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Toto – I'll Be Over You Lyrics 15 years ago
It's been a long, long time since I've heard this song, and wow, it does bring back to the surface some mistakes that were both her fault and mine. It's that whole Forrest Gump story, best friends from a young age, but the girl couldn't see how much he was trying to help her. She still doesn't. Song speaks from me because I'd rather not forget her because she is a sister to me and when we do see each other, it's just like the old times again. I see her a lot now, actually. I'll never be over her, and I just want this to have a happier ending

Basically, this song is about an undying love within the singer, whether it be unrequited or not. Either way, it seems he loves her still and believes he will never be over it because its so strong.

Hinder – Heaven Sent Lyrics 15 years ago
OMG! I love this song! Currently my fave off the new album, too. Such good instrumentals, vocals, and the backing vocals on the chorus are definitely what drew me in. I probably wouldn't like it so much without them, lol.

As stated above, the song is basically about a guy that may have had a friend for a long time and never thought of her as anything more. She could've been like his rock that he leaned on and the person he shared time and dreams with, but never did see that they were fitting together like two halves.

Eh, songs like these are the songs that get me to realize that, too. My best friend and me had known each other for years, took a trip, and then, as she was sleeping, Jesse McCartney came on and I argued with another girl to change it cause I don't like him. "Why Don't You Kiss Her?". I'll never forgot that moment, and I took Jesse's advice, lol. Maggie woke up a little confused, but she didn't complain. Best day of my life... that is, until I get married AND finish college. Ugh... life sure piles up after High School...

Theory of a Deadman – Hate My Life Lyrics 15 years ago
I love this song! True, it seems a bit extreme, but still. My only question to the band is: how did your wife feel about the song?

The lyrics are a bit simple and rehashed, but I still enjoy this song because it's just a progressive angry rant about how his life sucks! It starts out slow with nothing but acoustics, and then as the song goes further and further, it gets heavier and harder until the end! Pretty much like real life, too, how one thing sends the sparks and then the other little annoyances just feed the flame more and more.

I do love the part about the underage girls, as stated above. It's so funny, and it makes my best friend laugh because even though she is almost 18, she looks like she should be 12. But she's so cute and adorable, I just love it! She hates me when I tease her about it, which makes her start to hate her day. Heh heh heh.

Backstreet Boys – Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely Lyrics 15 years ago
First off, I think a lot of people are right about the popularity thing. I will admit that years ago, I like the BSB but then when it was "not cool" to like boy bands and the such, I abandoned them at the drop of a hat. Now that I look back, I actually do like a lot of their stuff, but mostly from the newer albums that are a bit less poppy. I liked the old stuff, but they sounded too poppy and dance mixed for me.

The meaning behind this, to me, has got to be the horrible pain of unrequited love. Unrequited love is a horrible, horrible feeling and it's hard to overcome, and I hope that nobody has ever gone through it. I'm still trying, but my method is going to take a chunk out of my heart. You see, the girl I love has been my best friend since my childhood and I've known her for over half my life, for a good 11 years. We are still wonderful friends and she knows how I feel and all, it's just her love is not as strong for me as mine is for her. My method is to have her tell me straight face to face that she doesn't love me.

That's what I think the BSB are trying to convey here. It's about a person dealing with a horrible, unreturned love on their hearts and minds that is slowly burdening them. They feel lonely and pitiful. He's given everything to her, his heart, his soul, everything, but she cannot return his love. He is lulling over what things would be like, and like me, he may even be pondering how to overcome it.

Lonestar – Smile Lyrics 15 years ago
Unrequited love.

That's what this song is about, and for those of us who have experienced this, then it makes the meaning and beauty of the song more clear to us. You love this person, a girl in my case, so much that even if she is happy with someone else, you have to smile, because if you truly love her, you won't be willing to rip her away from someone that can make her happier than you can. You can still love them and you always do, but at the same time, you must realize that it will only be a companionate love and not a romantic love. Besides, just because the relationship has ended does not mean the friendship has as well, so you do have a reason to "smile," not just because you don't want to hurt that person.

I love you, Maggie! No matter what, you will always be my best friend of 11 yrs. and going strong and my little sis!

Default – All She Wrote Lyrics 15 years ago
I think this song has more to do about an unrequited love than JUST naturally drifting apart from somebody. I mean, it's only natural to do that, but the guy seems to still think of and love the girl while he knows she's probably already moved on and she forgot all about him.

I know how that feels... horrible heartache...

Shinedown – If You Only Knew Lyrics 15 years ago
My interpretation is that this song could be both simply telling someone that you love them more than they know, or telling them this after a break-up. But, given the musical style coupled with the way they instruments are played, it sounds to me that is either about a break-up or simply a guy loving a girl that only thinks of him as a friend.

