song in a very unique way. Everyone has the right to their own opinion, and I think this site is more to discuss what the song means to you, not only what the artists who sing it say it means, as everyone can see it differently.

The Cranberries – Zombie Lyrics 19 years ago
This song is powerful and draws respect and opens the eyes of people. Her voice in the song adds to that, sounding so angry and so powerful yet when she talks about the innocent things she tones down. The point of the song is about the evils of war, and trying to open peoples eyes. I think that when she says Zombie, she means zombie, as in a mindless zombie with only one goal: War and destruction.

Toni Braxton – Un-Break My Heart Lyrics 19 years ago
I don't find it depressing. I think it's a great song, and her voice is just... AMAZING. No other word for it. This song also lets her sing highs and deep lows, so it shows off her voice perfectly. The meaning is obvious. xD

Toni Braxton – He Wasn't Man Enough Lyrics 19 years ago
"Interesting story. Try writing a novel."


I like this song for the tune and stuff. The meaning is obvious. But the song AND the meaning are... o_O;

Journey – Open Arms Lyrics 19 years ago
This is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard. -Mega Huge Journey Fan- Oh, and the way he says the word 'share' is so nice. I think this song is self-explanitory, they sailed together and drifted apart, and here she is by his side, and so now he's welcoming her back with open arms. So simple, yet such an amazing song, and the simplicity of it and nt have to dig for a hidden meaning makes it even more beautiful. I think this is the ultimate song for after you've broken up and gotten back together.

Shawn Colvin – Sunny Came Home Lyrics 19 years ago
Oh, and when she says "light a match, go on and do it", she means to take a risk, to go for something. And even though the word fire is mentioned a lot, you can't think of it as literal. Always look for hidden meanings!

Shawn Colvin – Sunny Came Home Lyrics 19 years ago
Actually, I am going to explain.

"Days go by I don't know why, I'm walking on a wire" is about life in general. Obvously Sunny is single, and my mental picture is of a young girl in her twenties in a small house all alone, and she doesn't know where her life is going. The rest of the song is mostly about how she's getting used to it. When she says "Oh light the sky and hold on tight, the world is burning down. She's out there on her own and she's alright." Means that even if there's a lot of things happening to her, she's accepting and getting used to them. I don't mean to leave out most of the song, but I'm not going to to go into detail because I find it VERY hard to explain.

Shawn Colvin – Sunny Came Home Lyrics 19 years ago
Oh. My. God. Fire? Killing People? You people are BAD. But funny. I just pissed myself laughing. Sorry. The song has a totally different meaning for me. I'm not sure it it's right. But it's what it means to me. (I also like the song because it reminds me of a good past that I had) I'm not gonna bother to explain it, since I really can't, and I'll probably look like a huge idiot for trying to. So I'll just sit here and read everyone elses comments xD

Nirvana – You Know You're Right Lyrics 19 years ago
I've decided to post this on most of the Nirvana song's pages. I've read most of the posts regarding the songs and stuff. I think everyone should stop arguing about the meanings and telling others to "Fuck Off and Die and Burn In Hell" and just post what you think the song means. Kurt Cobain said to not over analyze his songs, and most of you are. Some songs are meant to be analyzed and studied, but not all. To me, many songs mean many things. For example, 'Heart-Shaped Box', 'Rape Me', 'Dumb', and 'Pennyroyal Tea' all have multiple meanings for me. I think Kurt either wrote about things that were happening at the time, things he was remembering, or he took older songs and added to them since new things had happened. Or maybe I'm wrong. That's just a theory. I have many others, but I'm not going to waste my time explaining them because for all I know he just wrote whatever came to him. I just think Nirvana was THE Ultimate band and revolutionized music. 'Rape Me' is my favorite song by them. It means so many things to me, and not just sexual rape. I think you should all stop this fighting shit and get over it. Different people have different views, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but fighting about it is stupid and an insult to the music. Some of you all yourself 'hard-core' Nirvana fans and say you worship him and love him and would die to bring him back. If you WERE worshipping him, you'd stop all this pointless fighting because he wouldn't have liked it and you'd look like an idiot if the person you thought was God would call you a dumbass or something. And people are bringing up whether Kurt loved Courtney and whether he was murdered or not. That has nothing to do with this. And no one should opinionate whether he loved her or not, because even though it looked one way, it might have been another. And stop commenting on his suicide/murder/death if you just hear it and believe it. I've spent about 7 hours reading about his death, and have come to my own conclusion, and I'm not going to post it because it's a self-contradiction. But even if someone spent a HUNDRED hours reading about it, they wouldn't know if he loved her. Only he did, and he's dead. Now, if you maybe WANT to get your facts straight, go to or, because it's pretty interesting, and if you're such a 'hard-core', you'd read about it. And saying All Apologies was placed last on the album because it was his farewell to the world without any proof is unbelievable. For all you know, he was murdered, and that's an insult to his memory. Some 'hard-core' fan you are, eh? Don't opinionate without knowing the facts, and don't start arguments over something so meaningless. If you listen to Nirvana, do it because you like the songs, do it because they mean something to you, do it for the music, but don't argue over what the lyrics mean. I belive Kurt once said the lyrics were the least important things in his songs. To me they're the most important, but for the 'hard-core's they shouldn't mean anything, since they worship the ground he spat on. I don't mean to sound like some Nirvana-wannabe-know-it-all, I've only been into the band for about a year, and I've just started getting into the era of when they were together and reading about his death, the bands success, and after his death, but from what I feel, this needs to stop. It's disgusting. Don't put others down over something like this. It's an insult to everyone who reads the posts, to everyone who listens to Nirvana, and to Kurt Cobain.

If you wanna go ahead and bash me and argue about this, go ahead. My AIM is in my profile. But if you're just going to say "BURN IN HEL U LUSUR" or something retarded like that or even worse, don't bother. I'll just ignore it. But I will talk to people who have common sense, and ignore some little 12 year old who doesn't know what the bloody fuck they're talking about and want to look cool in front of the older people.

