Lyric discussion by or29544 

The song definitely fits the "fine on the outside, struggling on the inside" couple theme.

The couple seems to have slide in some spoken premonition: "As the devil spoke we spilled out on the floor" and "As the sad-eyed woman spoke we missed our chance". The devil did not speak - it was their own thought about the relationship, their worst fear about them. The sad eyed woman did not speak. It was them, trying to reconcile their loving past with their rotting present.

They feel they have a choice to make - and they steer toward pretending: "They won't know who we are so we both can pretend". After all "It's written on the mountains, a line that never ends" - everybody does it. But then again they can't always hide the true failure of their relationship. They feel singled out sometimes with their whole fiasco highlighted to the crowds: "The inside out on the open - with the straightest face".

And then there's Dorian. Dorian is not part of the couple. She is a third person, trying to peek in their relationship. She wants to see how it's all going to end, but the couple is just feeling miserable about what she gets to see, so they want to send her away: "Dorian, carry on". Just go ahead, Dorian, don't stay anymore. Or "will you come along to the end?" - will you follow us until we wholly break apart? Then they even get defensive: "Will you ever let us carry on?" - our problem is not yours, Dorian, just let us be. And the obvious final: "Dorian, will you follow us down?". Will you stay with us until it's all over?

@or29544 Thank you so much, is an amazing interpretation.

@or29544 Thank you so much, this is an amazing interpretation.

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