Now then, to me personally it reminds me of my best friend. I had many chances to tell her over the years, but I guess I am a bit of a coward and never did tell her and still haven't. I'd do anything for her and have proven it. I've taken a knife meant for her, stayed by her side despite how much she was breaking my heart, though unintentional. Every night, I think of her and wake-up constantly, and I hold onto all the notes, letters, stories, and poems that I wrote for her and the ones that she wrote for me. She's still a large part in my life, and I want her to be my entire life.

Overall the best song on the album, in my opinion. I can't get enough of this!

Blue October – Congratulations Lyrics 15 years ago
Just as most have said, I agree that it is more about a best friend congratulating the other on getting married while still having feelings.

It's a hard process. Me and my best friend have known each other for years, eleven years (and I'm 19). We've been through good times and bad. She developed a drinking problem. She got into weed, and me, being a morally strong person, did not follow her. But I stayed by her side and got her out of everything that she was doing, and that's when she told me that she had gotten impregnated by her ex. Now, she is with another man that I wish could be me. The worst thing I could say is that I want her to be with me instead, because that would mean ripping away a man that makes her happy for my own selfish reasons. I had my chance. Many chances. I should have said so, but I did not tell her quickly enough. Although, I do have hope that things between us will either continue as they are or strengthen. She still uses me for support and she feels mistreated. At the same time, we have had several romantic meetings and have chatted with each other about many things, including the prospect of marrying one another in the future.

For anyone out there: never put off telling someone you love them. This is my wisdom: They say that you never realize how important something is until it is gone, but you never realize how much you love someone until they return. Realize your feelings before he or she is ripped from you and returns, because it may be too late. I am still lucky. The good Lord has been kind to me and won't let a friend that has saved my life leave my life. She has saved me many times and I her, and I could not see how He would let us leave one another - be it as friends or as partners.


Bonnie Raitt – I Can't Make You Love Me Lyrics 15 years ago
Such a beautiful and sad song. As everyone has said, it is simply an unrequited love. The woman loves the man and he, not necessarily a very sexual person or user, simply cannot express those emotions and sentiments on the same level and degree that she does.

Sounds familiar. Now, I know how there are a lot of females, but hey, it's not just them that can experience an unrequited love.

I'm a guy, about to turn 19, and the one I love the most has been my best friend for 11 years. I've known her all my life and I can't understand how it did not evolve into something more like it did for me. I've always been a big brother to her, helping her when she was raped, abused, homeless, taking her into my home and ignoring the scorn of others and the rumors they made. We knew the truth and they made lies about us because of that. But, despite all the good times, bad times, and romantic dates and moments we've had, I guess I will only be a brother to her. What hurts the most is the thought that she may not be in my life after some time, you know, get married and move elsewhere. She's my sister, the only sister I have, and I don't want to give up what we have. It's so frustrating, isn't it?

What I want people to understand is appreciate what you have and never wait until tomorrow. If you do, the opportunity may pass you by. I nearly lost her to distance or violence a good ten times. SHe lost my number and I hers, but, we always found a way back to each other. Don't let that happen or you'll turn into a bitter person during the downtime.

Rod Stewart – Maggie May Lyrics 15 years ago
My best friend's name is Maggie, and she's a sweetheart. Absolutely love the song! I didn't lose my virginity to her, well, I haven't even yet nor want to anytime soon, but she does use me, in a friendly way. I guess that's what happens when you've known someone for a good 11 years, and yet, I'm about to turn 19, so that tells you something: She's been in my life too long.

She does get lonely and she does lure me away from my home because I do have feelings for her and her for me, but my college education is really important for me and securing a safe future, especially with the economy the way it is nowadays.

So, this song, besides the whole "let's have sex" thing, is perfectly described as my life. I mean, even the name is the same, well "Maggie" at least (Not Maggie May).

I love ya, Maggie! Cheers!

Puddle of Mudd – We Don't Have to Look Back Now Lyrics 15 years ago
I agree with uhhh1 and punkfairyinlove on this one. I think it's about two friends that have known each other for quite some time and have both been in harmful and/or destructive relationships. They consoled and helped each other during those times, but because they were hurt, it was hard to believe in love.

But, being friends and having that "special connection", they knew they could just let go of their collective pasts and be with each other like they always had been and what was meant to be. Helping from the sidelines was not good enough. Nobody could ever prevent them from becoming one, and no matter what people say, they won't look back on their pasts or fall on the words of others. Simply to be with each other is good enough.

On a sidenote: I LOVE YOU MAGGIE! You've been my best friend for 11 years and you know I'd never hurt you. Thanks for giving me this chance to be with you!

Theory of a Deadman – All Or Nothing Lyrics 15 years ago
This song is just beautiful. Honestly, when I first heard it, with the solo piano and a somewhat sad tone, I assumed this song was going to be something about being heartbroken or depression, or something of the sort.