-In Memoria of Kurt Cobain-

Nirvana – The Man Who Sold the World (David Bowie cover) Lyrics 19 years ago
I've decided to post this on most of the Nirvana song's pages. I've read most of the posts regarding the songs and stuff. I think everyone should stop arguing about the meanings and telling others to "Fuck Off and Die and Burn In Hell" and just post what you think the song means. Kurt Cobain said to not over analyze his songs, and most of you are. Some songs are meant to be analyzed and studied, but not all. To me, many songs mean many things. For example, 'Heart-Shaped Box', 'Rape Me', 'Dumb', and 'Pennyroyal Tea' all have multiple meanings for me. I think Kurt either wrote about things that were happening at the time, things he was remembering, or he took older songs and added to them since new things had happened. Or maybe I'm wrong. That's just a theory. I have many others, but I'm not going to waste my time explaining them because for all I know he just wrote whatever came to him. I just think Nirvana was THE Ultimate band and revolutionized music. 'Rape Me' is my favorite song by them. It means so many things to me, and not just sexual rape. I think you should all stop this fighting shit and get over it. Different people have different views, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but fighting about it is stupid and an insult to the music. Some of you all yourself 'hard-core' Nirvana fans and say you worship him and love him and would die to bring him back. If you WERE worshipping him, you'd stop all this pointless fighting because he wouldn't have liked it and you'd look like an idiot if the person you thought was God would call you a dumbass or something. And people are bringing up whether Kurt loved Courtney and whether he was murdered or not. That has nothing to do with this. And no one should opinionate whether he loved her or not, because even though it looked one way, it might have been another. And stop commenting on his suicide/murder/death if you just hear it and believe it. I've spent about 7 hours reading about his death, and have come to my own conclusion, and I'm not going to post it because it's a self-contradiction. But even if someone spent a HUNDRED hours reading about it, they wouldn't know if he loved her. Only he did, and he's dead. Now, if you maybe WANT to get your facts straight, go to or, because it's pretty interesting, and if you're such a 'hard-core', you'd read about it. And saying All Apologies was placed last on the album because it was his farewell to the world without any proof is unbelievable. For all you know, he was murdered, and that's an insult to his memory. Some 'hard-core' fan you are, eh? Don't opinionate without knowing the facts, and don't start arguments over something so meaningless. If you listen to Nirvana, do it because you like the songs, do it because they mean something to you, do it for the music, but don't argue over what the lyrics mean. I belive Kurt once said the lyrics were the least important things in his songs. To me they're the most important, but for the 'hard-core's they shouldn't mean anything, since they worship the ground he spat on. I don't mean to sound like some Nirvana-wannabe-know-it-all, I've only been into the band for about a year, and I've just started getting into the era of when they were together and reading about his death, the bands success, and after his death, but from what I feel, this needs to stop. It's disgusting. Don't put others down over something like this. It's an insult to everyone who reads the posts, to everyone who listens to Nirvana, and to Kurt Cobain.

If you wanna go ahead and bash me and argue about this, go ahead. My AIM is in my profile. But if you're just going to say "BURN IN HEL U LUSUR" or something retarded like that or even worse, don't bother. I'll just ignore it. But I will talk to people who have common sense, and ignore some little 12 year old who doesn't know what the bloody fuck they're talking about and want to look cool in front of the older people.

-In Memoria of Kurt Cobain-

Nirvana – Rape Me Lyrics 19 years ago
I've decided to post this on most of the Nirvana song's pages. I've read most of the posts regarding the songs and stuff. I think everyone should stop arguing about the meanings and telling others to "Fuck Off and Die and Burn In Hell" and just post what you think the song means. Kurt Cobain said to not over analyze his songs, and most of you are. Some songs are meant to be analyzed and studied, but not all. To me, many songs mean many things. For example, 'Heart-Shaped Box', 'Rape Me', 'Dumb', and 'Pennyroyal Tea' all have multiple meanings for me. I think Kurt either wrote about things that were happening at the time, things he was remembering, or he took older songs and added to them since new things had happened. Or maybe I'm wrong. That's just a theory. I have many others, but I'm not going to waste my time explaining them because for all I know he just wrote whatever came to him. I just think Nirvana was THE Ultimate band and revolutionized music. 'Rape Me' is my favorite song by them. It means so many things to me, and not just sexual rape. I think you should all stop this fighting shit and get over it. Different people have different views, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but fighting about it is stupid and an insult to the music. Some of you all yourself 'hard-core' Nirvana fans and say you worship him and love him and would die to bring him back. If you WERE worshipping him, you'd stop all this pointless fighting because he wouldn't have liked it and you'd look like an idiot if the person you thought was God would call you a dumbass or something. And people are bringing up whether Kurt loved Courtney and whether he was murdered or not. That has nothing to do with this. And no one should opinionate whether he loved her or not, because even though it looked one way, it might have been another. And stop commenting on his suicide/murder/death if you just hear it and believe it. I've spent about 7 hours reading about his death, and have come to my own conclusion, and I'm not going to post it because it's a self-contradiction. But even if someone spent a HUNDRED hours reading about it, they wouldn't know if he loved her. Only he did, and he's dead. Now, if you maybe WANT to get your facts straight, go to or, because it's pretty interesting, and if you're such a 'hard-core', you'd read about it. And saying All Apologies was placed last on the album because it was his farewell to the world without any proof is unbelievable. For all you know, he was murdered, and that's an insult to his memory. Some 'hard-core' fan you are, eh? Don't opinionate without knowing the facts, and don't start arguments over something so meaningless. If you listen to Nirvana, do it because you like the songs, do it because they mean something to you, do it for the music, but don't argue over what the lyrics mean. I belive Kurt once said the lyrics were the least important things in his songs. To me they're the most important, but for the 'hard-core's they shouldn't mean anything, since they worship the ground he spat on. I don't mean to sound like some Nirvana-wannabe-know-it-all, I've only been into the band for about a year, and I've just started getting into the era of when they were together and reading about his death, the bands success, and after his death, but from what I feel, this needs to stop. It's disgusting. Don't put others down over something like this. It's an insult to everyone who reads the posts, to everyone who listens to Nirvana, and to Kurt Cobain.

If you wanna go ahead and bash me and argue about this, go ahead. My AIM is in my profile. But if you're just going to say "BURN IN HEL U LUSUR" or something retarded like that or even worse, don't bother. I'll just ignore it. But I will talk to people who have common sense, and ignore some little 12 year old who doesn't know what the bloody fuck they're talking about and want to look cool in front of the older people.

