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The White Octave – Devise Executes Lyrics 22 years ago
Alright...I for one think that this song is lovely. It is just such a shitty feeling when all you need is someone to listen and relate and all you find in your desperate search is an uninspiring listener.

Owen – Dead Men Don't Lie Lyrics 22 years ago
i don't even know where to begin with this song. mike kinsella takes the ugly and perverse qualities of human nature...comments on them with a simple scenario...and finally coupples them with this music that paints the most vivid picture while convaying these incredable tides of sadness and aintcipation. in short this song takes an "ugly scene" and makes it so beautiful that it puts my heart on hold every time.

Piebald – All You Need Is Drums to Start a Dance Party Lyrics 22 years ago
ever since i bought this album my goal in life has been to invite someone to my very own makeout far i have used the line on various friends and none are all too amused, more often than not they just look very uncomfortable...actually come to think of it that could be because most of them are my same sex friends...hmmm

Rainer Maria – Artificial Light Lyrics 22 years ago
i wish i believed that breathing in was that easy...i am not convinced that the air will be waiting when i need it back.

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