Lyric discussion by Kateness 

This is an ode to Rosalie Trombley, and hugely popular DJ at the time who was known for her good ear for finding hits.

Not many people realize that Seger was actually quite annoyed with Trombley at the time he wrote this, though there are some "odd" lines in the song that very much hint at it, such as "she knows music...I know music too, y'see." Trombley had been unimpressed by Seger's last few releases, and had passed on playing any songs from them, despite being a being a fan of some of his other material. Hence the line "she makes the choices, and then you best be smiling when it's choosing time."

@Kateness you're mostly right on, however she was not a DJ. At that time, there were no female DJs in this market. She was program director at CKLW in Windsor Ontario, where most Detroit teens got their music before FM radio. Bob was frustrated at his lack of success, still playing high schools (I saw him at a few of those gigs). Rumor is Rosaile actually loved this song but feared to play it since everyone knew it was about her

@Kateness Thanks for the info. I was intrigued by the lyrics and your explanation makes sense!

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