-In Memoria of Kurt Cobain-

Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit Lyrics 19 years ago
I've decided to post this on most of the Nirvana song's pages. I've read most of the posts regarding the songs and stuff. I think everyone should stop arguing about the meanings and telling others to "Fuck Off and Die and Burn In Hell" and just post what you think the song means. Kurt Cobain said to not over analyze his songs, and most of you are. Some songs are meant to be analyzed and studied, but not all. To me, many songs mean many things. For example, 'Heart-Shaped Box', 'Rape Me', 'Dumb', and 'Pennyroyal Tea' all have multiple meanings for me. I think Kurt either wrote about things that were happening at the time, things he was remembering, or he took older songs and added to them since new things had happened. Or maybe I'm wrong. That's just a theory. I have many others, but I'm not going to waste my time explaining them because for all I know he just wrote whatever came to him. I just think Nirvana was THE Ultimate band and revolutionized music. 'Rape Me' is my favorite song by them. It means so many things to me, and not just sexual rape. I think you should all stop this fighting shit and get over it. Different people have different views, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but fighting about it is stupid and an insult to the music. Some of you all yourself 'hard-core' Nirvana fans and say you worship him and love him and would die to bring him back. If you WERE worshipping him, you'd stop all this pointless fighting because he wouldn't have liked it and you'd look like an idiot if the person you thought was God would call you a dumbass or something. And people are bringing up whether Kurt loved Courtney and whether he was murdered or not. That has nothing to do with this. And no one should opinionate whether he loved her or not, because even though it looked one way, it might have been another. And stop commenting on his suicide/murder/death if you just hear it and believe it. I've spent about 7 hours reading about his death, and have come to my own conclusion, and I'm not going to post it because it's a self-contradiction. But even if someone spent a HUNDRED hours reading about it, they wouldn't know if he loved her. Only he did, and he's dead. Now, if you maybe WANT to get your facts straight, go to or, because it's pretty interesting, and if you're such a 'hard-core', you'd read about it. And saying All Apologies was placed last on the album because it was his farewell to the world without any proof is unbelievable. For all you know, he was murdered, and that's an insult to his memory. Some 'hard-core' fan you are, eh? Don't opinionate without knowing the facts, and don't start arguments over something so meaningless. If you listen to Nirvana, do it because you like the songs, do it because they mean something to you, do it for the music, but don't argue over what the lyrics mean. I belive Kurt once said the lyrics were the least important things in his songs. To me they're the most important, but for the 'hard-core's they shouldn't mean anything, since they worship the ground he spat on. I don't mean to sound like some Nirvana-wannabe-know-it-all, I've only been into the band for about a year, and I've just started getting into the era of when they were together and reading about his death, the bands success, and after his death, but from what I feel, this needs to stop. It's disgusting. Don't put others down over something like this. It's an insult to everyone who reads the posts, to everyone who listens to Nirvana, and to Kurt Cobain.

If you wanna go ahead and bash me and argue about this, go ahead. My AIM is in my profile. But if you're just going to say "BURN IN HEL U LUSUR" or something retarded like that or even worse, don't bother. I'll just ignore it. But I will talk to people who have common sense, and ignore some little 12 year old who doesn't know what the bloody fuck they're talking about and want to look cool in front of the older people.

-In Memoria of Kurt Cobain-

Nirvana – Pennyroyal Tea Lyrics 19 years ago
I've decided to post this on most of the Nirvana song's pages. I've read most of the posts regarding the songs and stuff. I think everyone should stop arguing about the meanings and telling others to "Fuck Off and Die and Burn In Hell" and just post what you think the song means. Kurt Cobain said to not over analyze his songs, and most of you are. Some songs are meant to be analyzed and studied, but not all. To me, many songs mean many things. For example, 'Heart-Shaped Box', 'Rape Me', 'Dumb', and 'Pennyroyal Tea' all have multiple meanings for me. I think Kurt either wrote about things that were happening at the time, things he was remembering, or he took older songs and added to them since new things had happened. Or maybe I'm wrong. That's just a theory. I have many others, but I'm not going to waste my time explaining them because for all I know he just wrote whatever came to him. I just think Nirvana was THE Ultimate band and revolutionized music. 'Rape Me' is my favorite song by them. It means so many things to me, and not just sexual rape. I think you should all stop this fighting shit and get over it. Different people have different views, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but fighting about it is stupid and an insult to the music. Some of you all yourself 'hard-core' Nirvana fans and say you worship him and love him and would die to bring him back. If you WERE worshipping him, you'd stop all this pointless fighting because he wouldn't have liked it and you'd look like an idiot if the person you thought was God would call you a dumbass or something. And people are bringing up whether Kurt loved Courtney and whether he was murdered or not. That has nothing to do with this. And no one should opinionate whether he loved her or not, because even though it looked one way, it might have been another. And stop commenting on his suicide/murder/death if you just hear it and believe it. I've spent about 7 hours reading about his death, and have come to my own conclusion, and I'm not going to post it because it's a self-contradiction. But even if someone spent a HUNDRED hours reading about it, they wouldn't know if he loved her. Only he did, and he's dead. Now, if you maybe WANT to get your facts straight, go to or, because it's pretty interesting, and if you're such a 'hard-core', you'd read about it. And saying All Apologies was placed last on the album because it was his farewell to the world without any proof is unbelievable. For all you know, he was murdered, and that's an insult to his memory. Some 'hard-core' fan you are, eh? Don't opinionate without knowing the facts, and don't start arguments over something so meaningless. If you listen to Nirvana, do it because you like the songs, do it because they mean something to you, do it for the music, but don't argue over what the lyrics mean. I belive Kurt once said the lyrics were the least important things in his songs. To me they're the most important, but for the 'hard-core's they shouldn't mean anything, since they worship the ground he spat on. I don't mean to sound like some Nirvana-wannabe-know-it-all, I've only been into the band for about a year, and I've just started getting into the era of when they were together and reading about his death, the bands success, and after his death, but from what I feel, this needs to stop. It's disgusting. Don't put others down over something like this. It's an insult to everyone who reads the posts, to everyone who listens to Nirvana, and to Kurt Cobain.

If you wanna go ahead and bash me and argue about this, go ahead. My AIM is in my profile. But if you're just going to say "BURN IN HEL U LUSUR" or something retarded like that or even worse, don't bother. I'll just ignore it. But I will talk to people who have common sense, and ignore some little 12 year old who doesn't know what the bloody fuck they're talking about and want to look cool in front of the older people.

-In Memoria of Kurt Cobain-

Nirvana – Lithium Lyrics 19 years ago
I've decided to post this on most of the Nirvana song's pages. I've read most of the posts regarding the songs and stuff. I think everyone should stop arguing about the meanings and telling others to "Fuck Off and Die and Burn In Hell" and just post what you think the song means. Kurt Cobain said to not over analyze his songs, and most of you are. Some songs are meant to be analyzed and studied, but not all. To me, many songs mean many things. For example, 'Heart-Shaped Box', 'Rape Me', 'Dumb', and 'Pennyroyal Tea' all have multiple meanings for me. I think Kurt either wrote about things that were happening at the time, things he was remembering, or he took older songs and added to them since new things had happened. Or maybe I'm wrong. That's just a theory. I have many others, but I'm not going to waste my time explaining them because for all I know he just wrote whatever came to him. I just think Nirvana was THE Ultimate band and revolutionized music. 'Rape Me' is my favorite song by them. It means so many things to me, and not just sexual rape. I think you should all stop this fighting shit and get over it. Different people have different views, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but fighting about it is stupid and an insult to the music. Some of you all yourself 'hard-core' Nirvana fans and say you worship him and love him and would die to bring him back. If you WERE worshipping him, you'd stop all this pointless fighting because he wouldn't have liked it and you'd look like an idiot if the person you thought was God would call you a dumbass or something. And people are bringing up whether Kurt loved Courtney and whether he was murdered or not. That has nothing to do with this. And no one should opinionate whether he loved her or not, because even though it looked one way, it might have been another. And stop commenting on his suicide/murder/death if you just hear it and believe it. I've spent about 7 hours reading about his death, and have come to my own conclusion, and I'm not going to post it because it's a self-contradiction. But even if someone spent a HUNDRED hours reading about it, they wouldn't know if he loved her. Only he did, and he's dead. Now, if you maybe WANT to get your facts straight, go to or, because it's pretty interesting, and if you're such a 'hard-core', you'd read about it. And saying All Apologies was placed last on the album because it was his farewell to the world without any proof is unbelievable. For all you know, he was murdered, and that's an insult to his memory. Some 'hard-core' fan you are, eh? Don't opinionate without knowing the facts, and don't start arguments over something so meaningless. If you listen to Nirvana, do it because you like the songs, do it because they mean something to you, do it for the music, but don't argue over what the lyrics mean. I belive Kurt once said the lyrics were the least important things in his songs. To me they're the most important, but for the 'hard-core's they shouldn't mean anything, since they worship the ground he spat on. I don't mean to sound like some Nirvana-wannabe-know-it-all, I've only been into the band for about a year, and I've just started getting into the era of when they were together and reading about his death, the bands success, and after his death, but from what I feel, this needs to stop. It's disgusting. Don't put others down over something like this. It's an insult to everyone who reads the posts, to everyone who listens to Nirvana, and to Kurt Cobain.

