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John Parr – St. Elmo's Fire (Man in Motion) Lyrics 13 years ago
I just watched an interview with Rick Hansen (the man who wheeled himself across the world) that aired in Canada, and the story seems to be that he contacted David Foster (a composer/lyricist), who, at the time, was working on the theme song for St. Elmo's Fire. Hansen sent him a video of himself on the Man in Motion Tour, as Hansen wanted to ask Foster to write a song to celebrate the Man in Motion tour. David Foster apparently had trouble writing the song for St. Elmo's Fire that he was working on, and took a break, watched the Man in Motion tour video, and got the inspiration he needed to write this song, both used for St. Elmo's Fire and the Man in Motion tour.

Rent – Will I? Lyrics 15 years ago
I think someone may perceive this song as 'sappy' because, in the context of the movie, it ends on a sappy/happy note: Roger shows up at the Life Support meeting and he and his friends are all together, singing, and happy that Roger has opened up.

In the stage musical, no such thing happens. It is sung during the Life Support meeting (and there is only one in the stage play). There is no 'happy ending' to the song...nothing changes for those people at the Life Support meeting because they have sung. Their lives are still the same.

At the end of the song, Roger is seen grabbing a coat and exiting his apartment. But that's hardly a 'sappy' cheery note.

This song is so simple, but so incredibly powerful.

Josiah Leming – This Cigar Lyrics 16 years ago
I didn't know Josiah made his own instruments...think he cut the wood down too?

If he thinks wisely (and knows where and where not to sign his name), he'll be big star.

Though I've noticed that his chord progressions are very similar in this and "One Last Song".

Josiah Leming – Razorblades and Handgrenades Lyrics 16 years ago
At first I thought it was about a troubled girl who, on the outside, acted as if she was perfect, but underneath, was depressed and wanted to hurt herself.

Now that I'm really seeing the lyrics...she seems a lot more dangerous than that...
"Razorblades...for the next person that falls asleep"
It's very creepy now.

Josiah Leming – One Last Song Lyrics 16 years ago
In his youtube video of this song, there's an upside-down portrait of the very thing he's singing about, hanging on the wall behind him. I think it's genius, whether his inspiration came from the portrait or vice versa (I wouldn't be surprised if he painted it).
Anyway, I've listened to this song over and over, and its lyrics and imagery are exquisite for an eighteen year old.

In the imagery of the song, I see a big 'unsinkable' ship sinking, and the singer is a passenger of the ship. When the ship is hit and begins sinking, everyone starts throwing their heavy treasures into the sea, gold, silver, etc, trying to lighten the load and slow the sinking.

In the first chorus, when he sings:
"Waves of silver, waves of gold
Are coming now to take me..."
I can see a picture of the mess, of people falling into the sea amongst the rubble, surrounded by the treasures they had cast away, floating in the waves. They are fighting the waves to keep from drowning, faces falling beneath the surface.

The way he wrote the song makes this imagery so valuable. Especially in the second chorus, the second interpretation of the chorus bursts like a fire of colours. It's the same lyrics, but this time the picture feels like a metaphysical, religious experience. The heavens descend into the skies, looking like waves of gold and silver. It mixes with the ship's descent into the sea, and reaches for the souls of victims underneath the waters, separating bodies from their souls.

As for the song, I am still awestruck. I'm guessing he's alluding to some mythological story, but I could be completely in the wrong. The allegory is so simple but so complex.

Kimya Dawson – Lullaby for the Taken Lyrics 16 years ago
beautiful lyrics and melody

if only I understood what the message of the song was...

Ben Folds Five – Air Lyrics 17 years ago
I liked some of the interpretations here...I think it's possible that (as someone said on the first page) that the song functions as a metaphor...drowning in water (and being rescued), and possibly a person in a coma in the hospital.

When I hear this song, I see a picture in my mind...a scene...of this person who is being rescued from drowning out in the sea, rescuers trying to revive him, but the rescued person who IS/ISN'T revived.

I like the theory that it is an out of body experience for the individual who is rescued. When someone commented that we should pay close attention to the lyric "I saw two of me there" I got another clue about the narration of the song...I think.

It sounds right that the first stanza is sung by the drowned individual. The beginning of the next stanza is sung by the rescuer. When the rescuer/narrator says "I saw two of me there," afterwards, it's like the narration changes, and the next two lines are said by the drowned person.