But, this song is the complete opposite. The meaning is as clear as the background of this website: True Love. A boy simply falls in love with a girl, courts her with flowers and travel together and such, then eventually they get married (This is it Nothing to hide One more kiss Never say goodbye).

All in all, beautiful song and reminds me of my "friend" Maggie. I hope this song will be our future too, but college has me so swamped and stuff I don't have time to think. But I do have time to spend, and that's with her. =)

Lonestar – Not a Day Goes By Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is one that everyone can relate to. Since we are sharing stories, here is mine:

This song reminds me of my best friend, my sister, and the girl I would love more than anything to be beside me right now. She moved a while back, got caught up in drugs, and turned her life around thanks to the help of all of us. Me and her go way back, ten years, and she lived so close to me that we became so close. We shared everything: secrets, memories, advice, music, and friends. I dated her best friend and she mine, and we found that we were best meant to date each other.

Now, however, that can't happen without a lot of difficulties. Being in college now and needing to keep a job, I don't have enough time to visit her. I make time as much as I can, but it's not enough. Every time I see her, I lose track of time and just curl up in her arms. I miss what we had and wish I had taken a chance when I should have.

Lonestar – Let Them Be Little Lyrics 16 years ago
I love this song so much. It's beautiful. It's just about letting kids be kids, letting them enjoy their childhood while they can. After all, it only last a short 18 years, maybe less for some.

This was a song for me and my best friend, back in the day. It's been awhile, but every time I watch our DVD, it just brings me back and makes me regret letting my childhood slip away because I tried to grow up too fast.

Seether – Love Her Lyrics 16 years ago
One thought comes to my mind when I hear this song... Maggie. She was, is, and will always be my best friend. She got wrapped in so many abusive relationships, rape, and everything that when I tried to help her, she wouldn't let me. She was afraid, despite that I've known her since I was eight. I have been standing by as her unrelated older brother, watching her closely for any guy that would try to have his way. Unfortunately, the one time I wasn't paying attention was the only chance he needed. He raped her, got her into drugs, and she had to struggle to get over that addiction.

This song is about a girl that gets into such a bad life situation that she is utterly devastated. She has lost hope in love and life, believing that no one is there for her despite the fact that there has been and always was. The singer watches over her like I watch over Maggie. He is her guardian angel, making sure she is alright. Obviously, that doesn't work out. I'm just glad my life didn't turn out like that, watching someone you love die...

This song still makes me cry because it makes me realize what Maggie and Rachel went through. Rachel died, but Maggie is still here, and I do love her. She'll always be my beloved angel.

Warrant – Cherry Pie Lyrics 16 years ago
This song is definately about giving a girl oral pleasure. I figured that out after a friend told me, which was kind of bad because me and my best friend, who is a girl while I'm a guy, always sing this loudly when we're bored and thought the title was the meaning: "Cherry Pie." Wow.... I can never listen to this song again with her without thinking of "other things." Still, great tune.

Seether – The Gift Lyrics 16 years ago
I do think this song is about loving someone deeply but unable to forgive yourself for the things you've done in the past. We all have things we regret, but his guilt is swallowing. After all he's done, he can't see how she'll love him. The love is there, but he pushes her away because of fear and insecurity. In the end, he needs her so much that it seems like he fall apart.

Story of my life wrapped up in a sappy song right there. If I could, I'd change the past and tell her I'm sorry and tell her I loved her before it was too late. Now, she lives three hours away and is a drug addict, all because of me. I ruined her life, pushed her away, and yet, she always came back when I needed her most, every single time. I carry her picture and wear her ring around my neck, but it's not enough. I need her.

Nickelback – Far Away Lyrics 16 years ago
This song hits really deep.

To me, I thought the song was about a guy who loves this girl so much and yet, she has moved away. She's too far from him and he wants her to know that he loved her and always did, even if he never did it right, as explained in the first verse.

Then, when she comes back for a visit or something, the second verse, he tells her and asks to dance with her one last time.

Just a thought. I think this song is adorable and this is my song with my best friend who moved away almost two years ago. It's hard to stay in touch and heart-breaking when there were so many things left unsaid until it was too late to say them in person, but it has only made the both of us stronger.

Fort Minor – Where'd You Go? Lyrics 16 years ago
Even though I know it's about his wife, it struck me as something close to home.

I love my best friend to death and she moved away about two years ago. I haven't seen much of her since then, and it's hard for me to keep going on without her. However, sometimes I want to let her go because she picked up doing weed and drinking heavily, and she was always such a strong, independent girl with a golden heart. To me, her "career" is doing drugs, and the basic though in my mind is that she is gone, in every way possible, and yet I want her back. I wait for her call, wait for her, but I just get fed up. It's tough.

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