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La Femme – Le Vide Est Ton Nouveau Prenom Lyrics 2 years ago
Two white roses faded this Saturday,\nJust like the end of our story. \nAlthough finished - it\'s still hard to believe,\nEither way, I will have to forget your name. \nYou become an emptiness - \nVoid is your new name,\nVoid is your new name.\n\nTwo months later we met, it\'s true. \nYour head told me something\nBut I forgot you existed. After all, I did not want\nTo keep you in my mind, nor in my heart. \nIn your place I put emptiness,\nIn your place I put emptiness.\n\nEmptiness in exchange for an empty person like you. \nYou know the emptiness stays for long\nBut one day someone will take your empty place\nAnd I will feel indifferent,\nAnd I will feel indifferent.\n\nRoses are rare and you crush them - \nA star falls from your hands:\nYou look, move on, \nNow the star is lost forever - \nShe must search for someone else, \nSomeone different than you.

TR/ST – Bulbform Lyrics 6 years ago
@[conspired:22360] What's even more interesting is that the singer implies they have been here before. That it's a process happening many times: "I know it won't last the season than it was before".

Mylene Farmer – Dans Les Rues de Londres Lyrics 7 years ago
The song begins with a deep commentary on life, a lesson the singer tries to teach the audience. It's about life and its nature, that you cannot control it and put it in formulas. You cannot make a science of it.

But because the message is not easy to understand, she gives a day-to-day example: she tried to make two persons fall in love with each other. He had a beautiful soul, she tried to point that out as strong as she could, but the other person, Virginia, simply ignored him - it did not work.

Why did it not work? Here we return to the first stance: you cannot reduce life to simple formulas. Yes, he was good and kind. Yes, Virginia needed somebody. Yes, the singer tried to make them see each other - but it did not work. A perfect plan just did not work. You cannot make life flow the way you think is right. It's like a letter beginning with the ending. Everything is upside down. When you think you have everything planned out perfectly, life will simply change. "It always changes."

The final stance is a promise made by the singer not to stand in the way of life. To try not to repeat this mistake again. But in order to do that, in order to leave life just be, she needs to abandon herself, her ideas, her formulas and theories - just to reach "humanity". Just to reach that place in life where you respect life and the life of others. Where you gain "humanity". Anything different is dictatorship. And this endeavor is difficult - she had to disappear from life's stage just to let others live their own lives as they see fit. She had to hope that they know better than her.

In the end the singer simply repeats the life example she gave earlier. Probably it had a great impact on her, probably it triggered the life lesson she learned and is trying to convey to the audience using this song. Of course for her it's a pity: "Another time. Not this time" - she repeats this like feeling sorry for Virginia - but she cannot do anything anymore. She just has to let it go.

Mylene Farmer – Dans Les Rues de Londres Lyrics 7 years ago
Reducing life to undefined formulas is quite impossible -
You see, it always changes.
It's like a letter that was written upside down.
In my head flows a crazy world that wants to be born.

But you know, his soul is beautiful
And in the streets of London I drew more lights than it takes to see.
But God has plans for her - and the streets of London will blow on mysteries.
Another time, Virginia.

I will abandon my life just to try and reach humanity.
Earth's foundations watched me disappear -
But among the ruins I lived and hoped, you see.

But you know, his soul is beautiful
And in the streets of London I drew more lights than it takes to see.
But God has plans for her - and the streets of London will blow on mysteries
Another time.
Not this time.

Mylene Farmer – A force de Lyrics 8 years ago
This is not a literal translation, it's more free form so you get a better idea about the song's meaning.

How upside-down -- a beautiful inversion. It's like saying "true that" instead
Is this world of "that is true". it's "upside down this world" instead of
"this world is upside down" just to give more weight to
the situation.

Although it rains over Vienna
Life is beautiful.

Because of death -- because of the force, of the violence of death
I don't have to tell you
That I crave to live
Giving others the crave to live.

By running, -- by the strength you get from running,
Stumbling, -- from losing your balance
I crave to live
Giving others the crave to live

The power of the fast
Winds which get torn apart
Give me the crave to live
Giving others the crave to live

By the power of all that sparkles
Due to the beauty of nature,
I crave to live
And to die unconstrained -- to die without chains, unbound

Intangible -- again, same kind of inversion as the one from the beginning
This flame
Life is beautiful
When you love -- or when you love it, when you love life

Agnes Obel – Dorian Lyrics 8 years ago
The song definitely fits the "fine on the outside, struggling on the inside" couple theme.

The couple seems to have slide in some spoken premonition: "As the devil spoke we spilled out on the floor" and "As the sad-eyed woman spoke we missed our chance". The devil did not speak - it was their own thought about the relationship, their worst fear about them. The sad eyed woman did not speak. It was them, trying to reconcile their loving past with their rotting present.

They feel they have a choice to make - and they steer toward pretending: "They won't know who we are so we both can pretend". After all "It's written on the mountains, a line that never ends" - everybody does it. But then again they can't always hide the true failure of their relationship. They feel singled out sometimes with their whole fiasco highlighted to the crowds: "The inside out on the open - with the straightest face".

And then there's Dorian. Dorian is not part of the couple. She is a third person, trying to peek in their relationship. She wants to see how it's all going to end, but the couple is just feeling miserable about what she gets to see, so they want to send her away: "Dorian, carry on". Just go ahead, Dorian, don't stay anymore. Or "will you come along to the end?" - will you follow us until we wholly break apart? Then they even get defensive: "Will you ever let us carry on?" - our problem is not yours, Dorian, just let us be. And the obvious final: "Dorian, will you follow us down?". Will you stay with us until it's all over?

