


College student amateur musician. Never written lyrics but have great respect for those who do.
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Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 11 months ago
@[bkabbott:47056] I was willing to make an amend, I understand I have done my part.

Thanks for having the dignity to play music when people are scary.

I'll get a taste of that around 2026.

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 11 months ago

I tried to change my password so those terrible people won't hack my account and post the n word on songs.

I can't publish the password my password manager generated for security reasons but it is 24 characters long and very strong.

You should accept passwords that are complex. Also please do not do something stupid like make it hard for me to use certain passwords because you warn hackers which characters are allowed and which are not.

Do the right thine

This notice is provided that if I am unable to use a strong password that any and all libabilities, Civil or Criminal, will be passed to the largest shareholder of Songmeanings.com.

The venue will be determined by the plantiff.

Furthermore the ability to delete comments would be nice. :)

Dierks Bentley – Drunk on a Plane Lyrics 11 months ago
I hate to post a comment on something that is at the top of Spotify, but his production and these vocals are excellent.

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 11 months ago
I would be happy to go to a concert Dierks, after I am in the news.

I was drunk every time I posted. What you did was legitimate in my opinion. The good that comes out of this is everyone will hire an attorney who knows music theory.

Dierks Bentley – Long Trip Alone Lyrics 11 months ago
The guitar on this track is excellent. I wonder if it was Dierks? :)

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 11 months ago
@[bkabbott:47054] this is a delusion I had about Obama. I had a delusion that he was malicious. That he wanted to cause bodily harm to me.

I knew it was a delusion when he was crying on TV about kids who were shot. I saw this in a mental hospital a while before I went to treatment for 8 months.

Schizophenia is very hard and Google and Obama just happened to be the people who I had persecutory delusions of.

I believe Obama is the greatest President of all time. But I could not acknowledge that until the persecutory delusions had ended.

God does not give us challenges we cannot overcome. It is very appropriate for myself to have these problems and for my sister to have Prader Willi, as our parents were very capable to help us recover.

Hannah has a much harder life than anyone.

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 11 months ago
@[babbott:47053] I would like to appoligize to Jason Isbell as I had a PTSD Episode. I had Born Again experiences of going to hell and I was worried about you.

I enjoy your music. You're talented. Someone as talented as you would not have given their soul to Satan.

I promise I will listen to Dierks Bentley in the future. I'm listening to a lot of classic rock and jambands right now.

I enjoy every genre of music and that is one of the things that I am known for by friends.

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 11 months ago
God, as you are truly awe-inspiring and as I am unable to comprehend You, I ask with Humble Intent that I may tread your Righteous Path. This path will never lead me down into despair, for I only despair when I lose You in my life. My Most Important Prayer is that I may always love You, my God. My Second Prayer is that I will keep your Word. I finally pray Most Importantly that I may honor You in ways appropriate for the limitations of my person. As You know me better than I know myself You are truly Just.

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 11 months ago
After I sobered up I had a Schizophenic delusion that I would use Tails to find someone to remove my comments as I would clearly be blackballed from firms that would deal with copyright.

"We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us."

"Don't quit before the miracle happens."

I see direct proof of God every day in my life. My first sobriety date was November 17, 2017. My most recent sobriety date I think is February 22, 2022. I went to so many meetings for such a long time that when I finally got sober I had a spiritual transformation through a Born Again Christian experience, something that would be a phenomenon to psychiatrists. Once this happened I have seen direct proof of God in my life every day.

I had given up all of my sins before I was able to find Christ. My Born Again experience lasted for months and it still bubbles up at times. It would be sinful not to acknowledge that Evangelicals will view me as the real deal as I am really born again.

Finally it was determined yesterday that I will not be canonized as the canonization is a spiritual process.

I will be replying to this comment with a prayer that I wrote. I was able to finish it through Jesus Christ. It is a personal prayer that deals with my Born Again experience.

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 11 months ago
I'm not joking about majoring in music theory at a good school and going to USC Gould.

