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Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody Lyrics 6 years ago
The fact that he says "Bismillah" then gives Beezlebub a mention is sacrelage!!! It is incredibly offensive!!!

U2 – Song for Someone Lyrics 6 years ago
@[sokorny:21766] I cried because I found the song beautiful. I am rather sensitive when it comes to music. It was a year ago that I cried to it, I can't remember why, but I don't cry to it anymore. Maybe it was the lyrics "if there is a dark now we shouldn't doubt then there is a light don't let it go out". I was hopeless and messed up back then and that was hopeful so maybe that's why I found it beautiful?
Or maybe because the song is describing a person that I didn't have but thought I needed in my life at that point in time?
It doesn't have the same effect on me as it used to but the way the song is sung is pretty beautiful.

Radiohead – Exit Music (For a Film) Lyrics 7 years ago
This song sounds like it about suicide. 'Wake from your sleep' you are inside your own head. You have to wake up to the world and do something. 'The drying of your tears' No more tears, you don't want to cry anymore. 'Today we escape' you and all your thoughts will escape from the pain of this world. 'Pack and get dressed before your father hears us' you want to leave somewhere to end it all before your parents wake up. 'Before all he'll breaks loose' Before you can't handle it anymore, before you decide to do there and then. You don't want your family to find your body. 'Breathe keep breathing' you panic so much you feel like you are going to pass out. 'Dont loose your nerve keep breathing' you are doubting your decisions. You think you can get through it and all will be fine for a while. 'I can't do this alone' but you feel so alone you want to die again. 'Sing us a song a song to keeep us warm' you need a distraction to make you feel something to feel alive. 'There's such a chill such a chill' but the world is so cold. 'You can laugh a spineless laugh we hope your rules and wisdom choke you' you think look who's laughing now. How will my so-called friend survive without me? But the laugh is spineless because you think that you don't matter and your freind will soon forget about you. 'Now we are one in everlasting peace' you imagine what it is like to be dead. 'We hope that you choke...' you hope everyone suffers when you are dead and that you are in peace.

This is not what death is like. You will not be in peace. When you are at the lowest of your lows your mind lies to you. Everyone cares about but either you don't know how to see it or they don't know how to show it. Communication is key.

Something For Kate – Monsters Lyrics 7 years ago
It sounds like the problems that the youth of the world are starting to have. Society isn't doing anything about it. I know. Because me and almost everyone I know that is around my age is having this problem. I'm not going to name this problem because it goes by many names and attacks in different ways. It is a monster. It almost feels like my fault 'trying to be two hundred thousand years younger so I could excuse myself from human kind'. When I first had this problem I thought I was the only one and I wished that I wasn't. Now that I met a lot of people that trust me to tell about these monsters it feels like the monsters are attacking everyone. I wished I never wished. Most people that are having these problems don't know what they are. They think it is their own fault and they think if they shut themselves out the monsters will go away. 'I was hiding away underwater waiting for distance buying some time' they isolate themselves so that no one finds out what they are going through, just buying time so they can figure it out themselves. You can't get rid of monsters by yourself. But they don't know that. And so they try, distancing themselves more and more from everyone one making it harder and harder to trust people and to talk to people. They feel like they are trapped by society 'I dont want live in captivity'. They want to run away from society 'I don't want to slide into apathy' but they don't want to stop caring about the people they love even though they feel like they don't know them anymore. They feel like they don't know themselves anymore 'I don't wanna be a container' and they start to feel empty. 'I couldn't get with the program and I couldn't listen to them it was like trying to think in reverse' society is making it worse. The monsters attack people that don't fit in with society. Society is making things worse for the youth of the world. Society doesnt outline what this monster is or how it attacks. or how to get rid of it. Youth are blaming themselves. This can be detrimental to the future of the world. I'm seeing this with my own eyes. Everyone is suffering. And what is society doing about it? Nothing.

Gnarls Barkley – Crazy Lyrics 7 years ago
@[mycoptergoesroffle:18981] Not to be rude but what makes you think it a post-adoscelent stage? I'm not even seventeen yet and I think I might be in that stage now... Or maybe not anymore?... I might be past it but I doubt that....

Gnarls Barkley – Crazy Lyrics 7 years ago
@[MIS55BHL:18980] Woah. When you put it that way I think, gosh how I relate to this...

