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Missy Higgins – The river Lyrics 19 years ago
In my view i think this song is definently about a child being abused especially this line " her head with pounding voices from home.
Behind her was a vision, a painful apparition
of a darker world that no-one should know." Pounding voices from home says that its the reason shes doing this and that shes a young child that has been abused. Also the line refering to angry gin makes it seem as if the person abusing her was drunk? Im not sure thats just my interpretation

Missy Higgins – The Special Two Lyrics 19 years ago
This is a beautiful song about loosing the trust of a loved one and describing all the dreams and emotions involved with this one person. It presents the mistake being made and how she feels strong remorse and regrets wat she did "I know I’m not deserving of your trust from you right now, but if by chance you change your mind you know I will not let you down ‘cause we were the special two, and will be again." It also describes how when two people are together that were made for each other feel and how nothing should get between them and just no one else will do

Missy Higgins – Ten days Lyrics 19 years ago
I love this song so much. It describes the feeling exactly of being far away from someone you love and how hard it can be. To sum it up this song is very acurately about how "absence makes the heart grow fonder"

Missy Higgins – The sound of white Lyrics 19 years ago
I love this song. It has so much depth and meaning to it. This is a heartfelt song about someone close to you that you love moving away from you, someone that is deeply trusted and missed. It also shows a sense of pain and resistance to move on. My favourite line is "Like a freeze-dried rose, you will never be, what you were, what you were to me in memory." It's saying nothing will be the same. I also love the line "But if I never fell again, at least that nothingness will end the painful dream, of you and me... " This once again shows that she is holding onto the dream of being together. This song is my favourite out of the cd and I can really relate to it :(

Missy Higgins – Don't ever Lyrics 19 years ago
I think its a song about two people that are deeply in love with one another. It is describing that all she needs in life is that one other person and everything will be perfect. The chorus relates int eh way that life will be perfect and "dont even say you've tried ot leave me in this life" is saying i can't live without you and "Don't ever say you've tried for the last time" Is following on from the line before saying if its the last time you would leave me it would be forever. So basically it is saying how much she needs this other person to survive and the future they could build together

Thirsty Merc – Everything But You Lyrics 19 years ago
My intpretation of this song is that everything in his life he understands and is happy with except the relationship with one girl.
Everything was clear and true
Everything and everything but you

You'd said you'd meet me here.
Maybe you had lost your way-
I think this paragraph is saying that she promised him that they'd be together in the future but somethings stopping her and holding her back maybe distance

Thirsty Merc – Someday, Someday Lyrics 19 years ago
This song was written by the singers ex girlfriend and it was written for the main singer to sing

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