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Nine Inch Nails – Home Lyrics 17 years ago
is there anyway to get a version of with teeth in america that has this track on it? or do i HAVE to download it and burn it to the cd? my buddy downloaded the album on a bit-torrent and told me about it - i was pissed that it wasnt on the album that i bought, it's a great song and i agree with maynordnreznor's interpretation as well

Gary Jules – Mad World (Tears for Fears cover) Lyrics 17 years ago
i think the tears for fears version is trash just cuz of the tempo.. gary jules took the lyrics and really brought them out beautifully in this cover

A Perfect Circle – Nailed Down Lyrics 17 years ago
i couldnt imagine maynard singing these lyrics, considering all of the songs he writes bashing on organized religion, specifically christianity in songs such as eulogy and opiate (tool songs, but still)

A Perfect Circle – Believe Lyrics 17 years ago
i got the same feeling when i listened to "13 minutes" 48th chrome... =/

Staind – Sober (Tool cover) Lyrics 19 years ago
plus.. i forgot to mention... im an even bigger fan of tool

Staind – Sober (Tool cover) Lyrics 19 years ago
i havent heard it.... and while im a huge fan of staind... i prolly wont like this cover... because staind and tool... are just too different in my eyes when it comes to lyrics

Tool – Schism Lyrics 19 years ago
im not sure if any of you noticed this.... and im not saying this is what the song is about... but im saying it's very coincidental that this song is on the album Lateralus... which u might know that if u re-order the songs and take out the blank spaces in between in the right order... the whole album links together as one(for more on this, read comments on the meaning for the song Lateralus) .... so a connection that i see can be made to the song is that the "pieces" are the tracks of the album and maynard "watched them fall away" when he mixed up the order... but its kind of giving you a hint by saying that "i know the pieces fit" meaning that when all put together as intended... the album Lateralus is rediscovered as one..... now like i said... i DO NOT think this is the song's purpose.. i just think it is coincidental and another way to look at the song

Tool – Lateralus Lyrics 19 years ago
alright... before you read this... know that this is NOT what i think maynard wrote the song for, but it is merely a connection i made to it... with that being said ill continue.... i think that this song could be about the complexity of maynard's lyrics and his fans' response to them... like...
"black then white are all i see in my infancy, red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, helps me see" could mean like how at first, at least for me, when i listened to tool for the first times i took their songs too literally and only saw their surface levels(black and white) but as i kept listening i came to make a deeper connection to them and surpass the words of the song and look deep into the meanings of them(red and yellow) which as soon as i realized this, it was much easier for me to appreciate maynard's lyrics.

also for "As below, so above and beyond, I imagine
Drawn beyond the lines of reason
Push the envelope, watch it bend" i think this is maynard's response to how his fans react to his songs and how we as the fans are always trying to make a deeper connection and understand the songs more.

for "Over thinking, over analyzing, separate the body from the mind" he could be saying that sometimes we look too deep into it and "Withering my intuition, missing opportunities and I must
Feed my will to feel my moment, drawing way outside the lines " that for some songs we may look too deep into it at times and miss his true meaning of the song, but it goes on to say that this is ok and he likes that we are connecting on deeper levels even if they surpass his meanings and hes happy to see his fans connect to his music which also goes along with "Feed my will to feel this moment
Urging me to cross the line
Reaching out to embrace the random
Reaching out to embrace whatever may come " because with a lot of tool songs you aren't sure what to expect first time around and you are waiting for that moment where u feel a connection to the song so you can "embrace the random"

"I embrace my
Desire to
I embrace my
Desire to
Feel the rhythm, to
Feel connected
Enough to step aside and
Weep like a widow, to
Feel inspired, to
Fathom the power, to
Witness the beauty, to
Bathe in the fountain," can show how we WANT to feel impacted by his songs in all these ways

"Swing on the spiral of
Our divinity and
Still be a human" can show how we are "seperating our body from our minds" when we finally embrace this moment we've been waiting for.

"With my feet upon the ground I move myself between the sounds
And open wide to suck it in, I feel it move across my skin
I'm reachin' up and reachin' out, I'm reachin' for the random or
Whatever will bewilder me, whatever will bewilder me
And following our will and wind, we may just go where no one's been
We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no one's been" could show how maynard wants us to "feel the music"... i read this thing about him saying that the reason he doesnt post his lyrics up for new albums until about a month after the album is out is because he wants us to feel the music first rather then see it, which can also bewilder us as we take it all in and we will "reach for the random" and embrace it so hopefully we can connect on a level where noone has been yet.

now like i said before... this is not what i think the song literally is about... i just posted this because i thought it was an interesting new way to look at the song.

