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Lacuna Coil – Reverie Lyrics 19 years ago
Rather than having "unpure thoughts" and not being supposed to be with that person, is more about feelind remorse and regret because we are unable to express feelings to that individual. This passion causes pain and suffering even in our sleep.

Lacuna Coil – My Wings Lyrics 19 years ago
I love this song, it introduced me to lacuna coil and i've loved it ever since. I agree with Acetica, reach your potential, fly over the rest and take control over your life.

Lacuna Coil – This Is My Dream Lyrics 19 years ago
Amazing song. Never stop pursuing your dreams, and even when everything is against you, it is possible to achieve great things if u "believe in yourself"

Lacuna Coil – To Myself I Turned Lyrics 19 years ago
Good song! and i agree with gerph here, is all about retreating into your phantasies or mind in search for consolation that the real world cannot give us.

Lacuna Coil – Stars (Dubstar cover) Lyrics 19 years ago
This song is about the comofort we can find even when we are lonely, it is about growth and learning to be ok with urself... You can take your heart ooutside, leave all the bad expiriences behind and go on with ur life... the stars symboloze that there is allways gonna be hope, countless stars = countless opportunities, roads. ( at least, that's my opinion)

Lacuna Coil – Unspoken Lyrics 19 years ago
in my opinion this is a song about a Love/hate relationship... the speaker at the same time loves and despises this other person... they hurt each other, they compete with each other.

Nightwish – Wanderlust Lyrics 19 years ago
The title of the song implies its meaning... the wanderlust, the desire to see it all, to feel it all, to travel far and wide and search endlessly for those things that make life worthwhile(if there are any)...

Nightwish – Ocean Soul Lyrics 19 years ago
I love this song... Toumas writing really gets to me.I thinkk it describes what a lot of "oceansouls" feel day after day.. how lonely and desolated life can be, and how we long for beauty and innocence eventhough we live in a world that is selfish and cruel.

Nightwish – Nemo Lyrics 19 years ago
Mordred is right, Toumas is the mastermind behind Nightwish, tarja is the voice sent from heaven to spread his message.

Nemo is all about feeling missunderstood and having no identity, no place in this world. It is the endless struggle to find who you are, and what's your place in this cruel world.

Nightwish – Dead Gardens Lyrics 19 years ago
This is a good song, I really liek the guitar riffs and the chorus... ALso I think it effectively describes how the loss of innocence and the meaning to our life can make us live linger on a constant state of melancholy, "caring for dead gardens", meaning the beauty of past expiriences we cannot posses once more.

Nightwish – Gethsemane Lyrics 19 years ago
I absolutely LOVE this song... it embodies so well the emotions that love conveys, including those that make us suffer or doubt ourselves.... that which makes us go on, eventhough that love may never be reciprocated.

Nightwish – The Riddler Lyrics 19 years ago
I agree with the comment above, but i also think the lyrics aim to make us realize that there is beauty in life that goes beyond human comprehension. No one has all the answers, and knowing it all is not the importance of life. Life is all about emotions and actually feeling alive.

Nightwish – A Return To The Sea Lyrics 19 years ago
In my opinion this song is about how no matter what humankind does, nature will prevail. Human species, as arrogant as it is, is at the mercy of "mother earth" and there is nothing we can do to change that.

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