If you wanna go ahead and bash me and argue about this, go ahead. My AIM is in my profile. But if you're just going to say "BURN IN HEL U LUSUR" or something retarded like that or even worse, don't bother. I'll just ignore it. But I will talk to people who have common sense, and ignore some little 12 year old who doesn't know what the bloody fuck they're talking about and want to look cool in front of the older people.

-In Memoria of Kurt Cobain-

Nirvana – In Bloom Lyrics 19 years ago
I've decided to post this on most of the Nirvana song's pages. I've read most of the posts regarding the songs and stuff. I think everyone should stop arguing about the meanings and telling others to "Fuck Off and Die and Burn In Hell" and just post what you think the song means. Kurt Cobain said to not over analyze his songs, and most of you are. Some songs are meant to be analyzed and studied, but not all. To me, many songs mean many things. For example, 'Heart-Shaped Box', 'Rape Me', 'Dumb', and 'Pennyroyal Tea' all have multiple meanings for me. I think Kurt either wrote about things that were happening at the time, things he was remembering, or he took older songs and added to them since new things had happened. Or maybe I'm wrong. That's just a theory. I have many others, but I'm not going to waste my time explaining them because for all I know he just wrote whatever came to him. I just think Nirvana was THE Ultimate band and revolutionized music. 'Rape Me' is my favorite song by them. It means so many things to me, and not just sexual rape. I think you should all stop this fighting shit and get over it. Different people have different views, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but fighting about it is stupid and an insult to the music. Some of you all yourself 'hard-core' Nirvana fans and say you worship him and love him and would die to bring him back. If you WERE worshipping him, you'd stop all this pointless fighting because he wouldn't have liked it and you'd look like an idiot if the person you thought was God would call you a dumbass or something. And people are bringing up whether Kurt loved Courtney and whether he was murdered or not. That has nothing to do with this. And no one should opinionate whether he loved her or not, because even though it looked one way, it might have been another. And stop commenting on his suicide/murder/death if you just hear it and believe it. I've spent about 7 hours reading about his death, and have come to my own conclusion, and I'm not going to post it because it's a self-contradiction. But even if someone spent a HUNDRED hours reading about it, they wouldn't know if he loved her. Only he did, and he's dead. Now, if you maybe WANT to get your facts straight, go to or, because it's pretty interesting, and if you're such a 'hard-core', you'd read about it. And saying All Apologies was placed last on the album because it was his farewell to the world without any proof is unbelievable. For all you know, he was murdered, and that's an insult to his memory. Some 'hard-core' fan you are, eh? Don't opinionate without knowing the facts, and don't start arguments over something so meaningless. If you listen to Nirvana, do it because you like the songs, do it because they mean something to you, do it for the music, but don't argue over what the lyrics mean. I belive Kurt once said the lyrics were the least important things in his songs. To me they're the most important, but for the 'hard-core's they shouldn't mean anything, since they worship the ground he spat on. I don't mean to sound like some Nirvana-wannabe-know-it-all, I've only been into the band for about a year, and I've just started getting into the era of when they were together and reading about his death, the bands success, and after his death, but from what I feel, this needs to stop. It's disgusting. Don't put others down over something like this. It's an insult to everyone who reads the posts, to everyone who listens to Nirvana, and to Kurt Cobain.

If you wanna go ahead and bash me and argue about this, go ahead. My AIM is in my profile. But if you're just going to say "BURN IN HEL U LUSUR" or something retarded like that or even worse, don't bother. I'll just ignore it. But I will talk to people who have common sense, and ignore some little 12 year old who doesn't know what the bloody fuck they're talking about and want to look cool in front of the older people.

-In Memoria of Kurt Cobain-

Nirvana – I Hate Myself and Want to Die Lyrics 19 years ago
I've decided to post this on most of the Nirvana song's pages. I've read most of the posts regarding the songs and stuff. I think everyone should stop arguing about the meanings and telling others to "Fuck Off and Die and Burn In Hell" and just post what you think the song means. Kurt Cobain said to not over analyze his songs, and most of you are. Some songs are meant to be analyzed and studied, but not all. To me, many songs mean many things. For example, 'Heart-Shaped Box', 'Rape Me', 'Dumb', and 'Pennyroyal Tea' all have multiple meanings for me. I think Kurt either wrote about things that were happening at the time, things he was remembering, or he took older songs and added to them since new things had happened. Or maybe I'm wrong. That's just a theory. I have many others, but I'm not going to waste my time explaining them because for all I know he just wrote whatever came to him. I just think Nirvana was THE Ultimate band and revolutionized music. 'Rape Me' is my favorite song by them. It means so many things to me, and not just sexual rape. I think you should all stop this fighting shit and get over it. Different people have different views, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but fighting about it is stupid and an insult to the music. Some of you all yourself 'hard-core' Nirvana fans and say you worship him and love him and would die to bring him back. If you WERE worshipping him, you'd stop all this pointless fighting because he wouldn't have liked it and you'd look like an idiot if the person you thought was God would call you a dumbass or something. And people are bringing up whether Kurt loved Courtney and whether he was murdered or not. That has nothing to do with this. And no one should opinionate whether he loved her or not, because even though it looked one way, it might have been another. And stop commenting on his suicide/murder/death if you just hear it and believe it. I've spent about 7 hours reading about his death, and have come to my own conclusion, and I'm not going to post it because it's a self-contradiction. But even if someone spent a HUNDRED hours reading about it, they wouldn't know if he loved her. Only he did, and he's dead. Now, if you maybe WANT to get your facts straight, go to or, because it's pretty interesting, and if you're such a 'hard-core', you'd read about it. And saying All Apologies was placed last on the album because it was his farewell to the world without any proof is unbelievable. For all you know, he was murdered, and that's an insult to his memory. Some 'hard-core' fan you are, eh? Don't opinionate without knowing the facts, and don't start arguments over something so meaningless. If you listen to Nirvana, do it because you like the songs, do it because they mean something to you, do it for the music, but don't argue over what the lyrics mean. I belive Kurt once said the lyrics were the least important things in his songs. To me they're the most important, but for the 'hard-core's they shouldn't mean anything, since they worship the ground he spat on. I don't mean to sound like some Nirvana-wannabe-know-it-all, I've only been into the band for about a year, and I've just started getting into the era of when they were together and reading about his death, the bands success, and after his death, but from what I feel, this needs to stop. It's disgusting. Don't put others down over something like this. It's an insult to everyone who reads the posts, to everyone who listens to Nirvana, and to Kurt Cobain.