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds – People Ain't No Good Lyrics 11 years ago
I just want to say I hate this song. It's not that it is a bad song, but it accuses all people for the mistake of one. At least this is my general feeling. You say "people just ain't no good" when you have met all people in the world and you decided they are all bad.

And saying that all are bad, you usually include yourself along with all the others - but the song does not say that. It protects the singer as a separate entity which is able to judge all others but he himself cannot be judged by anyone.

This feels like an arrogant depression. You are depressed and you feel that everyone betrayed you, but you cannot see your mistakes at all. You consider that all love ends because "people just ain't no good". So you don't even try to make things better anymore because you set for yourself this axiom which does not need proof and you stick to it.

Sorry folks, rant over.

Delerium – Aria Lyrics 11 years ago
Ever since i could remember, I have known
That children, by candle light,
Have seen a shadow on the wall
And have chased it all night through.

Busily they have tried
With all their might to catch it.

When they are close to catch it
It shoots quickly out of sight -
This shadow they will never catch
In any trap they lay

This shadow, I liken it
To this world and yesterday.

Coeur de Pirate – Fondu Au Noir Lyrics 11 years ago
Sleep, the evil is past and you enter the dance.
The worst part: as your dreams come rhythmically,
You sow happiness with every step you take -
But as you wake up, life resumes its way.

As you move like wind in a world without music,
Without your too specific shades
You swim in pain - and it's almost time to close your eyes
Into the death that awaits you.

And if it hurts it's because he does not understand
That a mine is housed in your heart for a long time.
And if it hurts it's because he will not see you
As your smile will finally fade away.

Sleep, the evil is past and it will not catch you up.
Breath away - you will not be his bait anymore.
Your pain will melt in the madness of all the others
Who will quickly forget that you are no longer with us.

And if it hurts it's because he does not understand
That a mine is housed in your heart for a long time.
And if it hurts it's because he will not see you
As your smile will finally fade away.

Cults – Go Outside Lyrics 11 years ago
I think it's about religious oppression. Religion does not want you to go outside and live the life you want, but always keeps you in check. "Well I know what's good exactly cause I have been there before" - not because some strange book or preacher tells me what's good and what's wrong in theory.

"You really want to hole up" - this is exactly what religious fundamentalists do. They don't care what's outside their religious circle, their religious friends and religious points of view. They just want to blindly believe that what their religion teaches is the best way. But the singer does not want this. The singer wants a true life experience which will become the standard by which good and wrong will stand.

And the final words, "I think I want to live my life and you're just in my way" show the final rebuttal in which the singer recognizes the religious threat and simply dismisses its constraints.

Benjamin Francis Leftwich – Box Of Stones Lyrics 12 years ago
I think the song is about an impossible love which is described through his eyes.

He is found reflecting on her words while looking at the passing water and at the dying animals in the forest. He doesn't want to let go, to let his thoughts pass away but remains and always comes back to the same repetitive, almost obsessive words which she said sometime to him.

Now her words are not many, but I think they are the key to their separation: "I am young and I am yours, I am free" - all the conditions for their love are met. But she continues and says: "but I am flawed". She recognizes some sort of incompatibility between them or maybe something strictly about her which just cannot make them fit. Then the really bitter part comes: "I am here in your heart. I was here from the start". Something links her to him and although their love is somehow interrupted, she tries to comfort him by resorting to the time they had together at some point. That past time together rooted her in his heart and she will remain there forever.

I do not understand the meaning of the bridge though. It seems something changed in their relationship, but I fail to grasp the significance.

Flunk – Sit Down Lyrics 12 years ago
I think the song is about that moment when you stop and think about the decisions you have made or which you have to take. The war the singer talks about is life itself. And he is almost entirely on auto-pilot the whole journey through life. But now he stops: "I'm still at the front but I don't, I don't fight - I'm gonna sit down tonight". He doesn't despair, he doesn't take any superficial decision. He just stops and starts to hear his own deep thoughts. The result? "Listen to the silence in between - it's louder than the bombs that come screaming in". The silence may be anything: regret, remorse, depression, fear, uncertainty or all together.

Florence + the Machine – Never Let Me Go Lyrics 12 years ago
The correct lyrics are: the questions of heaven for a sinner like me.

Skylar Grey – Invisible Lyrics 12 years ago
I think the song is about her struggling with her identity. She doesn't understand why nothing she does to make an impression works. In the first part she even tries to abuse herself in order to attract attention - but it does not work. In the second part she laments about her failure and says "I try everything to make them see me" - a false assertion because her mind is set to be someone else, someone acceptable by the society: "Every day I try to look my best even though inside I'm such a mess".

I believe the song explores and explains the simple but deep concern of a troubled soul who cannot escape the conscience of "others". The whole song is centered on "others", "they", to "see me". Of course in the end the soul returns to the single secure place: loneliness, where "they" exist no more. But still, the mind requests their acceptance - and so loneliness becomes hell.

The bridge is painful but I think a common experience: she cannot beat others into accepting her and so she creates her own dream world where she is the main actor - the queen. "It's almost believable" is a shattering verse: that "almost believable" stays in the way. The dreams cannot be "completely believable" and she knows that. She cannot find release even in dreams. So the struggle continues.

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