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The Dresden Dolls – Delilah Lyrics 17 years ago
i definitely agree with everything thing that's been said, including that i dont' agree with the prostitute angle, which actually means that i dont' agree with everything... but anyway. i just also thought that i'd add that i LOVE these lines:

And said, "Amanda, i'm in love"
No you're not
You're just a suck
-er for the ones who use you

because of the way she stops in the middle of the word sucker, so it adds to the point of this guy just using her for sex. amanda says two things at once. genius.
the desperation in this song is heartbreaking, especially because, as someone mentioned earlier, i think we all know a delilah. if not ourselves, then a friend

Muse – Time Is Running Out Lyrics 19 years ago
i agree that it is about addiction in general. think about the types of things people get addicted to. drugs, self-mutilation, sex, people, or even just procrastination (which i am myself am quite addicted to. e.g. i should be doing my homework at this moment! hehe) or other seemingly "simple" or "harmless" things. even though you hate how this addiction controls you, you still love the feeling it gives you.

You're something beautiful
A contradiction
I wanna play the game
I want the friction

it is saddenning to realize that this thing that you have come to love has betrayed you

How did it come to this?

The Dresden Dolls – Glass Slipper Lyrics 19 years ago
this is one of my favorite songs of dresden dolls, and tiz a shame that so many people don't know of it. tiz similar to perfect fit in many ways (just look at the similar lyrics). i think that she is just trying to push everyone away because she knows nothing will work out right because it is too late to save herself, but she is still secretly hoping that one day she find her prince charming... even if she won't admit it. however, she has been used by so many men in the meantime (and there are lines to show that she may be a prostitute or stripper) and she has given up all hope. it's very sad :( her entire life has become a lie

The Dresden Dolls – Gravity Lyrics 19 years ago
it's mean to give you the impression of a blowjob. and the sister of xrancidxrainbowx was right. i think that in general, the song is about a girl who feels helpless and knows that many people would not consider what she does and how she does it right, but she feels as if it is not her fault that she is who she is.
"if i could attack with a more sensible approach
obviously thats what i'd be doing."

also, the lines before those saying, "hate to break it to you but its out of my control
forces go to work while we are sleeping" further shows my idea. again, she does not necessarily like how her life turned out, but it happened slowly before she realized what was happening and now she feels as if she cannot get out of the life she has chosen.

then again, i have come to the conclusion that all dresden dolls songs always have at least 2 interpretations. there is the literal one, and then there is always another deeper meaning, and often more than one. they leave it so that you can see it the way you want to see it. that is what makes them genius.

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