If you wanna go ahead and bash me and argue about this, go ahead. My AIM is in my profile. But if you're just going to say "BURN IN HEL U LUSUR" or something retarded like that or even worse, don't bother. I'll just ignore it. But I will talk to people who have common sense, and ignore some little 12 year old who doesn't know what the bloody fuck they're talking about and want to look cool in front of the older people.

-In Memoria of Kurt Cobain-

Nirvana – You Know You're Right Lyrics 19 years ago
I've decided to post this on most of the Nirvana song's pages. I've read most of the posts regarding the songs and stuff. I think everyone should stop arguing about the meanings and telling others to "Fuck Off and Die and Burn In Hell" and just post what you think the song means. Kurt Cobain said to not over analyze his songs, and most of you are. Some songs are meant to be analyzed and studied, but not all. To me, many songs mean many things. For example, 'Heart-Shaped Box', 'Rape Me', 'Dumb', and 'Pennyroyal Tea' all have multiple meanings for me. I think Kurt either wrote about things that were happening at the time, things he was remembering, or he took older songs and added to them since new things had happened. Or maybe I'm wrong. That's just a theory. I have many others, but I'm not going to waste my time explaining them because for all I know he just wrote whatever came to him. I just think Nirvana was THE Ultimate band and revolutionized music. 'Rape Me' is my favorite song by them. It means so many things to me, and not just sexual rape. I think you should all stop this fighting shit and get over it. Different people have different views, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but fighting about it is stupid and an insult to the music. Some of you all yourself 'hard-core' Nirvana fans and say you worship him and love him and would die to bring him back. If you WERE worshipping him, you'd stop all this pointless fighting because he wouldn't have liked it and you'd look like an idiot if the person you thought was God would call you a dumbass or something. And people are bringing up whether Kurt loved Courtney and whether he was murdered or not. That has nothing to do with this. And no one should opinionate whether he loved her or not, because even though it looked one way, it might have been another. And stop commenting on his suicide/murder/death if you just hear it and believe it. I've spent about 7 hours reading about his death, and have come to my own conclusion, and I'm not going to post it because it's a self-contradiction. But even if someone spent a HUNDRED hours reading about it, they wouldn't know if he loved her. Only he did, and he's dead. Now, if you maybe WANT to get your facts straight, go to or, because it's pretty interesting, and if you're such a 'hard-core', you'd read about it. And saying All Apologies was placed last on the album because it was his farewell to the world without any proof is unbelievable. For all you know, he was murdered, and that's an insult to his memory. Some 'hard-core' fan you are, eh? Don't opinionate without knowing the facts, and don't start arguments over something so meaningless. If you listen to Nirvana, do it because you like the songs, do it because they mean something to you, do it for the music, but don't argue over what the lyrics mean. I belive Kurt once said the lyrics were the least important things in his songs. To me they're the most important, but for the 'hard-core's they shouldn't mean anything, since they worship the ground he spat on. I don't mean to sound like some Nirvana-wannabe-know-it-all, I've only been into the band for about a year, and I've just started getting into the era of when they were together and reading about his death, the bands success, and after his death, but from what I feel, this needs to stop. It's disgusting. Don't put others down over something like this. It's an insult to everyone who reads the posts, to everyone who listens to Nirvana, and to Kurt Cobain.

If you wanna go ahead and bash me and argue about this, go ahead. My AIM is in my profile. But if you're just going to say "BURN IN HEL U LUSUR" or something retarded like that or even worse, don't bother. I'll just ignore it. But I will talk to people who have common sense, and ignore some little 12 year old who doesn't know what the bloody fuck they're talking about and want to look cool in front of the older people.

-In Memoria of Kurt Cobain-

Nirvana – Moist Vagina Lyrics 19 years ago
I've decided to post this on most of the Nirvana song's pages. I've read most of the posts regarding the songs and stuff. I think everyone should stop arguing about the meanings and telling others to "Fuck Off and Die and Burn In Hell" and just post what you think the song means. Kurt Cobain said to not over analyze his songs, and most of you are. Some songs are meant to be analyzed and studied, but not all. To me, many songs mean many things. For example, 'Heart-Shaped Box', 'Rape Me', 'Dumb', and 'Pennyroyal Tea' all have multiple meanings for me. I think Kurt either wrote about things that were happening at the time, things he was remembering, or he took older songs and added to them since new things had happened. Or maybe I'm wrong. That's just a theory. I have many others, but I'm not going to waste my time explaining them because for all I know he just wrote whatever came to him. I just think Nirvana was THE Ultimate band and revolutionized music. 'Rape Me' is my favorite song by them. It means so many things to me, and not just sexual rape. I think you should all stop this fighting shit and get over it. Different people have different views, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but fighting about it is stupid and an insult to the music. Some of you all yourself 'hard-core' Nirvana fans and say you worship him and love him and would die to bring him back. If you WERE worshipping him, you'd stop all this pointless fighting because he wouldn't have liked it and you'd look like an idiot if the person you thought was God would call you a dumbass or something. And people are bringing up whether Kurt loved Courtney and whether he was murdered or not. That has nothing to do with this. And no one should opinionate whether he loved her or not, because even though it looked one way, it might have been another. And stop commenting on his suicide/murder/death if you just hear it and believe it. I've spent about 7 hours reading about his death, and have come to my own conclusion, and I'm not going to post it because it's a self-contradiction. But even if someone spent a HUNDRED hours reading about it, they wouldn't know if he loved her. Only he did, and he's dead. Now, if you maybe WANT to get your facts straight, go to or, because it's pretty interesting, and if you're such a 'hard-core', you'd read about it. And saying All Apologies was placed last on the album because it was his farewell to the world without any proof is unbelievable. For all you know, he was murdered, and that's an insult to his memory. Some 'hard-core' fan you are, eh? Don't opinionate without knowing the facts, and don't start arguments over something so meaningless. If you listen to Nirvana, do it because you like the songs, do it because they mean something to you, do it for the music, but don't argue over what the lyrics mean. I belive Kurt once said the lyrics were the least important things in his songs. To me they're the most important, but for the 'hard-core's they shouldn't mean anything, since they worship the ground he spat on. I don't mean to sound like some Nirvana-wannabe-know-it-all, I've only been into the band for about a year, and I've just started getting into the era of when they were together and reading about his death, the bands success, and after his death, but from what I feel, this needs to stop. It's disgusting. Don't put others down over something like this. It's an insult to everyone who reads the posts, to everyone who listens to Nirvana, and to Kurt Cobain.