That would be much easier than being a musicologist. And even if you make Cs in music theory courses you can score high on the LSAT. If you study. 7Sage is pretty good.

Some people will read my drunken comments and shun going to school for music to learn music copyright. But it will be the standard major for music copyright.

Jurisprudence can develop if attorneys know music theory. They also can settle disputes better due to their ability to objective analyze copyright claims.

Brian Abbott

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 11 months ago
@[NotOnFedora:47052] I was probably running Ubuntu and I probably didn't post this comment.

Alcohol, Jason Isbells music and rootkits are a terrible combination.

I suspect that this comment is written in my writing style but that doesn't mean anything

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 11 months ago
Wow I really vandalized the song meanings website.

I was never sober. Listening to Vinyl, reading lyrics on Sleeves and then posting jibberish.

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 11 months ago
@[bkabbott:47050] I have a few gay friends and a couple lesbian friends. I understand that they would be terribly offended by these comments.

The only time I believe I have used the word faggot to refer to a gay person is when I was on mushrooms at age 17.

Someone drove our car and these girls walked up and I had eaten a 1/4 and they walked away.

So I was questioning my sexuality and my friend Tim said someone at our school came out and I said "So he's a faggot". That is the only time I have used the word faggot to refer to a gay person as far as I can remember.

I am a kind person but I was a severe alcoholic and it's truly a miracle I could get sober. I see direct proof of Allah or God in my life every single day.

I understand that talk is cheap but I will be continuing to be kind and nice to other people.

I rely fully on God. I am nothing without Him. I am everything with Him.

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 11 months ago
@[babbott:47049] "As long as I don't say I didn't sell my soul to the devil I'm good".

I was having a PTSD Episode. I've had that disorder for some time and it's rough.

I don't think Jason sold his soul to Satan. Sometimes when I have PTSD Episodes I will hear noises and not understand what country I am in.

But like everything I have, it comes and goes.

I look forward to having children. That is the most important, most precious thing I will do in life.

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 11 months ago
As best I can tell, The University of Alabama has a better music theory program than any university in Europe.

If attorneys will pick a major like music theory, and go to a school like USC Law, music copyright law could change.

To the victor go the spoils.

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 11 months ago
@[bkabbott:47044] this is arrogant tomfoolery

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 11 months ago
@[bkabbott:47043] this is bullshit

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 11 months ago
@[SQLInjector:47042] this is bullshit

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 11 months ago
@[NotOnFedora:47041] this is bullshit

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 11 months ago
@[bkabbott:47040] this was not true

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 11 months ago
I acknowledge I am a little homophobic in this comment.

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 11 months ago
I would like to appoligize to the song meanings creator for using hate speech on this site and on Phantasy Tour. I am deeply ashamed and I am not a racist.

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 2 years ago
I have bipolar and Schizoprhenia.

I remember drinking and posting. I also remember my computer being hacked and some of these posts being made.

I was snorting cocaine, drinking looking at some filthy porn and I posted something and someone started typing on my computer. I don't really care everyone looks at weird porn on cocaine so I just reinstalled Linux. It was probably a rootkit because they moved my mouse and started typing and I was like WTF am I seeing this.

I don't use drugs or drink anymore, sorry to anyone I offended.

Half of my comments on this site were fighting a government conspiracy and I don't plan to ever go down that rabbit hole again.

I thought Obama put a chip in my brain and he was racist as fuck. I realized it wasn't Obama when I saw him crying TV about kids who were shot. And I realized he was a good person. I ended up voting for Biden, but politics sucks music is the best

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 8 years ago
@[bkabbott:7621] I don't want to pay a hacker that's illegal and sketchy. I don't use Private VPN just work with me man, and get your site cleaned up in the back in.

Drive-By Truckers – Danko/Manuel Lyrics 8 years ago
Something else you can't believe.

Drive-By Truckers – Danko/Manuel Lyrics 8 years ago
@[bkabbott:6307] "Maybe I can hear poor Richard from the grave, singing where to reap or where to sow..."

