83 Meanings
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I Still Remember Lyrics

I, I still remember
How you looked that afternoon
There was only you

You said it's just like a full moon
Blood beats faster in our veins
We left our trousers by the canal
And our fingers, they almost touched

You should have asked me for it
I would have been brave
You should have asked me for it
How could I say no?
And our love could have soared
Over playgrounds and rooftops
Every park bench screams your name
I kept your tie
I'd have gone wherever you wanted

And on that teachers' training day
We wrote our names on every train
Laughed at the people off to work
So monochrome and so lukewarm

And I can see our days are becoming nights
I could feel your heartbeat across the grass
We should have run
I would go with you anywhere
I should have kissed you by the water

You should have asked me for it
I would have been brave
You should have asked me for it
How could I say no?
And our love could have soared
Over playgrounds and rooftops
Every park bench screams your name
I kept your tie
I'd have let you if you asked me

I still remember
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83 Meanings

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Cover art for I Still Remember lyrics by Bloc Party

Kele had this to say about the song:

"The idea of two straight boys having an attraction, or there being an attraction that's unspeakable - that was the idea of that song. When was the last time you heard an interesting pop song that actually tried to give you a different perspective on desire?"

ISR wasn't my favourite song of the new album, but after reading what Kele had to say about it and watching the fantabulous video its gone up a few notches in my mind.

Cover art for I Still Remember lyrics by Bloc Party

This could quite possibly my favourite song of all time. Everything, the music, the lyrics, the singing is emotional brillaince. While I have never had a "gay" experiance, the feeling of what -could-have-been is universal for any relationship, and that's what I get form this song. Call me over-analysing if you want, but i think the music tells a story too. The opening notes almost hint at a sunrise, the dawning of a new day. When the guitar riff comes in, it reminds me of the hope of a new day, which can also link with the hopes of youth of whihc this song is about(eg i swear they always play this song during an interview with a up-and-coming young sports star) It's like he has woken up one morning, and while walking to work he has suddenly started to reminisce about his childhood. As the song progresses, he remembers the fun they had as children, which is lost now( "we wrote our names on every train"), and what could ahve been. It's hear the music, lyrics and vocals turn desperate, as the regret grows to its strongest. The closing music nearly brings tears to my eyes! Words are not needed- the music from 3.33 onwards tells us all we need. We can feel the pain and remourse, yet also hear the happiness and fondness in about a minute of music. It's like he is now walking home after his days work, having spent his day going through the flshbacks of that day, and is filled with sadness for what could have been, but happiness for what was.

Cover art for I Still Remember lyrics by Bloc Party

I'm pretty sure, like everyone else, that this song is about being in a friendly relationship with someone of the same sex and having feelings for them. Then looking back on those feelings and wishing you would have acted on them, because you were sure the other person had the same feelings for you. What people don't realize is that despite the fact that this song has a homo-sexual innuendo, it doesn't matter in the least, because it is a great song and someone's sexual orientation is completely insignificant to who they are and how they should be looked upon. Also, most people don't understand that love is a road, not an intersection where hetero and homo meet. This comment is coming from someone who is "straight" and comprehending this song isn't a matter of being "gay", it's a matter of being open minded for once.

Cover art for I Still Remember lyrics by Bloc Party

I recognise these lyrics...did this song used to have a different name? It sounds like its about teenage/childhood love about not wanting to grow up?

Cover art for I Still Remember lyrics by Bloc Party
Cover art for I Still Remember lyrics by Bloc Party

this song is amazing. im a girl and im not gay, but like, i can so relate. me n my ex, we both liked each other after we broke up and neither of us said anything until we got over each other and he was all like youre an idiot we could be going out right now. i should have kissed him when i felt like it

thats my little rant, usually i dont like when ppl bring personal references but the song matches it soo well its disgusting. so yeah i kinda got the gay thing about it too with the tie and such. love the song, the videos nice too.

Cover art for I Still Remember lyrics by Bloc Party

thedanster, have you never felt that way about anyone? I doubt it's a euphemism for penises. lol.

"our fingers, they almost touched" for me, means that magnetic, electric presence between two people, the unspoken, avoided desires between them. Sadly, more often than not, imagined and desired on one person's part.

I can relate to being a closeted schoolkid and accidentally touching hands with male friends. The split second panic/joy/relief of that contact.

My take on it anyway.

Cover art for I Still Remember lyrics by Bloc Party

you know what, kele can go on telling the media it isnt autobiographical.. but all you have to do is listen to the lyrics to know it is.

Cover art for I Still Remember lyrics by Bloc Party

gosh i like this song a lot. one of my favourites on weekend in the city. and i can totally relate, and this doesn't mean that i'm gay. just that whoole feeling, ah.

Cover art for I Still Remember lyrics by Bloc Party

i don't think is has to be about a gay relationship. don't some private schools require girls to wear ties too? just a thought.

but this song is amazing. it makes you think about that one moment when your relationship with a teenage crush could have progressed.

"We should have run. I would go with you anywhere. I should have kissed you by the water

You should have asked me for it I would have been brave You should have asked me for it How could I say no?"

perfection. love it.