If you wanna go ahead and bash me and argue about this, go ahead. My AIM is in my profile. But if you're just going to say "BURN IN HEL U LUSUR" or something retarded like that or even worse, don't bother. I'll just ignore it. But I will talk to people who have common sense, and ignore some little 12 year old who doesn't know what the bloody fuck they're talking about and want to look cool in front of the older people.

-In Memoria of Kurt Cobain-

Nirvana – Heart-Shaped Box Lyrics 19 years ago
I've decided to post this on most of the Nirvana song's pages. I've read most of the posts regarding the songs and stuff. I think everyone should stop arguing about the meanings and telling others to "Fuck Off and Die and Burn In Hell" and just post what you think the song means. Kurt Cobain said to not over analyze his songs, and most of you are. Some songs are meant to be analyzed and studied, but not all. To me, many songs mean many things. For example, 'Heart-Shaped Box', 'Rape Me', 'Dumb', and 'Pennyroyal Tea' all have multiple meanings for me. I think Kurt either wrote about things that were happening at the time, things he was remembering, or he took older songs and added to them since new things had happened. Or maybe I'm wrong. That's just a theory. I have many others, but I'm not going to waste my time explaining them because for all I know he just wrote whatever came to him. I just think Nirvana was THE Ultimate band and revolutionized music. 'Rape Me' is my favorite song by them. It means so many things to me, and not just sexual rape. I think you should all stop this fighting shit and get over it. Different people have different views, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but fighting about it is stupid and an insult to the music. Some of you all yourself 'hard-core' Nirvana fans and say you worship him and love him and would die to bring him back. If you WERE worshipping him, you'd stop all this pointless fighting because he wouldn't have liked it and you'd look like an idiot if the person you thought was God would call you a dumbass or something. And people are bringing up whether Kurt loved Courtney and whether he was murdered or not. That has nothing to do with this. And no one should opinionate whether he loved her or not, because even though it looked one way, it might have been another. And stop commenting on his suicide/murder/death if you just hear it and believe it. I've spent about 7 hours reading about his death, and have come to my own conclusion, and I'm not going to post it because it's a self-contradiction. But even if someone spent a HUNDRED hours reading about it, they wouldn't know if he loved her. Only he did, and he's dead. Now, if you maybe WANT to get your facts straight, go to or, because it's pretty interesting, and if you're such a 'hard-core', you'd read about it. And saying All Apologies was placed last on the album because it was his farewell to the world without any proof is unbelievable. For all you know, he was murdered, and that's an insult to his memory. Some 'hard-core' fan you are, eh? Don't opinionate without knowing the facts, and don't start arguments over something so meaningless. If you listen to Nirvana, do it because you like the songs, do it because they mean something to you, do it for the music, but don't argue over what the lyrics mean. I belive Kurt once said the lyrics were the least important things in his songs. To me they're the most important, but for the 'hard-core's they shouldn't mean anything, since they worship the ground he spat on. I don't mean to sound like some Nirvana-wannabe-know-it-all, I've only been into the band for about a year, and I've just started getting into the era of when they were together and reading about his death, the bands success, and after his death, but from what I feel, this needs to stop. It's disgusting. Don't put others down over something like this. It's an insult to everyone who reads the posts, to everyone who listens to Nirvana, and to Kurt Cobain.

If you wanna go ahead and bash me and argue about this, go ahead. My AIM is in my profile. But if you're just going to say "BURN IN HEL U LUSUR" or something retarded like that or even worse, don't bother. I'll just ignore it. But I will talk to people who have common sense, and ignore some little 12 year old who doesn't know what the bloody fuck they're talking about and want to look cool in front of the older people.

-In Memoria of Kurt Cobain-

Nirvana – Dumb Lyrics 19 years ago
I've decided to post this on most of the Nirvana song's pages. I've read most of the posts regarding the songs and stuff. I think everyone should stop arguing about the meanings and telling others to "Fuck Off and Die and Burn In Hell" and just post what you think the song means. Kurt Cobain said to not over analyze his songs, and most of you are. Some songs are meant to be analyzed and studied, but not all. To me, many songs mean many things. For example, 'Heart-Shaped Box', 'Rape Me', 'Dumb', and 'Pennyroyal Tea' all have multiple meanings for me. I think Kurt either wrote about things that were happening at the time, things he was remembering, or he took older songs and added to them since new things had happened. Or maybe I'm wrong. That's just a theory. I have many others, but I'm not going to waste my time explaining them because for all I know he just wrote whatever came to him. I just think Nirvana was THE Ultimate band and revolutionized music. 'Rape Me' is my favorite song by them. It means so many things to me, and not just sexual rape. I think you should all stop this fighting shit and get over it. Different people have different views, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but fighting about it is stupid and an insult to the music. Some of you all yourself 'hard-core' Nirvana fans and say you worship him and love him and would die to bring him back. If you WERE worshipping him, you'd stop all this pointless fighting because he wouldn't have liked it and you'd look like an idiot if the person you thought was God would call you a dumbass or something. And people are bringing up whether Kurt loved Courtney and whether he was murdered or not. That has nothing to do with this. And no one should opinionate whether he loved her or not, because even though it looked one way, it might have been another. And stop commenting on his suicide/murder/death if you just hear it and believe it. I've spent about 7 hours reading about his death, and have come to my own conclusion, and I'm not going to post it because it's a self-contradiction. But even if someone spent a HUNDRED hours reading about it, they wouldn't know if he loved her. Only he did, and he's dead. Now, if you maybe WANT to get your facts straight, go to or, because it's pretty interesting, and if you're such a 'hard-core', you'd read about it. And saying All Apologies was placed last on the album because it was his farewell to the world without any proof is unbelievable. For all you know, he was murdered, and that's an insult to his memory. Some 'hard-core' fan you are, eh? Don't opinionate without knowing the facts, and don't start arguments over something so meaningless. If you listen to Nirvana, do it because you like the songs, do it because they mean something to you, do it for the music, but don't argue over what the lyrics mean. I belive Kurt once said the lyrics were the least important things in his songs. To me they're the most important, but for the 'hard-core's they shouldn't mean anything, since they worship the ground he spat on. I don't mean to sound like some Nirvana-wannabe-know-it-all, I've only been into the band for about a year, and I've just started getting into the era of when they were together and reading about his death, the bands success, and after his death, but from what I feel, this needs to stop. It's disgusting. Don't put others down over something like this. It's an insult to everyone who reads the posts, to everyone who listens to Nirvana, and to Kurt Cobain.