Drive-By Truckers – Danko/Manuel Lyrics 8 years ago
Sorry I wasn't running I have ADHD, what I'm trying to say is the only way these tapes would come out this way is with sleep deprivation, he was deprived of sleep and it wouldn't sound as good, he wouldn't have tapped into whatever he did if he weren't.

He was looking at his own life, and looking at Manuel's and it was a spiritual experience for him.

I shouldn't have speculated as far as drugs, it was probably just coffee and adrenaline.

Radiohead – Paranoid Android Lyrics 8 years ago
@[entropath:5701] It is up there. When I run the endorphins have begun to hit. The darkness hits in an uplifting way.

Exit Music for a Film is where you really start to feel it. Uplifting and dark but with endorphins Give it a try sometime dude just run to OK Computer and try to keep a pace until Lucky. Running to this type of music is underrated as a drug.

Radiohead – Idioteque Lyrics 8 years ago
Pick up a piano and try to figure out the voicings.

He came up with this shit during writer's block. If it is about the atomic bomb at least he's not a flaming political douche.

Drive-By Truckers – Danko/Manuel Lyrics 8 years ago
Jason was up for a while when he recorded this.

Fasting sleep deprivation provides what you can at the very least tell your doctor was the typical fasting deprivation experience (i.e. write it off as nonspiritual).

So he was strung out, up all night or a few as a young man, and we have the tapes of this.

Fifteen years ago they owned that road. Now it only gives us somewhere else to leave. Something else you can't believe.

Drive-By Truckers – Made Up English Oceans Lyrics 8 years ago
I could transcribe it for you and explain it but it's in the rhythms.

If you read my posts that Dirks Bentley bullshit was very clear cut and Jason got fucked. Nobody asks about that and that case is so clear cut I could write it out in a jiffy.

Not because I think I've been to law school but because I had extensive training in avoiding plagarism as a jazz studies major, and have read the jurisprudence, which they have no balls, the lawyers who do it have no balls basically. It's green goo to them.

Drive-By Truckers – Made Up English Oceans Lyrics 8 years ago
@[WeR138:5699] Sorry for double-post. I just wanted to mention that Hood was a part of the writing process of this song. It's not just his rhythms in his guitar some of the rhythms he does some of this is Hood although a majority may be Cooley. But I hear Hood as a cowriter and I have a trained ear so take my word for it, even if he isn't officially listed.

Drive-By Truckers – Made Up English Oceans Lyrics 8 years ago
@[WeR138:5697] Thanks for your post. I am familiar with the repertoire and know Patterson has his own style of writing (which was actually the hardest for me to get).

So I sound like a poser and wish I could edit that post, I was basicallly trying to say dogma is relative and refractionary.

Also don't think Cooley was jabbing at Isbell probably the bay bridge just wondering how they broke up after The Dirty South, bad blood etc.

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 8 years ago
@[bkabbott:5475] The lyrics aren't actually that similar I was hungover I just ran seven miles and now I'm not.

Because I am aware of the possibility of law schools reading this comment I want to say I no longer agree that a specialized tribunal is desirable or even necessary, first of all because litigation sucks, second of all there are many quills that lawyers can use and if it came down to it the legal system already provides avenues for an objective decision to be reached.

I understand why the law is wary of experts.

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 8 years ago
@[bkabbott:5474] Whoever voted that up thanks, but I heard from actual lawyers your dick needs to be 10 inches (which I'm good there) and you need a 178 which objectively is probably 10 points higher than I will top off at.

I am cleaning up my online presence because I am drawn to be a lawyer if I can't do this so no more drunk insightful comments about Steely Dan songs, no more comments period or the whole brevity thing you know like the dude said.

The last thing I want to post is that the lyrics are similar so that on top of the music lends heavily towards Dirks Bentley owing Jason Isbell royalties.

It kills me because my dick really is that big unfortunately I'm not smart enough to get into UCLA which is what I would have to do.

