Lyric discussion by saltfairy 

I think this song is about the music industry and maybe it's empty meaninglessness...The title "Night Vision" is a reference to only seeing at this case vision is used as a reference to being themselves and not someone else "i've been waiting for this night to open my eyes" like a new start and something that continues. The lines "once again we breathe in the air escape to somewhere far from nowhere" refer to the only time they go outside is when they're moving from place to place "far from nowhere" as if it's somewhere exciting and not nowhere. "where the sky's been tainted red" is a reference to the artificiallity of the situations they're in and the things that they do or "tainted red" could be a reference to the death of themselves as they once were..a new start? I dunno I'm going on impulse here... "trading memories for dreams" referes to what they lose by living these dreams...and thats their memories which could be their friends, family and even experiences that now mean nothing..."and now our wings are painted gold they'll make idols of us yet" This describes how people build you up to something that you may not have had anything to do with..."empty promises they sold will reach their best before dates soon..." And the last line in this verse describes how things come and go as easy as food aon best before dates and how easily you can be dropped....This is just an idea of what it means and could easily be wrong... Ideas?

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