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Brett Dennen – Ain't No Reason Lyrics 17 years ago
Heard it first on Scrubs, now last night on house, such a great song and immediately after scrubs went to buy his CD. Scrubs also recently played Paolo Nutini, who is also a very good singer/songwrighter. Even if scrubs wasnt such a great show i would watch it solely because it is the reason for half of the music on my IPOD. Hope Brett hits it big, very interesting voice, and very meaningful and powerful songs

Mat Kearney – In The Middle Lyrics 17 years ago
I saw the song, or first verse at least about going through highschool. 15, getting there, seeing faces of people who are new to you. Trying to be your own person regardless of others around you. Meeting someone very special that you hold dear. 18, with a pass for the train, going off college or the rest of your life, and some people no longer have those teachers or friends that helped them out, and were behind them to catch them when they screwed up. Also leaving someone that you really hope to stay in contact with. Then trying to show strength "I'm coming out strong like I can't be wrong" proving you know what you are doing, or at least trying to make it seem that way

By the way, I could be WAY off.

Gary Jules – Barstool Lyrics 17 years ago
Great song, by an under-appreciated artist. I'm not quite sure what the song means, and won't even venture a guess as to sounds like an idiot. Such soothing music though, and I hope he gets his name out there, past just "that song from Donnie Darko"

Coldplay – Pour Me Lyrics 18 years ago
never heard this song :-/

Thrice – Second Sight Lyrics 18 years ago
Was not too big of a fan of First Impressions. Much different sound, and with it being the first album, it was not put together as well due to lack of support. The outer meaning seems to talk about learning from mistakes, and use mistakes to help accomplish your dreams. Though as with all Thrice songs, it probably has some deeper meaning, that I have completely missed.

Thrice – Red Sky Lyrics 18 years ago
I love Thrice, and this new cd is just something else. THe lyrics mesh so well with the music, and the lyrics are so much more than other "emo", or "punk" bands. Dustin also said Vheissu was made with a different sound to try and shake their "emo" title. I love the lyrics, though I have the hardest time putting a meaning with them. You can't really label them with one meaning, Dustin's lyrics and use of words is just so intelectual.

Thrice – The Melting Point of Wax Lyrics 19 years ago
Very, very impresive interpretation veryproudofya, I got nearly the exact same meaning from it.

Thrice – Kill Me Quickly Lyrics 19 years ago
But I don't think this website is made to get u to convince other people what you think each song means, but rather to share your interpretations with others

Thrice – Kill Me Quickly Lyrics 19 years ago
Unlike everyone else who disagreed completly with CMESOEMO, I agree with finding your own meaning in every song you listen to, but I love this band and how in depth they are with every song they make

Thrice – Kill Me Quickly Lyrics 19 years ago
Unlike everyone else who disagreed completly with CMESOEMO, I agree with finding your own meaning in every song you listen to, but I love this band and how in depth they are with every song they make

Thrice – Unquestioned Answers Lyrics 19 years ago
I could Listen to Thrice all day long(and I have) and not find the meaning in their songs, or to many meanings to make sense of. My all time favorite band, they mix great vocals and instrumentals, with deep Philosophical meanings. Just awesome......

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