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Son Volt – Tear Stained Eye Lyrics 3 years ago
@[EnviroAg96:37154] Thanks so much. I appreciate your taking the time to share the details of this experience.

Canned Heat – On The Road Again Lyrics 3 years ago
Yeah, there songs were awesome, no doubt about it. Funny how people hear different words to the song. This webpage got it right with the lyrics - payroll. Things keep changing and that's the beauty of the blues - it's real and down to earth, basic emotions and life experiences...for some anyway. We as a nation, as a culture are so different than in those days, no matter what you and I might want to think. So much numbed and dumbed down lack of self awareness. Sorry is the word thrown out to others like a club gaslighting whoever/you. (it's in the dictionary). With denial and distance to feelings and life, blues doesn't have the appeal it did back then. Then it was about freedom and expression, harmony and acceptance. Just the opposite today - more like slave/serf mentality, superficially ego-driven. So just be glad you can even enjoy the music because other don't even have a flippin' clue. The music of those days isn't what people are about now day.

Lucinda Williams – Can't Let Go Lyrics 4 years ago
People are so frikkin lazy on the Internet...copy and paste, copy and paste....don't bother to proofread anything or go back to the original recording and check if the lyrics as transcribed are correct and heaven forbid you should use actual logic to see if the transcription makes any sense! OK, all of that preamble was just a precursor to inform all the people with tin ears out there that the expression used in this song is "PUTS me out" and not "PULL me out". Get it? Who has EVER said, of their man/woman "yeah, he totally pulled me out"? I mean, unless you were stuck in a hole or some kind of whirling vortex that they rescued you from! When would a person rejecting you ever be said to be pulling you out? If your answer was "Never" then you are way more intelligent than the apparently thousands of people who keep reproducing and sending around these WRONG lyrics to this song (which was also NOT written by Lucinda Williams, as if anyone cares...) If a human and not a robot is managing this site, then please, for the love of god would you just correct the lyrics? It goes like this:" He won't take me back when I come around / Says he's sorry then PUTS me out". The keen observer will notice that the expression to put someone out, meaning to kick em out o yer house/life/bed etc. occurs in many hundreds of blues, soul, rock, and jazz tunes. Meanwhile, the expression to pull someone out is limited to tales of people being rescued from holes and the occasional whirling vortex. Hmmmm. which do you think is more likely to have been worked into the lyrics of "Can't Let Go"? Gee whillikers, that's a real head-scratcher.....

Vampire Weekend – I Stand Corrected Lyrics 4 years ago
He is standing up and proclaiming "I was wrong". One of the most powerful things an individual can do.
We mustn't always project our love affairs and personal complexities onto poetry. These primarily serve to confuse and delude. Poetry is the base. It breaks down our language, conflicts, and entire experience to the most fundamental level. That is why it is beautiful. It is a baby which has just left the womb. It is the wise old man with that twinkle in his eye, which we cannot yet grasp.

Colin Hay – Waiting For My Real Life To Begin Lyrics 5 years ago
@[tunguska56:30798] Such insightful analysis, and so very articulate. This song has resonated with me for years, and as I am struggling to address my own "demons," I am trying to go deeper into the song, to let it help me. Thank you for helping my process along.

Devin Townsend – Things Beyond Things Lyrics 5 years ago
Just a simple song about a guy who killed his girlfriend and is reminiscing of the fantasy he had of killing, her then comparing that to when he had actually done the deed, all this as he buries her body.

Hootie & the Blowfish – Let Her Cry Lyrics 5 years ago
This songs obviously about him being friendzoned by a girl he's in deeply in love with. Her lifes a mess and she obviously doesn't feel the same about him.

Janis Ian – in the winter Lyrics 5 years ago
Before Alanis Morrisette's scathing lyrics there was Janis Ian

Kansas – Nobody's Home Lyrics 5 years ago
On the surface, the imagery points to an alien teacher arriving on earth after the apocalypse and finding no life. But knowing Kerry's affinity for religion, I presume it's about Jesus

Kansas – Opus Insert Lyrics 5 years ago
@[lifeson2112:29405] - No, this page is correct. These lyrics are for Opus Insert

lilfagboi – Ch Ch Chicken Strips Lyrics 5 years ago

lilfagboi – Leather Trench Coat Lyrics 5 years ago
as s tiggy vegina

The Commodores – Jesus Is Love Lyrics 5 years ago
@[SilentAenima:28541] I will pray for you.

Danger Mouse and Daniele Luppi – Black Lyrics 5 years ago
I really like this interpretation. Could you be explain more?