"There's an ugly buzz that hovers just above the quiet. I found a way to make it silent"
Especially in the second line the singer (Ben) slows down and his voice gets quieter. I think these lines refer to the buzz and noise around the rescue scene...the crowd of people around, or the noise of the rescuers moving around, shouting orders, as they try to save the person. The person finds a way to make it silent...IMO, this is as though the person mentally blocks out the noise...and it is at this time, that the person has 'decided' not to wake up (if you believe that the person dies in the end).

Snow Patrol – Chasing Cars Lyrics 18 years ago
I didn't even think, all this time that I liked the song, the absence of the word "love" in it.
And I think it's very challenging to write a love song without making it cliche...using words like "love", "heart" and the others that you find in all of Celine Dion's lyrics.

This song captures the beauty of romance, it describes it in using simple lyrics, but ironically, the song doesn't feel simple or single-dimensional at all. It's layered and it's poetry. When I hear it, I feel it actually speaking to me (often while the lyrics themselves confuse me).

Wow. I love Snow Patrol right now. I really want their CD.

I agree with the rest of you. I like how this is idealized love, in a way, the feelings of newly sprouted love. What makes it special, is how simple it all seems. "If I just lay here..." reminds me of just hanging out with friends, or with the boy/girlfriend/spouse, and saying nothing, or saying something meaningless but basking in the moment. It's like a moment in time you just want to freeze...when there are no problems going on around you, the entire image is perfect..."All that I am/All that I ever was/Is here in your perfect eyes..."

I love this song.

Sarah McLachlan – Angel Lyrics 18 years ago
This sonag has become, like, my lullibye. I love to listen it when I go to sleep and I speaks to me in a very sweet way.

It's so haunting and yet genius that Sarah McLachlan can write a song about overdosing, and make it seem so beautiful and comforting. She really knows how to touch hearts. And she captures and embrace the sort of feeling people have when engage in dangerous/unhealthy activities solely for the purpose of trying to escape their problems, misery and pain. She expresses these emotions in a soothing way, with light, simple yet beautiful piano background and an even more soothing, soft, angelic voice.

I think that's why I love this song so much. Not that I'm a drug addict. But when you have those moments when you feel completely lost, or depressed, and you feel like you're alone in an empty world with nobody there to really help you out of those feelings or nobody who really understands or can comfort you, it helps to put on this song, and feel that comfort of escaping and feeling the comfort of being 'in the arms of an angel.' And the angel is Sarah and her song.

Brilliant artist.

It's so ironic how, at first glance, nobody would be able to imagine that this song is about OD'ing, which is a taboo subject and extremely frowned upon in society, and yet it's so easy to connect with the emotion portrayed in the song. It's like-wow. A song about angels and feeling comfort with someone you love...ends up to be about THIS?
Yet, the feelings you get when listening to this song are so relateable.

It's for everyone who has felt lost, miserable, depressed, at a time or a few times, and occassionaly needs to escape from that and needs to feel comfort and security, and love, is yearning for that.

I also feel like, at the same time, it's calling me (and you, individually) to remind me that an angel is watching over me, no matter how bad times get.

Most have already broken down the pieces of these lyrics into what they supposedly I decided to give my own personal overview of what this song means to me.

The Fray – How To Save A Life Lyrics 18 years ago
I first heard this song on Scrubs three weeks ago or so.
It is my favourite, most emotional and heart-wrenching 5 minutes of television ever.
Then I watched it in combination with clips from another show ('music video' someone made) .

I can't stop listening to this song. It's amazing. Why haven't I heard of The Fray before?

James Blunt – Goodbye My Lover Lyrics 18 years ago
I think I need to have my memory erased for a moment...
See, I first was exposed to this song via a silly fanfic music video...not seeing the James sing it, and for some reason, I thought the singer was female with a mediocre husky voice! (No, it doesn't sound at all appealing)
Anyway, I loved the lyrics, but I can't get it out of my mind that it sounds like a really bad 50 year old woman instead of James's probably because he sings really, really high. Husky+High pitches=reminds you of older women with husky voices trying to sing.

Someone help me get that out of my head! This isn't any criticism of James Blunt's vocal abilities. He's part of the 'musical generation' of the past few years--musicians who don't have the voice of an American Idol, but rather, are raw. Raw voice, and raw talent. The singers I really like have an unconventional sound...beautiful voice, but not in the way American Idol sees beauty. AI is overrated anyway.

Great song, great lyrics, this guy is a genious. I fell in love with this song even while thinking the singer was female.

Alison Krauss – Baby Mine Lyrics 18 years ago
Beautiful, touching song, with great lyrics.