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 8 years ago
@[bkabbott:5416] I get it I was very drunk you faggot I don't have dreams just I'll do this the whole point was I posted some unprofessional stuff I know I said "I'll get a job" and that's cocky but what can you do it was undergrad. And if you didn't experience that than you missed out. Stop posting to my comment so I can never post on here again.

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 8 years ago
@[bkabbott:5392] And I can articulate especially when I run 7 miles a day. I can write like a lawyer you read my papers you'll see. Ankle sprain - this password is being changed because I love talking shit about bad music or raving about good music and I can't do this anymore.

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 8 years ago
I have picked up a guitar and let me say Dirks Bentley in my opinion is guilty of copyright infringement. The melody starts the same with a major triad. It's extremely similar.

He changes the rhythms but not even in a way that different. And while the modality or reflection of tonality may be slightly different (and I haven't objecticified it) the relative pitch of the melody over it its the same doesn't matter Jason got screwed I'm not drunk I picked up a guitar he got fucked and he is legally entitled to money.

What happened is I was extremely drunk I learned to play guitar by ear then learned music theory anyone who does that it physically changes your brain when you hear a similarity and I felt that physical thing in my brain even though I was very drunk, which I'm working on that, but I picked up a guitar today yes.

I have a high school degree but I would have filed a motion to dismiss and counter sue Dirks Bentley for royalties out the ass. That's how I would have handled it.

I'm thinking I want to do this for a living Dirks no hard feelings sorry I trashed your wall but Jason is legally entitled to money. And yes I know I lack the experience to take this case on I'm just saying you guys are into the power game, I'm into that too and people like you don't scare me, especially when I have a license.

At least everyone knows you forced him into rehab but he writes better sober than you ever will. I'm a musician not a lawyer yet what you did was wrong Dirks.

That's all I have to say.

Drive-By Truckers – Made Up English Oceans Lyrics 8 years ago
@[bkabbott:4557] I feel good about that comment but I do think Hood was taking jabs at Isbell.

Drive-By Truckers – Danko/Manuel Lyrics 8 years ago
Don’t eat, take amphetamines, realize you're fasting, realize you are realizing some deep shit. You should only marry for love, really? Straight from God? Well what came out was "raw" don't worry too much about it. Sleep and lay it down (or don't because you can't sleep and getting back there - take more - just get back there - because you were there and we need it on tape).

That's how I see this one being laid down. The lyrics, I imagine him hitting the main part, and working with the lyrics, tired as fuck. And drinking enough to get back to enlightenment or being functional. All variants of amphetamine enthusiastically provided.

Jason gives us these thoughts that are so personal but are so about Danko and Manuel at the same time.

Can you hear that singing - sounds like gold

You never pulled an all nighter to this song you never got it on that level.

Richard Manuel is Dead.

U2 – The Troubles Lyrics 9 years ago

I am "Irish American" and the Irish would say on St. Pat's here "you're not Irish you're bloody American".

Obviously this song is a metaphor for what happened in Ireland and I was trying to tie into this metaphor but I was very drunk and did a poor job (and then after watching the British Office on Netflix and realizing that wanker meant "douche bag" and "faggot" - two words that carry extremely strong connotations in America besides the literal meaning - two words that equal the offensiveness of the word to British people.

Anyways I was drunk didn't make sense the metaphor ties into their personal lives it is very personal for them and I shouldn't have commented. But again I was very drunk and off the clock so I did.

Tears for Fears – Everybody Wants to Rule the World Lyrics 9 years ago
This is just a general comment kind of a tip like "Listen to Tommy with the lights off".

I took a couple weeks off of running and did 7 miles and I got the euphoric high - this came on the radio and man it fits the high.

The next day I did 8 and the same station played Head over Heals. Both were good but "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" was a little better because I hadn't run in so long I was euphoric.

R.E.M. – Man On The Moon Lyrics 9 years ago
This song is about the eccentric comedian Andy Kaufman, and is littered with references to his career. The Man on the Moon in the chorus refers to conspiracy theories of a faked moon landing it kind of serves to show some people think he faked his death (which is absurd).

