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Rasputina – Herb Girls Of Birkenau Lyrics 17 years ago
blue -- the "vegetable rinds" (and the kommandant hoarding them) refers to the lack of food for the prisoners at the concentration camps. what they got, mostly, was watered-down barely-coffee and soup which sometimes MAYBE had a piece of celery or lettuce in it... people who found food were very lucky, but mostly those "in charge" would keep it for themselves and ignore the prisoners. i'm not sure what "swayback" refers to, though.

Bree Sharp – David Duchovny Lyrics 17 years ago
xanya, i totally agree! i did this with a friend at an open mic once as a fun cover, and i changed the lyrics... "oh agent scully, why won't you love me?"... while my friend sang the original! we alternated verses and lines of the chorus... THAT was fun!

Beth Hart – Is That Too Much to Ask? Lyrics 18 years ago
"So people tell me to clean up my mess
Like I was sweet sixteen in a dirty dress
But I'm wiser now so I must confess
That I get it all while I can"

...oh, I feel that! I was listening to this album on the bus a few days ago and as soon as those lines came, I was like, "Yeah, I know the feeling." I'm 21 and some days I am in that dirty dress while others I'm 32 and oh-so responsible...

Tori Amos – Playboy Mommy Lyrics 18 years ago
formicula, you've got it... I had a miscarriage in early 2005, I was 19, and I wanted that baby. No matter what anyone else told me... When I told my mum I might be pregnant (OK, she guessed -- we've got a very intuitive, close relationship), she told me it wasn't time yet for me, that I wasn't ready. And when I lost the baby... I named her Rebecca and said goodbye, but I didn't really get over the loss for almost a year. I've changed my life majorly since then, and sometimes I still get teary-eyed. I felt like a "playboy mommy" then, being told I was too young and not good enough. A playboy mommy who quit smoking and partying the second she found out she was pregnant and still felt terrible about her "bad" behaviour...

Rasputina – Girls' School Lyrics 19 years ago
ever since the first time i heard it, i've always felt this song describes - exactly - the atmosphere at the hell of an all-girls private school i was forced to attend.

Rasputina – Herb Girls Of Birkenau Lyrics 19 years ago
oh my... i just returned from a trip to poland; while there i visited five different camps, birkenau included. this song holds so much emotion for me right now... i can't listen to it without crying and seeing everything all over again behind my eyes.

i'm also reading a survivor's account - "smoke over birkenau" - which details the most unbelievable horrors.

Elvis Costello – Watching the Detectives Lyrics 19 years ago
my father used to sing the chorus whenever he flipped on a cop show... except he'd sing "watching the defectives" instead. now, years later, loving the song and feeling chills when i hear it, i think how odd that is...

Tori Amos – Bells For Her Lyrics 19 years ago
oh, how this reminds me of an old friend... it always made me think of her when i heard it.

maggotdeath said it best: "To me this song is about a friendship that went further than friendship, and love so that when one broke away to find a partner it felt almost like betrayal."
- that's exactly how i felt.

Tori Amos – Another Girl's Paradise Lyrics 19 years ago
i've never read anything about the song's intended meaning or source... but to me, it's one of those songs that just perfectly describes the longing for someone you love who's found happiness with someone else.

Hole – Jennifer's Body Lyrics 19 years ago
this has always been one of the most haunting hole songs to me... "just relax, just relax, just go to sleep" has often kept me sane when trying to go to sleep but unable to for fear of nightmares.

Rasputina – The Mayor Lyrics 19 years ago
melora's said that it's not about the bush... but you never know, i suppose.

side note: every president that's been elected in a year ending in zero, i.e. 2000, when bush was first elected, has either died in office, been assassinated, or had an assassination attempt. so there's hope for the world yet! (not that i advocate death - in fact, that's one of the reasons why i loathe the man so much, and it's not even my country.)

Rasputina – Transylvanian Concubine Lyrics 19 years ago
there's a lot of vampire talk here, so if anyone's interested in erzsebet, see "eternal" - it's an english film by a small québec company. the film definately has the sexy-vampire thing going on... i don't know when it's available for rent, but i went to the premiere in september or october...

Rasputina – A Quitter Lyrics 19 years ago
god, i remember listening to this song and being so glad to hear everything i was feeling articulated once upon a time...

last month, i was backstage after rasputina's recital in montreal, and melora was telling me how at the beginning some reacted in an "oh, that's so cheesy, such a girly thing to write" - but she realized that no, it's not cheesy when people actually do feel this way, do have these thoughts. it's a beautiful song.

Rasputina – Nov. 17dee Lyrics 19 years ago
the little girl is hollis lane, melora's daughter. this song is always eerily special to me when i hear it, as november has so many connotations for me.

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