Jon Foreman – Terminal Lyrics 7 years ago
We all die, obviously. Although we need the air we breathe to live, it is also a poison that is slowly killing us 'I die a little every day'. This is why there is such a thing as oxygen poisoning. People who die of old age usually die of oxygen poisoning. I think the air is poison so that there is no chance of us living forever. Everything has to end. We will all end up wherever people end up when they die 'don't yell at the dead show a little respect' we will all end up dead so maybe we should be respectful because we might end up seeing them when we die. It's not just our lives that are terminal, it's everything. The world will end one day. It could be tomorrow. Or not. Either way, if we all lived forever and we knew we lived forever there would be no meaning to life or anything we do. We would take our lives and everything in them for granted. But we already do that. (Some of us do anyway) that is why some of us cannot see a meaning to life 'don't let your spirit die before your body does'.
Maybe I'm wrong but I had to write something. My uncle just died and thought maybe if I thought about death it might help in some weird way. Anyway I can't sleep.

Coldplay – Clocks Lyrics 7 years ago
It feels like it's about something bad that happened in someone's past in a certain place that is troubling them. 'Lights go out and I can't be saved' it feels like there is no good thing about this memory. There is no light point and once the flashbacks start they won't stop and he 'can't be saved' from them. 'Oh I beg I beg and plead' he is begging these flashbacks to stop. 'Come out of the things unsaid' he hasn't told anyone 'shoot an apple off my head' he thinks telling someone is as risky as shooting an apple off his head which means he needs to find someone he trusts enough to tell. 'Trouble that can't be named' that memory of what happened he is yet to understand what it was but it is troubling him. 'You are, you are' he is still trying to name this memory that is troubling him (was it a mistake? Was it on purpose? What happened?) 'Confusion that never stops' all these questions are just creating more confusion because he won't be able to find out unless he tells someone. 'The closing walls and ticking clocks' when the flashbacks start he panics and he feels like the walls are closing in and he feels like the flashbacks are wasting time, he should be living his life instead of being constantly troubled by this memory. The memory is 'gonna come back and take you home' because that is where this terrible thing happened. 'I could not stop that you now know' when he was old enough to understand what happened the flashbacks just would not stop. 'Come out upon my seas' he feels unsettled by this memory like the sea is never calm. 'Cursed miss opportunities' he keeps missing opportunities to tell someone. 'Am l part of the cure or am I part of the disease' he is contemplating whether it was his fault or not. 'You are...' he is still trying to name what troubles him thinking it will help. 'Nothing else compares' he thinks no one else has gone through what he is going through. 'Home home where I wanted to go' he has moved out of the house where this has happened and the house he now lives in doesn't feel like home but neither does the house he used to live in because of that memory and now nowhere feels like home.

Switchfoot – I Won't Let You Go Lyrics 7 years ago
Who else cried when they first heard this song?

Faith No More – Epic Lyrics 7 years ago
It's about the infinite flo of life and universe that no one will ever understand. It involves everything yet so much more. Karma, yin yang, flo, the expulsion of the nignagging frizzle frazzle, you can call it what you like but it is only a component of it all. nobody has any control over it (except God). it is the universe and everything outside of it.
That is what I think this song is about

Live – Heaven Lyrics 7 years ago
@[beau99:16517] I don't know if he is Christian but he doesn't have to be to believe/sing about God

Live – Heaven Lyrics 7 years ago
I think this means that as much information you cram into someone's head about God, they will not truly beleive in God until they see a miracle of life for themselves "I look at my daughter and I beleive". then they look at everything else "I look at the sunset..." and see what a miracle everything else is.

Disturbed – The Light Lyrics 7 years ago
There are no words to describe the sheer and utter awesomeness of this song.

Sting – I Can't Stop Thinking About You Lyrics 7 years ago
@[sillybunny:16342] or sister

Sting – I Can't Stop Thinking About You Lyrics 7 years ago
@[sillybunny:16341] I'm with ya brother

Parkway Drive – Blue and the Grey Lyrics 7 years ago
Is it just me or does the very start of this song sort of kind of remind you of the very start of the unforgiven by metallica?

Gorillaz – Feel Good Inc. Lyrics 7 years ago
@[Queen:16033] Anarchy I thought it was stinking, as in rotting bodies or something

Switchfoot – Live It Well Lyrics 7 years ago
I heard a switch foot interveiw nine years before the song was made and they said "we believe that life is short and we want to live it well". NINE YEARS later they made the song. Why nine years I wonder?

Switchfoot – If the House Burns Down Tonight Lyrics 7 years ago
Also apparently it is about the San Diego forest fires

Switchfoot – Where the Light Shines Through Lyrics 7 years ago
there is light in darkness. you have to analyse all your dark times to properly appreciate your good times if you do not acknowledge that you had dark times in the past that means they might not be over.
that's what I think this song is about anyway.

