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Pantera – Fucking Hostile Lyrics 19 years ago
Vulgar Display Of Heavy Fucking Metal!

Pantera – Mouth For War Lyrics 19 years ago
yeah i know king, but not long after panteras far beyond driven was the top album, the first ever band to do that as well. i think they should get rid of this damageplan shit an superjoint, an git these 4 hell raisers back together

Pantera – Hollow Lyrics 19 years ago
its either about a coma or a burnout. after u do so much u just kinda sit and stare. u smoke urself to death an ur just kind of fried forever. once those brain cells are gone they dont come back

Pantera – The Sleep Lyrics 19 years ago
this song is about the after party. after every show they have a party an get fucked up. im pretty sure this is about something to that effect. u pass out:its called the sleep. ask any stoner like me an theyll tell u the same

Pantera – Suicide Note Pt. 1 Lyrics 19 years ago
this song is just BEAUTIFUL. when ur depressed, this song helps u. if it wasnt for this song id be dead.i love it.

Pantera – 5 Minutes Alone Lyrics 19 years ago
this song is about a motherfucker who was giving phil hell at a show so he said he was gonna kick his ass.the kid went and told his dad and his dad said u juss give me five minutes alone with that phil anselmo guy. this is in the book that comes with the new greatest hits thing.

A Perfect Circle – Passive Lyrics 19 years ago
A Song can be intrepretted by what the artist meant, but its how u apply a song to ur situation. i LOVE this song, and im not quite sure on the meaning maynard has in mind, but if everybody had to listen to music without being able to choose their own meaning, shit would get boring. this song can be political, love based, whatever the hell u want it to be, like most songs. u have to have words with different meanings, write criptically, so more and more people can understand and intrepret this in their own way.

A Perfect Circle – Imagine Lyrics 19 years ago
OK, maynard used to be the most mysterious man in music period. he woudnt show his face alot, and hes the last person ud think woud go political. or actually sing this song. idk but if hes gonna be like this with tool im not so sure things are gonna go over well with fans. i mean i love this cd, but tool is more heavy, mysterious, than apc. theres just something about tool apc dosent have, maybe its the old maynard...

A Perfect Circle – Annihilation Lyrics 19 years ago
well hell, i love this cd, but ima republican, but i can understand more than one point of view. im not gonna jump ur shit over politics, because politics is ignorant in a way, but i love APC and tool, and this song kicks ass

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