11 Meanings
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Twenty Two Fourteen Lyrics

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Submitted by
matty On Jul 24, 2005
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11 Meanings

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Cover art for Twenty Two Fourteen lyrics by Album Leaf, The

Definately one of the most amazing instrumentals i've ever heard!

Cover art for Twenty Two Fourteen lyrics by Album Leaf, The

I know it has no words but the music is so beautiful. Usually I don't like music without words but this one still moves me every time. Especially since it was in the OC with Kirsten saying goodbye to Sandy in rehab. It was so moving, due to this song.

Cover art for Twenty Two Fourteen lyrics by Album Leaf, The

ummmm... why is this song even posted? of course it's awesome no doubt, but....

Cover art for Twenty Two Fourteen lyrics by Album Leaf, The

It's posted because instrumentals are allowed, and for comments such as the one just above yours!

Cover art for Twenty Two Fourteen lyrics by Album Leaf, The

This song made me cry the first time I heard it. It is truly beautiful

Cover art for Twenty Two Fourteen lyrics by Album Leaf, The

Ha! Wow, the insturmental movement in this song was just so moving, what with the... sounds and the... slow movement and stuff. God i love the O.C. so much, in fact, Whatever i hear on that show i suddenly like cuz... Music= Cool when you hear it on popular T.V. shows.

(another sarcastic remark by Isukeank)

Cover art for Twenty Two Fourteen lyrics by Album Leaf, The

The Album Leaf are so good. The Outer Banks .. mmm :-)

Cover art for Twenty Two Fourteen lyrics by Album Leaf, The

I've got to agree with Free_brownies. I realise that instrumentals are allowed but it seems a little pointless to me. We seem to have no valuable comments on this page about the meaning of the song. That's not a reflection on anyone's intelligence - it's just because it's very hard to comment on the meaning of a song without lyrics (and sheet music for that matter).

After all, let's not forget this place is to talk about the MEANING of songs and I for one am not interested in hundreds of comments simply saying "OMG!!! I love this song!".

Cover art for Twenty Two Fourteen lyrics by Album Leaf, The

this song inspired me to write a sad poem to a friend.

i love this song

Cover art for Twenty Two Fourteen lyrics by Album Leaf, The

I think that this song, as aposed to other song where the words tell you what your meant to feel about the song this one gives you room to interpret all on your own. I think that even though it's an instrumental and it's harder to understand what the meaning is.. i think that the point of that it to give you room to make your own meaning.

It is, to me, about anything you want it to be it could be about a loss or about the calm before the storm or it could be reflection on positive or negative things. After all the song makes you feel a different way depending on your situation and i think that the meaning and purpose of the song is to move you no matter who you are..

My Interpretation