If you wanna go ahead and bash me and argue about this, go ahead. My AIM is in my profile. But if you're just going to say "BURN IN HEL U LUSUR" or something retarded like that or even worse, don't bother. I'll just ignore it. But I will talk to people who have common sense, and ignore some little 12 year old who doesn't know what the bloody fuck they're talking about and want to look cool in front of the older people.

-In Memoria of Kurt Cobain-

Nirvana – Come As You Are Lyrics 19 years ago
I've decided to post this on most of the Nirvana song's pages. I've read most of the posts regarding the songs and stuff. I think everyone should stop arguing about the meanings and telling others to "Fuck Off and Die and Burn In Hell" and just post what you think the song means. Kurt Cobain said to not over analyze his songs, and most of you are. Some songs are meant to be analyzed and studied, but not all. To me, many songs mean many things. For example, 'Heart-Shaped Box', 'Rape Me', 'Dumb', and 'Pennyroyal Tea' all have multiple meanings for me. I think Kurt either wrote about things that were happening at the time, things he was remembering, or he took older songs and added to them since new things had happened. Or maybe I'm wrong. That's just a theory. I have many others, but I'm not going to waste my time explaining them because for all I know he just wrote whatever came to him. I just think Nirvana was THE Ultimate band and revolutionized music. 'Rape Me' is my favorite song by them. It means so many things to me, and not just sexual rape. I think you should all stop this fighting shit and get over it. Different people have different views, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but fighting about it is stupid and an insult to the music. Some of you all yourself 'hard-core' Nirvana fans and say you worship him and love him and would die to bring him back. If you WERE worshipping him, you'd stop all this pointless fighting because he wouldn't have liked it and you'd look like an idiot if the person you thought was God would call you a dumbass or something. And people are bringing up whether Kurt loved Courtney and whether he was murdered or not. That has nothing to do with this. And no one should opinionate whether he loved her or not, because even though it looked one way, it might have been another. And stop commenting on his suicide/murder/death if you just hear it and believe it. I've spent about 7 hours reading about his death, and have come to my own conclusion, and I'm not going to post it because it's a self-contradiction. But even if someone spent a HUNDRED hours reading about it, they wouldn't know if he loved her. Only he did, and he's dead. Now, if you maybe WANT to get your facts straight, go to or, because it's pretty interesting, and if you're such a 'hard-core', you'd read about it. And saying All Apologies was placed last on the album because it was his farewell to the world without any proof is unbelievable. For all you know, he was murdered, and that's an insult to his memory. Some 'hard-core' fan you are, eh? Don't opinionate without knowing the facts, and don't start arguments over something so meaningless. If you listen to Nirvana, do it because you like the songs, do it because they mean something to you, do it for the music, but don't argue over what the lyrics mean. I belive Kurt once said the lyrics were the least important things in his songs. To me they're the most important, but for the 'hard-core's they shouldn't mean anything, since they worship the ground he spat on. I don't mean to sound like some Nirvana-wannabe-know-it-all, I've only been into the band for about a year, and I've just started getting into the era of when they were together and reading about his death, the bands success, and after his death, but from what I feel, this needs to stop. It's disgusting. Don't put others down over something like this. It's an insult to everyone who reads the posts, to everyone who listens to Nirvana, and to Kurt Cobain.

If you wanna go ahead and bash me and argue about this, go ahead. My AIM is in my profile. But if you're just going to say "BURN IN HEL U LUSUR" or something retarded like that or even worse, don't bother. I'll just ignore it. But I will talk to people who have common sense, and ignore some little 12 year old who doesn't know what the bloody fuck they're talking about and want to look cool in front of the older people.

-In Memoria of Kurt Cobain-

Nirvana – Been a Son Lyrics 19 years ago
I've decided to post this on most of the Nirvana song's pages. I've read most of the posts regarding the songs and stuff. I think everyone should stop arguing about the meanings and telling others to "Fuck Off and Die and Burn In Hell" and just post what you think the song means. Kurt Cobain said to not over analyze his songs, and most of you are. Some songs are meant to be analyzed and studied, but not all. To me, many songs mean many things. For example, 'Heart-Shaped Box', 'Rape Me', 'Dumb', and 'Pennyroyal Tea' all have multiple meanings for me. I think Kurt either wrote about things that were happening at the time, things he was remembering, or he took older songs and added to them since new things had happened. Or maybe I'm wrong. That's just a theory. I have many others, but I'm not going to waste my time explaining them because for all I know he just wrote whatever came to him. I just think Nirvana was THE Ultimate band and revolutionized music. 'Rape Me' is my favorite song by them. It means so many things to me, and not just sexual rape. I think you should all stop this fighting shit and get over it. Different people have different views, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but fighting about it is stupid and an insult to the music. Some of you all yourself 'hard-core' Nirvana fans and say you worship him and love him and would die to bring him back. If you WERE worshipping him, you'd stop all this pointless fighting because he wouldn't have liked it and you'd look like an idiot if the person you thought was God would call you a dumbass or something. And people are bringing up whether Kurt loved Courtney and whether he was murdered or not. That has nothing to do with this. And no one should opinionate whether he loved her or not, because even though it looked one way, it might have been another. And stop commenting on his suicide/murder/death if you just hear it and believe it. I've spent about 7 hours reading about his death, and have come to my own conclusion, and I'm not going to post it because it's a self-contradiction. But even if someone spent a HUNDRED hours reading about it, they wouldn't know if he loved her. Only he did, and he's dead. Now, if you maybe WANT to get your facts straight, go to or, because it's pretty interesting, and if you're such a 'hard-core', you'd read about it. And saying All Apologies was placed last on the album because it was his farewell to the world without any proof is unbelievable. For all you know, he was murdered, and that's an insult to his memory. Some 'hard-core' fan you are, eh? Don't opinionate without knowing the facts, and don't start arguments over something so meaningless. If you listen to Nirvana, do it because you like the songs, do it because they mean something to you, do it for the music, but don't argue over what the lyrics mean. I belive Kurt once said the lyrics were the least important things in his songs. To me they're the most important, but for the 'hard-core's they shouldn't mean anything, since they worship the ground he spat on. I don't mean to sound like some Nirvana-wannabe-know-it-all, I've only been into the band for about a year, and I've just started getting into the era of when they were together and reading about his death, the bands success, and after his death, but from what I feel, this needs to stop. It's disgusting. Don't put others down over something like this. It's an insult to everyone who reads the posts, to everyone who listens to Nirvana, and to Kurt Cobain.