Sam Phillips – Reflecting Light Lyrics 18 years ago
Thanks for posting this song! It's yet another Sam Phillips song featured on Gilmore Girls, and probably this (and Love is Everywhere I Go) are the only two Sam Phillips songs featured on the show with lyrics. This is yet another love song, performed during a wedding, and has a waltz tempo.

It's soft and acoustic, and very pretty in that way. Sam Phillips has very simple lyrics written out in what seems to be poetry (repeating verses) rather than the typical Verse-Chorus-Verse-Chorus-every other line must rhyme pattern that main streamed artists stick to.

I'm not sure exactly what the lyrics here mean, although the song's feel seems to indicate that the speaker feels like life has brightened up. Her head's in the clouds. She's in love, and it feels nice. She's so happy she's glowing- "Reflecting Light"

Although the actual lyrics probably mean something's too complicated to decifer. Any thoughts?

Sam Phillips – Love Is Everywhere I Go Lyrics 18 years ago
Beautiful song, shown in episode 2.02 of Gilmore Girls during an engagement party...that scene is very romantic-esque actually, focusing on many of the 'lovebirds' in the scene with the background music.
Anyway, very beautiful scene, very sweet romantic song. Sam Phillips likes to be mushy-romanticlike without falling into the dreaded fate of the bland pop-culture love song genre, where every song talks about Love, making love, looking in the eyes of your significant other, a 'la NSync, Backstreet Boys, Celine Dion, etc.

However, I must admit that it would be hard to listen to this song over and over again without being annoyed by the repetitiveness of the very cliched word, Love. It probably can get boring. But it seems nice to dance to.

Carole King – Where You Lead (Gilmore Girls version) Lyrics 18 years ago
I decided to post this separately because this version is different from the original one that Carole King wrote and sung.
An interesting fact: Originally, when Amy Sherman (creator of GG) asked Carole King to re-record the song for the show, Carole King refused...but when Amy Sherman told her what the show was all about (the close relationship between a teenage daughter and not-so-young mom), Carole King liked the idea and decided to re-record the song, partly because Carole has a close relationship with her daughter, Louise Goffin. So apperently, she changed the lyrics to the song, and recorded it with her daughter, specially for the show.

Some things that are different: The original song was about a woman following her guy wherever he went. Now, the meaning of the song is about the tight (mother-daughter-friends) relationship two people can have, how they have the 'It's us against the world" attitude, which is really amazing.
Changed lyrics:
"Loving you the way I do, I only wanna be with you" --> "Loving you the way I do, I know we're gonna make it through"

Also the last verse "You never know how it's all gonna turn out, But that's okay. Just as long as we're together, We can find a way" was never in the original song.
I love the end of the song, where Carole and Lori start 'echoing' eachother singing "I will follow"-"Where you lead"..."I will follow"-Where you lead." I think this adds to the real mother-daughter closeness in the song's meaning.

I like it. I like the positive message this song brings and, of course, how it adds to the show's message and feel.

P.S. I found some of this information on TWOP forums about Gilmore it's not all my knowledge.

Katie Melua – I think it's going to rain today Lyrics 18 years ago
I could really see this played for one of those the children kind of initiative.
I think it serves as a paradox. We people are all full of a capacity to love, - "human kindness is overflowing"- we belong to this type of community where we should be able to love and care for one another. Even so, to the singer, or to any individual person, the world is a sad, lonely, and cold place. In the end, you find you stand alone.

The verses just talk about how we run our lives trying to be happy, to show we are okay...Scarecrows in new fashions, frozen smiles. We can't be vulnerable to the feeling of being alone, especially not to other people.

This song was also played in the season 5 finale of Gilmore Girls, and I think it was placed well, although its meaning in the show's context was different.
It was probably meant to show, that after several years, a really strong bond, a loving and caring mother-daughter relationship relationship has just crumbled. Both feel abandoned and hurt, and yet they try to compose themselves, hide their feelings lest they break down.

Pink – Don't Let Me Get Me Lyrics 19 years ago
When I heard the song, "Dont let me get me" meant something very different. I don't know if my interpretation is right though.
I feel this song somewhat is abotu depression and suicide. I sort of related to that because of my own life.
And "Don't let me get me...I'm my own worst enemy...Don't want to be my friend no more...I wanna be somebody else" , for me, meant ...I don't like who I am, I hate myself...please G-d, don't let me get so desperate that I need to hurt myself.

I felt taht was its meaning, anyway. And Ithink a lot of people with depression fight with those feelings.

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