Lyric discussion by Ultraviolet 

what i thought about it when i first listened to it, maybe i am totally off line but here goes

Don't you realize evil lives in the mother fucking skin

the guy cant get away from the evil, the origional sin that mankind contains, or so we are told. his father left him, this just proves it to him, he sees it all around him and maybe in himself and he cant stand it so he kills himself

A man can't avoid what he is meant to do When he is meant to do it even if he doesn't really want to

like someone just dismissing his death as fate or maybe someone saying that man's insticts make him do things that he doenst want to or that even disgust him.

it could even be someone dismissing the guys near suicidal action before he dies- 'out of control boy', they wont take him seriously, boys will be boys, men are immasculated, no one knows he wants to die

Your men fall unrealized

noone knew his potential, no one bothered to discover his pain, 'fall' seems such a small word for such a big thing- men are negated by what is expected of them

@Ultraviolet I similarly interpreted the "evil in your skin" section to you ... although I think there is more than one way to look at it (but this was definitely one of the main ways).

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