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Kanye West – Bittersweet Poetry (feat. John Mayer) Lyrics 16 years ago
this song is on graduation.

Kanye West – Bittersweet Poetry (feat. John Mayer) Lyrics 16 years ago
this song is on graduation.

Kanye West – Bittersweet Poetry (feat. John Mayer) Lyrics 16 years ago
this song is on graduation.

Kanye West – Bittersweet Poetry (feat. John Mayer) Lyrics 16 years ago
this song is on graduation.

Kanye West – Homecoming (feat. Chris Martin) Lyrics 16 years ago
It's about first love, but not in the typical boy/girl sense. Kanye's in love with home. 'Wendy', refers to Chicago being the Windy City, and Kanye even overtly states that the song is about Chicago ("If you don't know by now, I'm talkin' bout Chi-town"). Like Capricorn says, it's an awesome tribute to the city of Chicago.

Agree with 'I used to live H.E.R.' comments. I think Kanye and Common seem to have worked together a little bit in the past, both being Chicago rappers and all. I at least recall that they were on Chapelle together doing 'The Food'.

The National – All the Wine Lyrics 17 years ago
'dollhaus' meant 'madhouse' in olden times.

The Mountain Goats – Your Belgian Things Lyrics 18 years ago
I was under the impression that it had to do with a serial killer, or a few killings in one house.

Hence the "waltzed right in the door and went florescent" which is the cops blacklighting the house for blood and finding lots of things glowing.

A tiger's never gonna change it's stripes...

Wilco – Company In My Back Lyrics 19 years ago
Listen to my eyes/They are hissing radiator tunes

I've yet to get a solid meaning on this many of the songs on AGIB, but I think these two lines go together. He's telling her to look into his eyes, which are hissing radiator tunes---he's giving her a very cold look.

Wilco – Hell Is Chrome Lyrics 19 years ago
I think the 'high in the haze' part is the interpretive lynchpin of this song. On the figurative level, I want to think that the haze is drug induced.

On the literal, it, of course, goes along with the stifling, dirty-city image that's portrayed in Hummingbird.

Tool – 4 Degrees Lyrics 19 years ago
Hmm. Actually, you should probably ignore my last question, as it's quite stupid in hindsight.

Tool – 4 Degrees Lyrics 19 years ago
I am absolutely floored by the number of interpretations that this song has. Here's another one:

When heroin was first synthesized by a guy named C.R.A. Wright, he commented on the effects of it on aninals:".... Marked want of coordinating power over the muscular movements, and loss of power in the pelvis and hind limbs, together with a diminution of temperature in the rectum of about 4°"

I'm quite amused to have stumbled onto the quote. It sort've works in application to the song, even if it's a bit of a reach. Good times, eh?

Has Maynard ever shot up?

Wilco – Hummingbird Lyrics 19 years ago
I'd say that an echo is more important and lasting than a word just spoken and swallowed by silence, no?

Andrew Bird – Action/Adventure Lyrics 19 years ago
what a terribly wonderful pun.

Andrew Bird – Measuring Cups Lyrics 19 years ago
I took it as a criticism of school/school psychologist types/society for being so damned quick to label kids as attention deficit (for example. This coincides with the 'we'll trade butterfly knives for Adderal line in Tables and Chairs)...I think he's saying that giving them complexes and predisposing children to being hopeless, since they will supposedly never achieve past what has been predetermined for them is not a particularly productive practice.

Just let the kids be kids, yo.

Arcade Fire – Sonata Lyrics 19 years ago
just found it at

look around a little.

The Decemberists – The Sporting Life Lyrics 19 years ago
the nifty lyric booklet that came with the CD corrects the following lines:

line 4: went deafening silent and stopped in motion ;)

and for clarity, the following lines are to be read "I should've known," he thinks again. "I never should've put him in."

The Decemberists – We Both Go Down Together Lyrics 19 years ago
I'm tossing in my .02 with inconstanti and Imposs1ble...further, what good would it do Imposs1ble to lie to you?

The Decemberists – Sixteen Military Wives Lyrics 19 years ago
all fixed, thank you.

The Decemberists – Sixteen Military Wives Lyrics 19 years ago
This song's off the new CD, out March 22, enjoy. :)

Arcade Fire – Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels) Lyrics 19 years ago
I like, particularly, the alchemist-reference...

"You change all the lead
sleepin' in my head,
as the day grows dim
I hear you sing a golden hymn."

Modest Mouse – Bukowski Lyrics 19 years ago
Shauna: Bukowski wrote so many books of poetry that it would be difficult to go and search one line out. How would one interpret the line if one did not believe in the after-life? It's all subjective.

Drugsarebad: Dude, Radiohead > MM, but they're both damned good bands.

Cursive – Mothership, Mothership, Do You Read Me? Lyrics 19 years ago
Umm. I think the_ashlee was referring to the semi-scifi-ish content, the mothership, the first step of the universe, etcetera.

However, in this case, they're metaphors for being in the womb, birth, and that feeling of detatchment.

Elliott Smith – Coast to Coast Lyrics 19 years ago
Does anyone have a transcript of the poems that he recites at the end of the song? It's whispered, and set up so he's saying different things into each of my ears.

Taking Back Sunday – A Decade Under The Influence Lyrics 19 years ago
Have to agree with the last two posts, except I think that the "Anyone will do tonight..." part consists of him 'thinking' that anyone will do tonight, and him telling her to relax before they have sex. "close your eyes just settle, settle"

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