Lyric discussion by TOOLrule3 

Simple-This song has no meaning. It's just a teenager who hasn't yet hit puberty, sings like a laughing kookaboora (Spelling, sorry,), and has no talent whatsoever. This kid is fucking 15, hitting 16, maybe even 16 already. How the holy hearts does he know what love means? What a fucking loser.

I'm also sick of all these fangirls bitching and saying "This song was wrote for me!!!!!11111". Dears, he doesn't even KNOW YOU. He's just another talentless lowlife/loser who plays his 'music' only for gaining money, not for putting time and effort into his so-called 'music'. This little poser doesn't give two shits about you, so fuck off and stop complaining. Sorry for my cussing, I just needed to get all this loserome out of my brain.

Damn the music industry. DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!!!!!

@TOOLrule3 I didn't appreciate ur comment plus he is all grown up still making good music and I'm even sure that u jam to it . So where do u enter ? Just shut up!!!!πŸ™„πŸ˜€

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