Lyric discussion by sayulikeme 

Cover art for Forever and Always lyrics by Parachute

This song doesn't have much interpretation since it's pretty narrative. It's telling the story of an engaged couple. One night he doesn't come home. It's getting late and she's worried, when the phone rings. "A voice says 'Something's happened.'" Her fiancee got in some sort of accident I am guessing. The most obvious answer would be a car accident. She has a flashback to when he proposed to her. I love the chorus - it shows just how much they love each other and how true their love is. She shows up at the hospital. The doctors tell her what's happened, but we never find out. She tries to stay strong and keep a straight face. She sits by him, holds his hand "too tight" (she is terrified at the thought of losing him) and they talk about their future together. They're very hopeful of him getting better. Then, I think either a) she thinks marrying him will help him pull through, or b) she realizes that he's not going to recover and wants to get married anyway, no matter how short their life together is (or both). They have a spontaneous, impromptu wedding and you can just feel the happiness at this part in the song. The next part is what always gets me: I get goosebumps and sometimes tear up, even though I've listened to this song so many times. She's finishing her vows, but they both realize he's slipping away. He tells her he will love her forever and always, even if he's not there. It doesn't tell us in the song, but it's pretty obvious that he does die. Although we are left with the hope that he pulled through. This is one of my absolute favorite songs, and I think of it as a total contradiction. The first time listening to it, you may think it is a purely sad song. After all, they have such a perfect love but their life together is cut short. But Forever and Always is also a happy song to me. Their love is so strong, so perfect that even death can't stop it. It's a tragedy for sure, but more importantly it is a love song, and a great one at that. Parachute always captures emotions so strongly in all of their songs, and Forever and Always definitely does not disappoint. It has amazing lyrics and beautiful vocals, and I don't think I'll ever quite get it out of my head.