Tool – The Patient Lyrics 19 years ago
my personal opinion is that maynard wrote this song for you to interpretate it however suits you best, i think it's another song like schism where the meanings are endless and i think that he wrote this song, and a lot of his other songs, for the fans to have something to connect and relate to however they can. That's my personal opinion, i may be wrong, but i dont think it really matters as long as u can find some way to connect to the song and see it in your own ways. i think maynard is a musical genius and he has gone beyond my expectations so many times.... it's really hard to take a lot of other bands seriously after hearing some of the stuff maynard writes... a lot of his stuff goes so much deeper than any other band i've heard.... which is why i think that this song can mean anything... and nobody is wrong because what u think only has to be right for yourself and you shouldn't worry if that's not what maynard had in mind when he wrote the song, as long as you can connect on your own level. i think it's great

Tool – Sweat Lyrics 19 years ago
maynard's not gay, his girlfriend's name is not brena, but his wife's MIDDLE name is brena... they have a son named devo

Tool – Intolerance Lyrics 19 years ago
thats sick.. u have maynards email.... im deff jealous dude

A Perfect Circle – Vacant Lyrics 19 years ago
this is a tapeworm song (underground band with Maynard as vocals).... the a perfect circle version is passive....

A Perfect Circle – The Outsider (Resident Renholder Mix) Lyrics 19 years ago
lol thanks mason

A Perfect Circle – The Outsider (Resident Renholder Mix) Lyrics 19 years ago
yeah... well i put these lyrics up cuz im not sure if many of u guys have heard about the remix to the outsider... if u havent its on the Resident Evil: Apocolypse album... and if u liked the original version id deff recommend u try to listen to this someday

Tool – Jimmy Lyrics 19 years ago
this song is about maynards childhood... his name used to be jimmy.... the title of the song has no caps on the j to show him as a child... he was born james herbert keenan... his mother married his step-father when he was eleven years old and his stepfather allegedly used to beat him and was a total dick to james who changed his name to maynard.... this song is about maynard finding closure in his childhood by revisiting it mentally/spiritually.

Tool – Jerk-Off Lyrics 19 years ago
read the interview that Nyfe had the link for above... ull understand a lot more.... the song is basically saying that while there are rules and standards... if u cant get caught then there are no rules for u and u can do whatever u want.... its also about choice...and choosing what to do with the power thats been given to u... maynard said that (and im paraphrasing) "take a knife for example, u can use it for a lot of things like spreading butter or cutting ur bread... but u can also use it to kill someone".... hes basically pointing out the flaws in our society we live in today "its only wrong if u get caught"

Tool – Jerk-Off Lyrics 19 years ago
read the interview that Nyfe had the link for above... ull understand a lot more.... the song is basically saying that while there are rules and standards... if u cant get caught then there are no rules for u and u can do whatever u want.... its also about choice...and choosing what to do with the power thats been given to u... maynard said that (and im paraphrasing) "take a knife for example, u can use it for a lot of things like spreading butter or cutting ur bread... but u can also use it to kill someone".... hes basically pointing out the flaws in our society we live in today "its only wrong if u get caught"

A Perfect Circle – Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums Lyrics 19 years ago
ok.... wow... so many of u are wrong... no offense... anyways.... pet is about drug addiction, its the drugs talking to the user..... while counting bodies like sheep to the rythem of the war drums is about bush.... maynard has said this himself... he said they do not have the same meaning and they are 2 different songs all together even though they look the same

Tapeworm – Vacant Lyrics 19 years ago
ive heard apc's version "passive" and it was good... never heard tapeworms version tho... or really anything much of tapeworm at all... weird... but its maynard... so id deff wanna hear more

A Perfect Circle – Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums Lyrics 19 years ago
first off... pet wasnt about his son devo... it was about drug adictions... as in the drugs were talking to him telling him not to listen to anyone else because they dont care about u..... but counting bodies like sheep to the rythem of the war drums is completely political... even though the lyrics are very similar... almost identical... maynard had a different meaning behind both

A Perfect Circle – Pet Lyrics 19 years ago
well... at least thats what i've heard...

A Perfect Circle – Pet Lyrics 19 years ago
well... at least thats what i've heard...

A Perfect Circle – Pet Lyrics 19 years ago
actually.... maynard himself has said that the song was about president bush... just to clarify that with everyone...

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