Switchfoot – Only Hope Lyrics 7 years ago
@[ClockBlinkingEights:15798] same same

Switchfoot – If the House Burns Down Tonight Lyrics 7 years ago
I understood this song when I moved house. Who cares what happens to material possessions? Anywhere feels like home as long as you've got the truth and your loved one's.

Simon and Garfunkel – The Sound of Silence Lyrics 7 years ago
I havn't read very many of the other comments but I reckon that the first stanza is about how he spoke but was not heard. a seed of an idea was planted in his brain and this idea broke the sound of silence, the bubble of ignorance everyone lives in. when he tried to share this idea it was rejected because people wanted to stay in their little bubbles. and so he returns to darkness, for that is the only place left for him.

Parkway Drive – Wild Eyes Lyrics 7 years ago
"The world is broken. We’re the last choking embers of a fire waiting to burn out. Long before our grandfathers and their fathers before them, we started pulling our planet apart in the name of progress and blind ambition. The greed of man has devoured this earth until there was nothing left. We watch as time eats us alive. A generation born to witness the end of the world."
That's what is said at the start of the video. Pretty much what the song means. As for 'we are diamonds choosing to stay coal' I think it means: how can we be expected to live to our full potential by generations before us when they pulled apart most of the earth before we were even born?

Nickelback – Just to Get High Lyrics 7 years ago
Funny how the first time I heard this song I did not remotely relate to it and I cried my eyes out but now that I sort of relate to it I can listen to it and I'm fine. Pretty weird, eh?

Coldplay – Clocks Lyrics 7 years ago
@[ShooFlyPie:15264] I think the 'you are' part is about all the thoughts going through your head when you have a panic attack. 'you are' is an unfinished sentence because when you panic your thoughts are going so fast that you don't even have enough time to process them before they turn into other thoughts. the sentences alway start with 'you are' because you feel like you can't talk to anyone about it so you try to talk to yourself about it. either reassuring yourself or distracting yourself or making it worse with bad thoughts that you can't control.
well that's what I think about that part floridaman hope that clears it up for you :)

Parkway Drive – A Cold Day In Hell Lyrics 7 years ago
it sounds like it's about fashion trends and how they change who you are. what one person wears can truly suit who they are but not everybody else. when everybody tries to dress the same as this person because it's the new 'trend' they will be addicted to new trends and lose their sense of self.
if you catch my drift.

U2 – With or Without You Lyrics 7 years ago
it kind of sounds like when you get anxious for no reason and then you calm down and it's fine and then you get anxious again and when it happens for a year every day and you get used to it even though it makes you miserable. so that when it isn't there it feels like there is nothing left. 'see the stone set in your eyes see the thorn twist in side I wait for you' when you aren't anxious and the anxiousness just refuses to take over and you are waiting for it. 'sleight of hand and twist of fate on a bed of nails she makes me wait and I wait without you' one day the anxiousness just isn't there and you can that something isn't right as soon as you wake up. 'through the storm we reach the shore you give it all but I want more and waiting for you' after a day of anxiousness that just won't stop there is nothing left the next day and you just feel nothing. 'and you give yourself away' when you're anxious it's like your talking to yourself in your own mind and you know that the anxiousness is stopping you from functioning and you are not rising to your full potential because are avoiding situations. 'I can't live with or without you' you can't live with the anxiousness because it is horrible and you just can't function and without it there is just nothing you can't function like that anyways. 'my hands are ties my body bruised she's got me with nothing to win and nothing left to lose' you don't know what to do because you have no control over the anxiousness or the nothingness and it feels like there is nothing else. 'my body bruised' could be that you feel like you've been hurt by all this emotionally or that it's physical bruising because of punching walls from the anger at not knowing what to do about it or a distraction from the problem disguised as anger either to others or to yourself. 'and you give yourself away' you isolate yourself because when you are anxious you might be avoiding people or situations and your thoughts are too fast to control that they feel like they are not your own. when you are not anxious and feeling nothing you don't want be around people or do anything for that matter and are blaming yourself for everything. you think you've given yourself away and that you are not close enough to anyone tell them about it. 'I can't live with or without you' you still can't live with or without the anxiousness.
just so everyone knows, this is only very certain circumstances and not everyone who gets anxious has this happen to them. this is just my thoughts on the song.

Twenty One Pilots – Ride Lyrics 7 years ago
I forgot to add that they are in a forest in the video because he is lost in the forest of his own thoughts.