Todd Rundgren – Black Maria Lyrics 5 years ago
I recently learned the first parking meter was called a Black Maria. Think about that in relation to the lyrics. Surely Todd is reading this and will reply "You nailed it Larry!"

Pink Floyd – Brain Damage Lyrics 5 years ago
@[noonebeatsdylan:28524] Well, I know you posted this 8 years ago and will probably not read my answer, but I feel a strong need to post my interpretation.
Most of the people are associating the verse "The lunatic is my head" to a lobotomy or how society changes you, but I see it in a totally different way.
To me, when he says "The lunatic is in my head", he's saying that the 'lunatic', or the 'crazy person' that does not match with society is an essencial part of him. And when he says "he raise the blade" (a demonstration that the 'crazy person' takes control of him), "he makes the change" (the lunatic, when "summoned" [like in moments of crysis, when your average 'you' is not enabled to deal with the situation presented], changes the very essence of you), "he rearrenges me 'till i'm sane" (again, the 'lunatic' is an essencial part to the keeping of your mental health). "He locks the door and throw away the key" (the 'lunatic' takes control over your aware 'self'), "there's someone in my head, but it's not me" (again, the 'lunatic' is not a part of what you consider to be yourself, but it IS an essential part of you, and there's no use to trying to supress it).
Again, that's just my interpretation, but I'm curious to see if anybody has thought of it that way.

Katatonia – Saw You Drown Lyrics 5 years ago
This song, for me, it's about someone (poetic persona) that hurts (betraying, lying or something else) a loved one and IT, the loved person, even though has forgiven him (to poetic person) is getting far away, getting more bleak, is getting cold... It is "drowning".
The person that relates that situation, figured out that and is bad as well.
I've separated the song with, on my point of view, who speak what on lyrics:

Poetic Persona:
As through your shattered eyes
It all came together
And your heart cries
Weeping through the weather
Another way to change your mind

Here, the PP see into shatted eyes of the loved one the sadness, and the everything what happened came together on his head... It'd be great if he could change the past to change the mind of its (loved one)

Loved one:
I'm weaker than they say
To leave this all behind
The only way to stay

The loved one thought that could pass over this situation... To forget the all the pain caused... But it knows, now, that is weaker, as they friends said, for that; to leave everthing behind... the only way to keep on and stay by side of PP.

Don't you know
I'm the end of what we'll be
And right below us
The last thing you'll see

PP sees how happy the end of boths (PP and Loved one) would be if he hasn't done commited the mistake.... This thoughts pass over his head... And he knows that last thing that he’ll see - say his thoughts - it's the loved person more and more unhappy for to can’t erase his mistake....

In the water
I saw you drown
Down the water
Saw you drown

Here it’s metaphore! The PP sees that loved one drowning in its sadness…. And can’t do anything. In this pont, of my view (of course), the loved one has commited suicide.

As through my shattered sight
You're no longer here
And my heart cries
Sleeping through the light

The loved one has gone (suicide, maybe)? The heart cries, he can’t sleep on night just when sun comes – but barely… What to do? Suicide thoughts on his head…

Another way to change my mind
Never is the day
To leave this all behind
The only way to stay

There are another way to change his my from these dark thoughts? Now everthing is dark, the days don’t come anymore… The suicide it’s the only way to leave all this pain behind… The only way to stay by side of love one – together in death.

Silversun Pickups – Ragamuffin Lyrics 5 years ago
It sounds like they're trying to say something about the state of music today. So many people are making statements, shouting at the top of their lungs, that they're getting muddled instead of being seen as profound, and all these kids are being taught to follow along with this message in repetition, rather than formulate their own thoughts and grow as humans. The line:
"Covered your tracks, so how would you know
This ragamuffin wants to follow you home?"
makes me think of how the radio forces the stuff down your throat even when you make a conscious effort to avoid it. If that context is the theme of the song, everything else fits together perfectly.

Randy – Addicts Of Communication Lyrics 22 years ago
holy moly. i had no idea how much people actually likes Randy. :)
good thing! i envy my friends, they saw Randy at Hultsfred this summer.. along with tons of other good bands.

Randy – Karl Marx And History Lyrics 22 years ago
indeed it is.

No Fun At All – Wow and I say Wow Lyrics 22 years ago
think it's sad that they've split up. =(
no fun at all. <3
and this song is great, one of their best songs.

The Ataris – Between You And Me Lyrics 22 years ago
this is one of the saddest songs EVER. it really does break your heart to know you can't hold someone you really love.

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