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Eminem – Lose Yourself Lyrics 19 years ago
Make a mistake, so you don't make it next time... that's what i get from "Loose yourGoose (in the music)"

A Perfect Circle – Gravity Lyrics 19 years ago
muthafuckin x-ele(ga)nt song.... i use the gravity to control my high...

A Perfect Circle – Gravity Lyrics 19 years ago
muthafuckin x-ele(ga)nt song.... i use the gravity to control my high...

Sevendust – Seasons Lyrics 19 years ago
the fear that haunts us all
the beginning of the end
the season is way to cold

i always think of the song like that.... i dunno... both ways is ok... sad but true

A Perfect Circle – The Nurse Who Loved Me (Failure cover) Lyrics 19 years ago
simplisty... living is dying... but fast living is fast dying too... addicting is rejecting... i live like this: doing many things in the day, some good... some bad... but when i go to sleep i think of what good i've done when doing bad... and vice versa... i don't wanna get to smart on songs... they know to exaust me... getting inside of Maynards brain is not a very beautyfull place to visit often... but, by going there very often i found a place which i can say that i like, by not complicating it... i try to listen to the songs he'd done to help me not to have a bad day... for every tool & apc song i try to say something normal, good, carring with a whisper of wisdom.... cuz maynard is not a freak trying to complicate the meaning of the songs just to show his anger.. he is a person that expresses our soul for us in a way like our morallity imprissoned it... (In other words, thanx man)

A Perfect Circle – The Nurse Who Loved Me (Failure cover) Lyrics 19 years ago
actualy 13th step means the first step after rehab .... trying to remember only the good stuff of the days durring 12 step program ...
The Package - feed the monster with the last one, "He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man" -Dr.Johnson(Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas)
Weak and Powerless - the monster has no relief,
The Noose - the monster is searching a plan for relief of pain, Blue - the monster doesn't want to die,
Vanishing - what will happen to the monster when i vanish?, A Stranger - i found my self, no longer the monster is inside, but i miss him very much,
The Outsider - i don't know myself, i want the monster back, Crimes - calm down everything's gonna be ok,
The Nurse - start with love, that's the answer, send love to all likeable person, (even) hallucinate love,
Pet - find the real love, it's painfull but you have to accept it like that, the world is cruel place to live,
Lullaby - Luis Bunuel said that if he were told he had 20 years to live and was asked how he wanted to live them, his reply would be: "Give me two hours a day of activity, and I'll take the other 22 in dreams--provided I can remember them." Dreams were the nourishment of his films, and from his earliest days as a surrealist in Paris to his triumphs in his late 70s, dream logic was always likely to interrupt the realism of his films. That freedom gave them a quality so distinctive that, like those of Alfred Hitchcock and Federico Fellini, they could be identified almost immediately,
Gravitty - get allong with the NIRMAL world. :) I'm glad i wrote this, but i wanna say something more: " It's an album of relief of any addiction. Being addicted to whatever makes us loose ourselfes trying to find another non painfull addiction. WE HAVE TO GET ADDICTED TO THE REAL WORLD! That's what the album Yeals. It is borring, but that's it. 13th step is an EXCELLENT album for love, understanding, care, reallity and self respect.
(i used so simple and dumb words for explaining, i'm very sorry, but i wanted to say it on the simplest way)

A Perfect Circle – Fiddle And The Drum Lyrics 19 years ago
nice one... there is a story of 2 brothers One Weak and the Other Strong... they walk and a gang cross their road and starts hitting the Weaker... The Strong one starts to diss with the guys "Hit him again and you'll see what I AM GOING to do".... they hit him again.... "Hit him again and YOU'LL SEE" ... they hit him again.... and again "Hit him again and i'll bust your head"says the strong.... and than the weak one sais "Brother please don't stand up for me no more....PLEASE" This song is about the Weak and Powerless under the Guardians of Justice - Their Big Brothers. Go Maynard. You know... he's right: "If you don't vote... you have no right to complain, after" Greetings.

Metallica – Fade To Black Lyrics 19 years ago
this song is a note for not-suicide... a will to live for something... i start every guitar practice with it... not depressive for me...

A Perfect Circle – The Nurse Who Loved Me (Failure cover) Lyrics 19 years ago
metaphoricaly the nurse is maynards dick, falling hard for him... making him squell .... just kidding. relaxing mental model of the newest Blue Danube ... try to imagine your first girlfriend asking you on a methadone date ...

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