Lyric discussion by YYZ2112 

Can't believe there isn't a comment yet.

Lyrics are pretty straightforward. Obviously about fear of nuclear war at the time, and the many protests that spoke out against nukes.

I really dig the lines "I made a sign to carry to show that I really care / I've heard it does some good if the television people are there." In my interpretation, the lyric encapsulates some protesters who only protest or stand up for their own recognition and selfish thoughts they get from people looking up at them. They aren't behind the movement, but just want to make themselves feel good about it. Always resented those people.

A really simple song, but it rocks so much in less than 2 minutes. Love the Dü.

@YYZ2112 exactly how I interpreted it. Very telling of people today, sharing social issues on Facebook for their own recognition, and not even giving that much of a damn about them.

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