Lyric discussion by otakubucky 

i think its about a guy and his obsession with a girl who is far too into herself and the whole "night life/rock star" scene. "daughter to the pop veneer", shes a product of the whole fame/fortune look (the look being outwardly pleasing but inwardly thin or shallow). he is saying that while she shines outwardly (like a new mint quarter), shes seedy as all hell on the inside. then he goes into his own conflict on how though he knows how shitty she is, and how much he wants to get away and wash himself clean of her and her drama (i want to give myself to water), he's still attracted to her and what she excites in him (speeding to the rupture line). and then of course theres my favorite line "i dream that she aims to be the bloom upon my misery), which basically just reaffirms that he is aware of how his infatuation with her will ultimately bring about his own ruin and misery.

@otakubucky i think you've hit the nail on the head with this, i totally agree.

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