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The Bomb Dot Com v2.0 Lyrics

Just open up like a page in a book.
These words that I'm writing wont be misunderstood
If I'm dishonest bring me back to my knees.
Show me why I'm even able to speak.
I'll testify please help me to see.
Don't close your eyes, keep your eyes on me.
Open up, open up now make me strong.
There's blood on my hands, but the killers not my enemy.
It's all for the sake of love, It's all for you.

When all we know is falling I'll save something for you you who are all alone.
When everything is beautiful, when everything's OK.
Even if it's not OK I'll say It's all for you.

(verse 2)
These hands hold up nothing but scars underneath
From swimming these oceans and learning to breathe
So often I tell them so often they listen to me
So make me strong
Theres blood on my hands
But the killers not my enemy
Its all for the sake of love
Its all for you

When all we know is falling I'll save something for you you who are all alone.
When everything is beautiful, when everything's OK.
Even if it's not OK I'll say It's all for you.

I can feel it in my fingertips
I can taste it in the air
I know some how there is something
There is something new
I see it so clearly
I can feel your hands on my fingertips
Im seeing oh so clear
I know its for you
I see so clear
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4 Meanings

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Cover art for The Bomb Dot Com v2.0 lyrics by Sleeping with Sirens

this song is so amazing :D

Cover art for The Bomb Dot Com v2.0 lyrics by Sleeping with Sirens

The lyrics are so religious, it just makes me so fucking uncomfortable. That said, I still love the song. But ugh, the lyrics -__- :///

I actually find some of the lines in the song a bit anti-religous. He's obviously singing the song from the perspective of someone who believes in God, but it almost sounds a little satirical, like he's criticizing himself.

"There's blood on my hands, but the killers not my enemy. It's all for the sake of love, It's all for you. "

It sounds a lot like he's committing an act which he himself considers wrong ("the killer is not my enemy", perhaps indicating that the killer is himself), but he quickly ascertains that it's an act of love in...

Cover art for The Bomb Dot Com v2.0 lyrics by Sleeping with Sirens

Yeah fun fact, he wrote this with me in mind…yeah, he’s like…sorta my wife

Cover art for The Bomb Dot Com v2.0 lyrics by Sleeping with Sirens