If you wanna go ahead and bash me and argue about this, go ahead. My AIM is in my profile. But if you're just going to say "BURN IN HEL U LUSUR" or something retarded like that or even worse, don't bother. I'll just ignore it. But I will talk to people who have common sense, and ignore some little 12 year old who doesn't know what the bloody fuck they're talking about and want to look cool in front of the older people.

-In Memoria of Kurt Cobain-

Nirvana – All Apologies Lyrics 19 years ago
I've decided to post this on most of the Nirvana song's pages. I've read most of the posts regarding the songs and stuff. I think everyone should stop arguing about the meanings and telling others to "Fuck Off and Die and Burn In Hell" and just post what you think the song means. Kurt Cobain said to not over analyze his songs, and most of you are. Some songs are meant to be analyzed and studied, but not all. To me, many songs mean many things. For example, 'Heart-Shaped Box', 'Rape Me', 'Dumb', and 'Pennyroyal Tea' all have multiple meanings for me. I think Kurt either wrote about things that were happening at the time, things he was remembering, or he took older songs and added to them since new things had happened. Or maybe I'm wrong. That's just a theory. I have many others, but I'm not going to waste my time explaining them because for all I know he just wrote whatever came to him. I just think Nirvana was THE Ultimate band and revolutionized music. 'Rape Me' is my favorite song by them. It means so many things to me, and not just sexual rape. I think you should all stop this fighting shit and get over it. Different people have different views, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but fighting about it is stupid and an insult to the music. Some of you all yourself 'hard-core' Nirvana fans and say you worship him and love him and would die to bring him back. If you WERE worshipping him, you'd stop all this pointless fighting because he wouldn't have liked it and you'd look like an idiot if the person you thought was God would call you a dumbass or something. And people are bringing up whether Kurt loved Courtney and whether he was murdered or not. That has nothing to do with this. And no one should opinionate whether he loved her or not, because even though it looked one way, it might have been another. And stop commenting on his suicide/murder/death if you just hear it and believe it. I've spent about 7 hours reading about his death, and have come to my own conclusion, and I'm not going to post it because it's a self-contradiction. But even if someone spent a HUNDRED hours reading about it, they wouldn't know if he loved her. Only he did, and he's dead. Now, if you maybe WANT to get your facts straight, go to or, because it's pretty interesting, and if you're such a 'hard-core', you'd read about it. And saying All Apologies was placed last on the album because it was his farewell to the world without any proof is unbelievable. For all you know, he was murdered, and that's an insult to his memory. Some 'hard-core' fan you are, eh? Don't opinionate without knowing the facts, and don't start arguments over something so meaningless. If you listen to Nirvana, do it because you like the songs, do it because they mean something to you, do it for the music, but don't argue over what the lyrics mean. I belive Kurt once said the lyrics were the least important things in his songs. To me they're the most important, but for the 'hard-core's they shouldn't mean anything, since they worship the ground he spat on. I don't mean to sound like some Nirvana-wannabe-know-it-all, I've only been into the band for about a year, and I've just started getting into the era of when they were together and reading about his death, the bands success, and after his death, but from what I feel, this needs to stop. It's disgusting. Don't put others down over something like this. It's an insult to everyone who reads the posts, to everyone who listens to Nirvana, and to Kurt Cobain.

If you wanna go ahead and bash me and argue about this, go ahead. My AIM is in my profile. But if you're just going to say "BURN IN HEL U LUSUR" or something retarded like that or even worse, don't bother. I'll just ignore it. But I will talk to people who have common sense, and ignore some little 12 year old who doesn't know what the bloody fuck they're talking about and want to look cool in front of the older people.

-In Memoria of Kurt Cobain-

Nirvana – About a Girl Lyrics 19 years ago
I've decided to post this on most of the Nirvana song's pages. I've read most of the posts regarding the songs and stuff. I think everyone should stop arguing about the meanings and telling others to "Fuck Off and Die and Burn In Hell" and just post what you think the song means. Kurt Cobain said to not over analyze his songs, and most of you are. Some songs are meant to be analyzed and studied, but not all. To me, many songs mean many things. For example, 'Heart-Shaped Box', 'Rape Me', 'Dumb', and 'Pennyroyal Tea' all have multiple meanings for me. I think Kurt either wrote about things that were happening at the time, things he was remembering, or he took older songs and added to them since new things had happened. Or maybe I'm wrong. That's just a theory. I have many others, but I'm not going to waste my time explaining them because for all I know he just wrote whatever came to him. I just think Nirvana was THE Ultimate band and revolutionized music. 'Rape Me' is my favorite song by them. It means so many things to me, and not just sexual rape. I think you should all stop this fighting shit and get over it. Different people have different views, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but fighting about it is stupid and an insult to the music. Some of you all yourself 'hard-core' Nirvana fans and say you worship him and love him and would die to bring him back. If you WERE worshipping him, you'd stop all this pointless fighting because he wouldn't have liked it and you'd look like an idiot if the person you thought was God would call you a dumbass or something. And people are bringing up whether Kurt loved Courtney and whether he was murdered or not. That has nothing to do with this. And no one should opinionate whether he loved her or not, because even though it looked one way, it might have been another. And stop commenting on his suicide/murder/death if you just hear it and believe it. I've spent about 7 hours reading about his death, and have come to my own conclusion, and I'm not going to post it because it's a self-contradiction. But even if someone spent a HUNDRED hours reading about it, they wouldn't know if he loved her. Only he did, and he's dead. Now, if you maybe WANT to get your facts straight, go to or, because it's pretty interesting, and if you're such a 'hard-core', you'd read about it. And saying All Apologies was placed last on the album because it was his farewell to the world without any proof is unbelievable. For all you know, he was murdered, and that's an insult to his memory. Some 'hard-core' fan you are, eh? Don't opinionate without knowing the facts, and don't start arguments over something so meaningless. If you listen to Nirvana, do it because you like the songs, do it because they mean something to you, do it for the music, but don't argue over what the lyrics mean. I belive Kurt once said the lyrics were the least important things in his songs. To me they're the most important, but for the 'hard-core's they shouldn't mean anything, since they worship the ground he spat on. I don't mean to sound like some Nirvana-wannabe-know-it-all, I've only been into the band for about a year, and I've just started getting into the era of when they were together and reading about his death, the bands success, and after his death, but from what I feel, this needs to stop. It's disgusting. Don't put others down over something like this. It's an insult to everyone who reads the posts, to everyone who listens to Nirvana, and to Kurt Cobain.

If you wanna go ahead and bash me and argue about this, go ahead. My AIM is in my profile. But if you're just going to say "BURN IN HEL U LUSUR" or something retarded like that or even worse, don't bother. I'll just ignore it. But I will talk to people who have common sense, and ignore some little 12 year old who doesn't know what the bloody fuck they're talking about and want to look cool in front of the older people.

-In Memoria of Kurt Cobain-

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