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The Police – Every Breath You Take Lyrics 9 years ago

The Beatles – No Reply Lyrics 9 years ago
Well the lyrics may have been considered romantic in the 1960s but now they're just scary.

A stalker who persistently attempts to contact his victim without any consideration for the fact that his attention is clearly unwanted.

He won't take no for an answer:
"I'll forgive the lies that I
Heard before, when you gave me no reply"

Lennon was known to be abusive and emotionally manipulative to his wives -a fact which he himself admitted to - and this song definitely fits the profile.

Laura Marling – Old Stone Lyrics 14 years ago
I think it's about a girl who has split up with her guy. But he's still kind of pursuing her. She doesn't believe that he really can be what she needs him to be, and she's worried if they stay together she'll fall in deeper but he'll never change. She's torn because she still likes him and likes the fact he's chasing her (A childish game,/ But I love to be young) but she knows it's not the right thing.

Laura Marling – Rambling Man Lyrics 14 years ago
Agreed! But with a few additions

I think it's given away right at the start
"Poor, naive little me"
It's about being patronised for having optimism. The bitter become weak and try to drag everyone else down. But she refuses to yield to what they have to say, will remain strong and will find her own way like "the Rambling Man." She won't be led, but will always remain honest to herself.

Experience doesn't necessarily make you wise, it can warp your perception and lead you astray through bitterness.

That's what it means to me.

Regina Spektor – Human of the Year Lyrics 15 years ago
troiaj, I completely agree. Regina is criticising the idolisation of artbitrary figures. Be it in something as establised as religion or as fickle as an awards ceremony. The icons are "just old men", and the image of their bald heads shows how they too are subject to the same human processes as any other person. The line "Until next year's big human winner" also alludes to our more modern creation of icons, for example star culture or Big Brother winners. Our adoration of these figures can be very fleeting and erratic.

I don't think Regina is criticising the Christian religion specifically. It is probably more accurate to say she's criticising the grandiose pomp and ceremony that surrounds it, and, indeed, most religions. This hypocrisy permeates human civilisation to this very day.

Lacrimosa calls it "bitter", "haunting", "sacas[tic]" and "beautiful", I agree on all 4 counts. Gorgeous work.

Stereophonics – Devil Lyrics 19 years ago
I love this song its so gritty and sexy, actually the whole album is really sexy! And it wouldn't be as good without Kelly Jones's growl! mi-aow

Stereophonics – Dakota Lyrics 19 years ago
I agree with Anna in most respects however I do think that one side all you guys are missing is Mr Jones representation of the innocence of youth,

I believe that "we didn't need to go far" is referring to how in your first relationships everything is new and exciting and it doesn't take so much to get u turned on. This is also shown in the line "drinking with you when drinking was new" later in life the novelty kinda wears off but at the time it was really exciting.

Elbow – Station Approach Lyrics 19 years ago
the meaning of this is pretty literal, he talks about when he comes home to his mum and his old friends who accept him as he is. I particularly like the line "you little sod I love your eyes" doesn't that define any lasting relationship you've ever had, despite all their annoyances you can't help but love them!

As always I don't really listen to the words initially, but what I really love about this band is that their music really hits a part of my (sorry to sound cheesy) soul, and what a way to open the album! It always reminds me of waking up, it starts really sleepily and ends on a real high.

Coldplay – Speed of Sound Lyrics 19 years ago
ok before u start getting all arsey and offending ppl u shld really listen to the rhythmic patterns of clocks and speed of sound

and also the content of the lyrics, the disconnected lines eg. “shoot an apple off my head” in context to the rest of the line wldn’t make grammatical sense, neither would “every chance that you get is a chance you seize”

in both songs these seemingly random sentences come together with other sentences and it seems to make sense, and it works.

By comparing the 2 songs we are not necessarily devaluing the song or saying coldplay are unoriginal, because the messages are very different.

Your definition of music may just be a compilation of drum beats and guitar lines, but for me its also to do with structure, rhythm, and most importantly, the message to be put across. I agree that in structure and rhythm and pace it is similar to clocks, so I see what ppl are saying. Nonetheless a good song.

Elbow – Powder Blue Lyrics 19 years ago
I definately believe the song is about two drug addicts, it is written in black and white, I believe its about a girl who has been through a lot in her past and has turned to drugs and a man who completely understands her.

the references to drug addiction are:

"In despair or incoherence
Nothing in between"
The "incoherence" experienced through drug addiction is the only way to escape the "despair"

"China white" / "sallow-skinned starry-eyed"
the appearance or a hard drug addict, pale and yellowish but bright eyed.

"Stumble through the crowds together
They're trying to ignore us"
the loss of bodily control as experienced through taking drugs, and loss of inhibitions.

"I'm proud to be the one you hold
When the shakes begin"
A drug addict experiences "The Shakes" if they are kept from their drug for a long time.

"Never get so close to death,
Makes you so alive"
Everytime you take drugs you are risking your life, for some it is that risk which adds to the elation when they're high.

