Lyric discussion by juarez122191 

cool. First comment. Well I relate to this song well. I love it.

The first part:

I got out of a 6 year relationship a year basically now. It wasn't what I wanted. But things happened and we split. All my nightmares and fears of her leaving didn't mean shit anymore. Why? "Pull the blinds" wake up! The shit did happen and were over. Now all those nightmares dont matter. Because I'm living the black dream itself.


I miss her. I describe myself as a hermit. I just work long hours and come home and sleep. I'm completely alone now. I'm distant from my family. When I met her I felt complete. Her warmth kept me company and I felt comfortable. Now she's gone and I miss her terribly. But we talk very seldomly but I feel I don't know Her anymore. She is just a stranger to me. But I do miss her. I miss her warmth and the "love" I thought she felt for me


In the beginning of our break up. I would just sleep. I fell ill due to my job few days after our breakup. I was on workers comp for a while. Months to be exact. So I had all this time to myself to think about what did I do wrong? Did this really happen? I thought she loved me? She said we would have a family one day. I don't understand? So I would sleep all day. This happened for months. I wouldn't eat. I was depressed. Plus not having the strength physically to move about. And now my mental state was decaying. I would sleep for days without eating. My house was indeed my grave. It was like no one knew I was gone.


I would call an old friend of mine sometimes to go chill. Smoke/drink at bar or something. Just anything to get my mind still after what I had gone thru.


Same thing. Anything just to keep my mind busy from thinking of her. But months had gone by and I still feel the hole left in my heart. Even to this day I feel the hole. My emotions have been mixed and fucked up. I feel like I can't feel anything for anyone.

But that's how I feel about the song. I'm so happy I'm first to comment. Now I'm feeling a bit better about the situation. But honestly it's with the help of LSD. I've been taking pretty strong doses here and there. I feel happy and complete. When this song comes on under the influence. I remember what we had. And I feel thankful I atleast experienced love at one point of my life. Now I have to try my hardest to move on and find love in someone else. It makes me feel optimistic

@juarez122191 What an amazing heartfelt comment. I can relate with you to a certain extent, and I actually found this artist through my ex.

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