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Vanessa Carlton – White Houses Lyrics 19 years ago
ok so Vanessa Carlton came and performed for my college last night. And she was telling us before she played this song that MTV censored it because it was about sex. And she was so pissed because they play all those rap/hip hop videos with women jiggling their booties, and they cant play a beautiful, mature song about sex. Well poo poo on mtv. It's an awsome song.

Nirvana – Heart-Shaped Box Lyrics 22 years ago
yea and i come here to get lyrics...and being that i am oblivious to many things i never really thought "why is this site called songmeanings..." one day i scrolled down and there were all these bloody comments about what the song actaully meant. You have no idea how amusing this is " im right- you're a fool la la la" give each other a bloody break. I can't believe, after reading all of your comments, that i actually wrote something. Ignore what i said, i feel like a bloody loser even telling you guys that information. ok sorry, im done. bye

Nirvana – Heart-Shaped Box Lyrics 22 years ago
i don't care if it's about a child with cancer...or if it's about courtney. I just wanted to let you guys know - just incase some one else hasnt brought it to your attention... that courtney was born on july 9th which makes her astrological sign a CANCER YAAAAAY!!! I wouldn't have taken the time to find this out if the song hadn't mentioned pisces...kurt and i have the same birthday ...but that doesnt matter...ok sorry. I have no opinion... have fun telling each other the "truth"

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