I've always liked Kaufman.

I had a problem with cops knocking on my door because I was playing vinyl loud on Friday nights. Well I decided one Friday that the next time a cop came up I was going to read Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven to him. And I did and I recorded it.

It wasn't one of those libertarian douche bag videos. Just something for me to watch hung over. And when I did I realized if Andy did it he would have read the words so much better. Not only his pronunciations he was big on rhythms and cadences in his phrasing. He was a genius, even if his greatest flaw was the fact that it was all a joke to him and it didn't really matter what the audience thought.

Glad I got to be a poser Kaufman one night. Cheers Andy. Thanks Stipe.

U2 – The Troubles Lyrics 9 years ago
@[bkabbott:2688] Either my lack of grammer, was quite unbecoming, or Briton wankers voted my comment down.

British rock is charecterized by a love of American blues artistits. That is the alpha, maybe the Omega is the sex pistols, but by then everyone does every thing ala Neil Young. Young did it to be relevent, though you know he loved the Pistols.

The Troubles are a metaphor personally for how the British affected them in the troubles; being a metaphor for personal tribulations. Of course once they were climbing their goals, economically.

I heard some great contemporary and older Irish music on GPR recently. It was amazing - the newer stuff didn't lose the celtic touch - and it was much heavier than this song.

I wish U2 would embrace this influence more strongly.

OneRepublic – Counting Stars Lyrics 9 years ago
I can't find my last comment my point is that they are on fucking opiates. It's implicit and explicit.

So read this and know that they are on fucking drugs. That is why I posted.

Too many comments that quote fucking interviews.

If you need an interview to be lied to well believe this song is not about drugs.

Then listen to Steely Dan "King of the World" loud and know that you, douche master are a king.


Red Hot Chili Peppers – Brendan's Death Song Lyrics 9 years ago
I was on heroin when I posted this. Second, and last time I did it. Maybe I'll do it again in the nose of course - everyone who didn't have problems did that. When I get settled down.

Because of Charlie Parker I put it in my nose. And these guys do it too. The guitarist it was obvious he was on it, or did a lot. Great time.

I wanted to play and over some jazz I was thinking of a minor triad a minor seven arpeggio , and the dorian mode different but at the same time just plucking notes, it was too good so I didn't do it again.

But when this song came on I just listened. Man.

Don't regret a minute of my lost weekend.

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 9 years ago
Of course the most objective argument against striking similarity for Dirks is the rhythmic alterations.

But I've decided to finish a music performance degree with classical and jazz guitar at Georgia Southern. My heart is back in music so I really have an opportunity to learn classical pieces from every

But best of all I most likely will have access to a repository of scores and I can theoretically analyze all of the more difficult copyright cases. Hopefully this will counteract my scores because if I do this I might be able to get into a law school that specializes in entertainment law.

That way in law school I will be scared in every class because my teachers will know music theory, and it will give me a better foundation.

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 9 years ago
@[bkabbott:308] But when I"m in law school I will write a brief on both sides because this is one case I'm aware of.

And I had a good teacher in undergrad who always tried to throw me off by making me argue another side.

Dierks Bentley – Home Lyrics 9 years ago
True story I was in an undergrad prelaw class and I was going to write a paper on copyright law.

It's undergrad so I was drunk all the time, so I posted that I was going to do an independent theoretical analysis. I incorrectly posted it would be subjective in nature and therefor inconclusive because I did not know the jurisprudence.

When I started learning the jurisprudence for copyright infringement I was like "shit fuck" I put it off for too long. So I didn't have time to transcribe this onto sheet paper and give an objective analysis.

It would be good to argue either way, but the best legal arguments are on Jason's side because the melody is so damning.

An argument for Dirks is basically "Jason is a nobody I've never heard this song".

Now what happened is both sides hired a musicologist, now the musicologist probably focused on the differences rather than the similarities, and perhaps was unfamiliar with the jurisprudence. I think also Dirks is a high powered guy.

