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Turkish Delight Lyrics

Stumbled through the doorway
Into the strangest thing
An unexpected magic land
With snow beneathe my feet
Came across a lady who
Dressed herself in white
She took her coat to cover me
Then a query cold as ice

What do you want?

Turkish Delight
(It's my favorite thing) It's my favorite thing
Turkish Delight
(All I want to do) What I wouldn't do, what I wouldn't do
Turkish Delight
(It's my favorite thing) It gets me every time
Turkish Delight
(All I want to do) What I wouldn't give, what I wouldn't give
(What I wouldn't do for her?)

Wouldn't think I'd fall for it
Wouldn't think I'd lie
But I think I'd do anything
For that tiny bit of pie
I would sell you out
I'd give you all away
A life of treats might do me in
But I gotta get another taste

Turkish Delight
(It's my favorite thing) It's my favorite thing
Turkish Delight
(All I want to do) What I wouldn't do, what I wouldn't do
Turkish Delight
(It's my favorite thing) It gets me every time
Turkish Delight
(All I want to do) What I wouldn't give, what I wouldn't give
(What I wouldn't do for her?)

The more I have the more I want...
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4 Meanings

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Cover art for Turkish Delight lyrics by David Crowder Band

Well, it's quite obviously about The Chronicles of Narnia, when Edmund stumbles into Narnia and gets bewitched by the White Witch's Turkish Delight.

I love this song though, it's catchy as. =D

Cover art for Turkish Delight lyrics by David Crowder Band

Yes, clearly about Narnia. But while Narnia is a great story, it is very cool because of the big analogy behind it all. And I reckon its the same with this song. Crowder isnt just singing about Turkish Delight because it's fun, he's singing about Turkish Delight because of its analogy in the story to sin and temptation.

The lyrics focus on the fact that he fell for the very tempting T.D. even though he didnt want to. He finds himself in inner conflict, being willing to do anything 'for that tiny bit of pie', but realising that its a bad thing - 'A life of treats might do me in / But I gotta get another taste'. Its all about the conflict within ourselves and our sinful nature - read Romans chapter 7.

And all meaning aside...this is a very funky song!

Cover art for Turkish Delight lyrics by David Crowder Band

oh, this song is so addictive (quite like turkish delight) I love Narnia, it was an awesome movie and even better as a book!

Cover art for Turkish Delight lyrics by David Crowder Band

Why isn't the bridge in the lyrics?