Twenty One Pilots – Ride Lyrics 7 years ago
he says he thinks about the end way too much and at the end when he's like 'I've been thinking too much help me', in the video they are wearing dark glasses and this is because he keeps thinking about death and maybe how he'd much rather be dead than living in a world like this (maybe) and when you start thinking like that you forget the joys in life and the good stuff. it's like someone put dark glasses over your eyes so all you see is darkness. when it is night time in the video that is from his point of view where everything is dark. right at the end it is daytime and he is calling out for help from the people that can see the light and the good stuff. that's what I think the video is about anyway.

Birds of Tokyo – If This Ship Sinks (I Give In) Lyrics 7 years ago
the song could be about anxiousness and it's effects. the type of anxiousness that you get for no reason. "I'm tryna get my head straight I'm playing in a game that I can't win" he is trying to calm down and focus on whatever it is he is doing but he knows it won't work. "I started in the wrong place" he didn't know how to deal with it "a slap to cold face of love" when it starts happening very often, the one he loves doesn't understand "I wanna stop this god damn beating heart it's killing me this is killing me" his heart is beating too fast he is terrified and wants it to stop. "I'm trying to get my head straight I didn't see the warning signs ahead" it happened again he realised he should have told someone at the start "I'm feeling like a dead weight long gone if I could make it alright I would" because it is happening so often he is avoiding many things and feels like he is wrapping himself in bubble wrap and being a nothing. "I never thought I'd say these things to you" his thoughts are going so fast that he can't stop the negative thoughts and the things that he's saying to himself. "and it's killing me this is killing me" it's really affecting him and he is really suffering. "I can't stop this train I can't get off but I can't go back I've come too far to stop" again his thoughts are too fast to stop and he is saying horrible things to himself. "there's too many signs to read them all" he thinks he is going crazy because of all the thoughts and everything this anxiousness is causing "there's too many roads I need to stumble down" he thinks it's too hard to get help because there are so many things he needs to do to receive it and he hasn't even taken the first step. "I've gotta get my head straight I never thought a day like this would come" he's having his first really bad day where he is anxious all day for no reason "I'll never be the same way as once" he thinks he will never be happy again. "I wanna know if this is for real I wanna know what fate has planned for me" he still thinks he's going crazy and he wants to know where he'll end up if his life keeps going like this and if it's even worth it. "I give in I give in..." he has given up and now he really wants to stop his heart from beating. "believe me when I say there's something I wish I could say you were always so good to me even when it's so hard to be" he wants to tell someone but he doesn't know how and he keeps avoiding/ditching/walking away from people and situations because of it but someone is always good to him. "I sailed myself too far out to sea on favoured whims that won't sing for me" he has finally calmed down but is stuck in a void of nothingness. he isn't feeling happy or sad or anything at all. it is a horrible feeling because he feels that everything is pointless and he doesn't stop his bad thoughts because he would rather be miserable than feel nothing at all. "there'll be no rescue no finding me as I've become an old memory" he thinks he is in too deep and it is pointless trying to restore the old him. "you once knew" he used to tell a particular person everything and now he doesn't "it's silent as I sink into the sea weightless as the tide carries me" he is still feeling nothing and feels like he is just drifting along doing and feeling nothing "to darker water where i beleive somethings down here waiting for me" his doesn't stop his bad thoughts and even generates some "the numbing cold is taking from me everything I'm so far beneath" the nothingness is taking his enjoyment out of everything and he feels inferior because people who can feel things must be doing something right (he's blaming himself for everything) "my eyes they open one last time to see you were staring right back at me" the last time he isn't feeling nothing he can see how to truly get help. he sees the person who he truly cares about who will understand and he knows what to do.

U2 – With or Without You Lyrics 7 years ago
like when someone dies for you. if they hadn't died you wouldn't be alive. they gave the ultimate sacrifice but you still want more, you want them to be alive. you literally cannot live with them because then you'd be literally dead but you can't live without them either, even if you don't know them personally, to have to see their family suffer without the knowledge of the life he/she saved you just can't live with that guilt.

Bring Me the Horizon – Avalanche Lyrics 8 years ago
on second thoughts it sound like anxiety.

Everything Everything – Choice Mountain Lyrics 8 years ago
I think this is the only song that describes the nothing feeling in such a beautiful metaphorical way

Tame Impala – Love Paranoia Lyrics 8 years ago
@[ColorPhilosophy:11447] thank you :)

Twenty One Pilots – Car Radio Lyrics 8 years ago
that feeling of utter panic. your thoughts spiral out of control. 'I could pull the steering wheel' he could jump out a window, anything to stop these thoughts or this feeling. 'now I just sit in silence' he screams because these thoughts are so bad he he could scream. he'd rather hear himself scream than have silence.