Elbow – Scattered Black And Whites Lyrics 19 years ago
what I love about so many of elbow's songs is that they can ring true to everyone. Even though I've never been a drug addict or never attempted suicide or anything as drastic as that, they take the emotions down to their essence, the things which we all experience at some point. With this song I love the way everything seems so personal to him, and you really get an insight into him; childhood memories are intimate things to share. At the same time I think a lot of us can relate to how he recalls small things which mean so much, the smell of perfume or the crossword, these things don't mean anything to anyone else but have great personal significance. There's an empathy and understanding there which makes their songs so amazing.

Elbow – Switching Off Lyrics 19 years ago
I see where you're coming from "last of the men in hats hops off the coil" I always got confused about that first line. Taken literally it could refer to a working man, I thought that it was about the working brain and switching off at night, especially with the traffic fading and insects like a neon choir. An interesting interpretation, but I'm sticking with the finding it hard to fall asleep, it rings very true with me, and even if I'm wrong that's what it means to me.

Coldplay – Speed of Sound Lyrics 19 years ago
I think that the whole song is about discovery, finding things and getting inspiration. The first 2 verses could relate to how he was trying to find inspiration for this album.

I think the chorus has a direct link to how songs can give you inspiration, "birds flying" at the "speed of sound" means the songs that free you and broaden your mind, even your own songs can bring to the surface things you had kept in your unconscious "underground"

I'm torn between the meaning of the third verse, it could mean the limitation of human knowledge and the human mind, there are so many things that we'll never even think about "Ideas that you'll never find" and that perhaps other people and other songs can find them for you.

The next line, however, seems to be about the expanse of your imagination, or the things locked away in your mind and I believe its "ALL the inventors could never design the buildings that you put up" i.e in your imagination,

and then it seems to revert back to the idea that our knowledge is limited "some things you have to believe but others are puzzles puzzling me" or it could mean that we all have different interpretations about things and we'll understand some things and others will understand other things... I guess that's what this site is all about!

Coldplay – Speed of Sound Lyrics 19 years ago
the "all that noise and all that sound" reminds me of a Kate Bush song... no idea what it's called. Very good song nonetheless, and yeah definately like clocks. Love the chorus tho

Sigur Rós – Untitled 1 Lyrics 19 years ago
I have no idea why they used a nonsensical language, but if you've ever been to such an undisturbed natural place as Iceland you get this deep feeling of guilt at having such a "developed" culture which ruins natural landscapes, there's something about this hopelandic which no one can understand in that it taps into your primal emotions and you find yourself feeling happy/ sad etc without the use of complex language, isn't that the most natural thing. Have you ever watched a film in another language and don't understand what they're saying but you still feel all their emotions, it's the purest form of communication. Absolutely stunning!

Damien Rice – The Blower's Daughter Lyrics 19 years ago
funny, u wanted to hear the song cause of the film, I want to see the film cause I recognised the song, love it.

Mew – Snow Brigade Lyrics 19 years ago
I have absolutely no idea what they are talking about but I like the sound. I get so confused with islandic music in general, perhaps they are more artistic and insightful than me.

Clearlake – keep smiling Lyrics 19 years ago
hurumph, know how you feel!

Damien Rice – Cannonball Lyrics 19 years ago
When I first heard this song I didn't really listen to the lyrics and it still made me feel extreme emotion, there are few songs I can say that about but I almost cried at this one! now listening to lyrics and the desperation in his voice when he says "come on courage teach me to be shy" it makes it even more amazing, well done Damien!

Elbow – Suffer Lyrics 19 years ago

Elbow – Red Lyrics 19 years ago
Anyone else notice the weird thing that's said at the end? "yeah I dunno what it is, what am I supposed to do with it? it's tiny! Yeah but I can't keep time to that, if I'm thinking about that then I can't beat box"

Elbow – Switching Off Lyrics 19 years ago
I really know what they're talking about! you know that part of a relationship where you can't fall asleep because you're thinking constantly of that person and you have to conciously switch off otherwise you'll never fall asleep, and you feel all warm and mellow! great imagery, real poets of the age

Elbow – Scattered Black And Whites Lyrics 19 years ago
wow, never considered it in so much detail but now I totally agree, faded memories. Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Elbow – Red Lyrics 19 years ago
We used this once in a devised piece for theatre studies about a girl with bipolar disorder, it related to the drastic mood swings experienced by people with the disorder and I can see that this could also be related to drug users who have highs and then crash down, but I think it relates to everyone, hasn't everyone experienced a time when they've been so high on life and then everything seems to spiral out of control and then into nothing. I think I can even relate to it right now! And I think it's sweet that the song was dedicated to you, shows that he likes you as you are and maybe is concerned about you. He may not even have had the lyrics in mind, it's just a beautiful melody. LOVE IT!

Elbow – Powder Blue Lyrics 19 years ago
"in despair or incoherence nothing inbetween" a hard drug abuser who has turned to drugs for relief, definitely about two abusers. As for the eyes on horizon bit, I think he used that as a metaphor, looking to the future but don't lose track of where u are going, especially in relation to drugs, don't lose sight of where you might end up ... hmmm does this make sense? but please don't attack me if I've spelt anything wrong

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