But when I posted on my class I thought it was legally stolen. When I got drunk enough to listen to Dirks Bentley I was shamefaced I had posted that because I heard no similarities.

But after a short listen I noticed the melody, which is cleverly and intentionally altered and very damning when you combine the jurisprudence with Nashville (location) which implies access. Now that that and move logically into substantial similarity, and striking similarity (which negates access requirement) which in my opinion as a musician who has played all genres and knows music theory has been met.

When I'm in law school I will write a brief for each side. Dirks Bentley's brief will rely on his accomplishments, which are basically how many records he sold, and Jason is a nobody. Not good legal arguments, not objective, nothing really to do with the copyright jurisprudence. It's all bullshit but you have to be able to argue both sides in law school. And it's very hard to argue for Dirks, if you know music theory.

Unfortunately a jury is not going to understand music theory. I do want to be an attorney and I hope this doesn't offend anyone but judges don't even understand music theory.


"But even indulging every permissible inference in favor of the plaintiff's affidavit to support what she must establish under the law, what the affidavit purports still falls far short of musicological Bach-like proportions."

The argument made is what I would make. Bach really sets the rules for music theory, polyphony and counterpoint voice leading. So I would trace it to Bach, music theory it's easy to make good legal arguments with it, it just by its nature is objective.

I had a teacher say though you can trace it to Bach, but you can trace a I IV V back further.

So the judge didn't understand the argument made, but held great reverence for Bach, and probably enjoyed his music.

My dad is an attorney and I talked to him about other options and he said there is an example where each side appoints an expert and they both agree on a third expert. If that is binding it would be good.

A huge disagreement with "The Case for a Specialized Music Tribunal" is setting a set number of notes for a melody, which most musicians incorrectly think it is three. Each phrase contextually would have a different number of notes, which is why if the jurisprudence is binding it could get pretty complex but you would feel like the work you did was setting good jurisprudence for those to come.

In Nashville I think a specialized music tribunal would be necessary. Copyright infringement is a big deal there, and it's all a poker game. Dirks held 7 deuce, but half the battle is handling it correctly. What happened to Jason was unfortunate.

In my opinion this would be the most egregious case of copyright infringement ever, except we only heard about it because Jason probably got a tip from a friend and was like well shit I gotta get drunk as fuck to listen to Dirks Bentley.

In short it's the only one we've heard of but it happens all the fucking time.

Drive-By Truckers – Made Up English Oceans Lyrics 9 years ago
The Anglicans are coming.

All other things being equal an individual’s mind will take Steely Dan dogma will influence with differing prejudices depending on the dogma an individual has been filtrated. In other words someone in England might think "douchebag American" and someone in American might think "separation of church and state, motherfucker" or Catherine of Aragon.

In light of the chance that someone will read this will negative bias I will take a chance.

Our associations strongly influence our biases. The ability to remove our biases and filter our emotions opens one’s mind sets someone free. The ability to determine what something is before determining where to place it turns the kind’s hand into a tyrant. Blind allegiance to devotion turns a man into pawn and sucks the soul from his life. The truly enlightened individuals seek the often sought rarely obtainable balance between the two adherents in this inverse of perceptions.

Hood opens with the the assimilation of people and territories. The claimed "made up English oceans" feed people with false philosophy which fuels their repetitive day to day tasks.

The third verse is actually about the ability of “simple minded” men to follow a philosophy. Timothy Leary was a loud mouthed belligerent, Henry Ford was just a dumb man. The difference between an alcoholic and a genius is in the ability to pace oneself and keep your mouth shut, Leary never accomplished this feat even on acid. Ford was stuck in his ways.

Philosophy gives one the ability to see the big picture, and keep your eye on the prize. Most worldly accomplishments require adherence to a daily routine. Common sense but elusive in some fields.

I think Patterson’s age and outlook in life have influenced this song.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s all about how you make the people around you feel - as far as any one philosophy.

All empires must fall but the SEC will rise again (the good one not the bad one). Sic semper tyrannis.

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.