Everything Everything – No Reptiles Lyrics 8 years ago
'fresh from the breast now a river running fat to the manor born a rat to the manor born a flea to flood to a drain now a rubber now a chain'
all of society is passive and doing nothing like a flood of fat sliding down the street. it ends up in the drain doing nothing.
'no reptiles just soft boiled eggs in shirts and ties, waiting for the flashing green man quivering and wobbling just like all the eggs you know'.
the earth isn't controlled by evil reptile people it is controlled by soft blobs of fat who wobble about terrified that they are going to be overthrown or all the evil things they are doing might be found out.
'it's alright to feel like a fat child in a push chair old enough to run old enough to fire a gun'
society thinks it's okay to feel like we are being controlled and pushed around in 'a push chair' even though we can defeat these controlling blobs.

Parkway Drive – Deliver Me Lyrics 8 years ago
all fury delivers when I feel like this is my fist into a wall

Parkway Drive – Dying to Believe Lyrics 8 years ago
@[sokorny:10250] yeah but these people who are using religion to justify war are completely misinterpreting what the religion is all about. most of these religions are peaceful but the idiots are trying to change it to suit them so they can start wars and be violent.

Parkway Drive – Crushed Lyrics 8 years ago
@[mariano102:10249] thanks for clearing that up for me @sorkorny

Everything Everything – Tin (The Manhole) Lyrics 8 years ago
I love the way he sings 'I will carry homosapiens through the night'
this song is truly magnificent.

The Screaming Jets – Sad Song Lyrics 8 years ago
this could be about the effects of drugs/alcohol. 'how about a sad song to help me further down' how about some drugs/alcohol to make me feel worse. 'will you be the first one when things get me down' will the drugs/alcohol be the first thing he turns to when life gets him down. 'gonna walk like a walking time bomb' it's just a matter of time before he needs drugs/alcohol 'there's something in the way you lead me that stops my head from making my body go how about a sad song...' he finally wants to quit the substance abuse because he knows how it is taking over his life. 'resurrect my sense of healing because I sure could use the feeling' this is him crying out for help from someone else.
this is just my thoughts about the song not really sure about it though.

Parkway Drive – Dedicated Lyrics 8 years ago
yeah! no one can defeat parkway drive! still as strong after twelve years!!

Radiohead – Everything in Its Right Place Lyrics 8 years ago
I think this might be the song that explains why the awesome British band everything everything is called everything everything! pretty cool eh!

Birds of Tokyo – Circles Lyrics 8 years ago
I feel it is about how he wasted a part of his life that he can't get back. he filled his life with distractions so he wouldn't have to face his problems. 'he keeps tapping on my shoulder telling me it's over so where do I begin' he keeps telling himself to tell the the truth and seek help but he doesn't know how. 'roll on push a little further I keep saying is this worth it or should I just give in' more problems arise and he is wondering whether the difficulty in actually trying to fix his problems is worth it or if he should just give up. 'I don't know which way I'm supposed to spin in these circles' he is going in circles. every time a problem arises he tries to forget about it with distractions (of any sort) and then when there are no more distractions he will remember the problem and it is as bad as when it first arose if not worse. 'I look back on a distant border I fear I'm getting older there's so much that I missed' he is remembering when he was on the borderline of coping and not coping he sees how long ago it was and how long he has been not ok. 'see if I can define where I came undone' he is trying to remember when he actually was happy and actually ok. 'and I won't waste my time on your concern til it's over' he still thinks he can ignore his problems and let them pass so he won't waste his time talking about them until they are 'over' (which they probably never will until he actually deals with them). 'and I can't wait no more no sweet return this ain't over so it is' he then decides that his life isn't over and he won't just return to distractions and he will actually deal with his problems. the 'this is over' at the end is about his lies that he is fine he will stop lying to everyone and get better.

this song is awesome!

Parkway Drive – A Deathless Song (feat. Jenna McDougall) Lyrics 8 years ago

Parkway Drive – A Deathless Song (feat. Jenna McDougall) Lyrics 8 years ago
since when could winston song so awesomely!!??!!

Parkway Drive – A Deathless Song (feat. Jenna McDougall) Lyrics 8 years ago
@[sokorny:9885] *thank you

Parkway Drive – A Deathless Song (feat. Jenna McDougall) Lyrics 8 years ago
@[sokorny:9884] it makes so much more sense now thankful!

Parkway Drive – Crushed Lyrics 8 years ago
@[sokorny:9883] woah deep

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