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Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog – Everything You Ever Lyrics 15 years ago
I LOVE the ending. There are talks of a sequel, but I like the story as is.

In the beginning we see Billy playing dress-up and trying to be evil, though he’s in general a pretty nice guy (“besides, there’re kids in that park”) and madly in love with Penny, the embodiment of good, but as the story progresses, and Penny falls for Captain Hammer, we see him get a little bit more evil until he’s hell-bent on killing him.

This final montage shows the death of Billy and the rise of Dr. Horrible. With the one good thing in his life now gone, and by his doing, we see that he’s no longer the kid playing dress-up but IS now Dr. Horrible (the way Batman is the real person and Bruce Wayne is the mask). His adversary is defeated, he rules with an iron fist, and is now in the ELE, but he’s not content. He becomes a tragic figure who you pity more than anything, like Mr. Freeze.

Anberlin – Creep (Radiohead cover) Lyrics 15 years ago
Though I'm sure most of you reading this know this, for those who don't, this is a Radiohead cover.

Anberlin – Feel Good Drag Lyrics 15 years ago
it's cool to see Anberlin finally geting some Top 40 love.

Disney – Stand Out (A Goofy Movie) Lyrics 15 years ago
Tevin Campbell provides the voice for Powerline

Honeyhoney – Little Toy Gun Lyrics 15 years ago
GeoVII, I completely agree

I find the "It's always warm inside my home but its handle is always so cold" line to be especially dirty

DC Talk – Jesus Freak Lyrics 15 years ago
Since this is a website dedicated to individuals’ interpretations of particular songs, I’ll try to keep my comments to the song itself and DC Talk in general., leaving Religion, Evolution , and textbook definitions of words aside.

The song is simply the three singers/song writers’ declaration of their faith. At the time it was written the term ’Jesus Freak’ was used to insult Christians. The guys simply took and made it a positive thing saying “yeah, we are Jesus Freaks and we don’t see anything wrong with that”. The song doesn’t condone bombing abortion clinics or the persecution of others for following other religions or et cetera. It simply states that they choose to follow a particular religion, Christianity, and are not ashamed of it.

Now as far as DC Talk as a band is concerned, with my personal beliefs aside, I’ve seen nothing but love and compassion pour out of these guys for as long as I can remember (Their first album I heard was Nu Thang released in 1990). Though yes, some people misuse the label of “Christian” and shed a bad light on a very large group of people, Toby, Michael, and Kevin, set a very positive example for young Christians or non-Christians observing the religion.

Sam & Dave – Soul Man Lyrics 15 years ago
voodoochilde and I discussed this on the Blues Brothers version.

"the Blues Brothers version does not say "Woodstock", however the popular Sam & Dave version does. the original writer, (who wrote it for Same & Dave), actually went to a school named Woodstock, but Jake Blues didn't, so Belushi just sings it his way."

Maroon 5 – Kiwi Lyrics 17 years ago
Rashida Jones (Karen from NBC's The Office) sings the female parts on this one.

Maroon 5 – Goodnight, Goodnight Lyrics 17 years ago
clever, jayemel. clever.

Amy Winehouse – Tears Dry On Their Own Lyrics 17 years ago
the music is basically Ain't No Mountain High Enough, right?

Mute Math – Chaos Lyrics 17 years ago
I like how his singing rhythm and the rhythm of the music are kind of off, it helps to express the “Chaos” mentioned in the lyrics.

Nichole Nordeman – Why Lyrics 17 years ago
does anyone know who's singing in this version of the song?

i know it's not Nichole, but i can't tell who it is.

Stefy – Chelsea Lyrics 18 years ago
i'm gonna go ahead an apologize for Stefy to any girl named Chelsea. not All of them are whores. poor girls.

Relient K – Breakdown Lyrics 18 years ago
relient K covers VeggieTales' Pirates Who Don't do Anything. so as a thank you of sorts Larry the CUcumber covers this song, really. look it up.

Wilson Pickett – 634-5789 (Soulsville, U.S.A.) Lyrics 18 years ago
i really, really wish this was my phone number.

The Blues Brothers – Soul Man Lyrics 18 years ago
voodoochilde, the Blues Brothers version does not say "Woodstock", however the popular Sam & Dave version does. the original writer, (who wrote it for Same & Dave), actually went to a school named Woodstock, but Jake Blues didn't, so Belushi just sings it his way.

Creedence Clearwater Revival – I Heard It Through the Grapevine (Marvin Gaye cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
1.Marvin Gaye wasn't the original singer; it was Gladys Knight & the Pips.
2. CCR is a one hell of a rockin' band, but they aren't Marvin. I’ve been listening to CCR for the entire duration of my existence and love them beyond all comprehension, but Marvin’s version is damn near as perfect as popular music can get.
3. A pretty cool version is the Sympathy for the Grapes Mix of the Gladys Knight version on Motown Remixed

Los Lobos – La Bamba Lyrics 18 years ago
it's not a dumb song. it's a song of protest, and kinda funny when you know what it's about. it's way older than Los Lobos and Ritchie Valens, hundreds of years older. look it up.

Switchfoot – The Shadow Proves The Sunshine Lyrics 18 years ago
i once got a fortune cookie that said,"beauty is only beauty becasue of ugliness". i kinda use that as a way of looking at life, and i think this song's message goes along those same lines.

Audio Adrenaline – Big House Lyrics 18 years ago
until the day i die i will know every word to this song by heart, including the "Ibidibidee bop bop bow whew! yeah!"

Audio Adrenaline – Good Life Lyrics 18 years ago
it's the speaker talking about how he's lost al of his friends and he's at a low point but realizes how much it's humbled him and now it's just him and God.

The Blues Brothers – Soul Man Lyrics 18 years ago
me and a friend perfrom as Jake and Elwood at our school's talent show and did this song. it was so much fun.

Hellogoodbye – Touchdown Turnaround (Don't Give Up On Me) Lyrics 18 years ago
i saw them last night and they cloed with this song, and did it in costumes (Hot Dog, Banana, Chicken, etc.)

Hellogoodbye – Here (In Your Arms) Lyrics 18 years ago
i just saw it live last night. wasn't much of a fan of the band, but now i'm looking into them.

Alice Cooper – I'm Eighteen Lyrics 18 years ago
i like that it's not pretty and poetic. he's not this old, educated, well-read man; he's still just a kid. thanks for the anthem to my life at the moment, Alice.

Blues Traveler – Hook Lyrics 18 years ago
This song is to Music what The Simpsons is to Comedy. Let me explain.

This Song: The fans that listen to the song and take time to interpret lyrics beyond melody see all the humor in the song and enjoy it for its brilliance,

“But I've said nothing so far
And I can keep it up for as long as it takes”

“To confuse the issue I refer
To familiar heroes from long ago
No matter how much Peter loved her
What made the Pan refuse to grow”

while the mass population just sees it as a catchy tune, and enjoys it for that.

The Simpsons: when asked about the massive appeal the Simpsons has Matt Groening, (the creator), said that the show is written for the intelligent. (The majority of the writing staff is Harvard graduates). There is subtle allusion to literature, art, music and a lot of other educated paraphernalia. Groening later says that for the people that “don’t get it” homer hits his head and says D’oh.

So, in conclusion while John Popper wrote this song to kinda poke fun at "fans" they still enjoy it becasue he gives them what they came to him for in the first place, a good melody.

Well, that’s my two cents on the song. I hope this comes across as logically as it did in my head.

Blues Traveler – Alone Lyrics 18 years ago
God Bless you, John Popper.

Audio Adrenaline – Some Kind Of Zombie Lyrics 18 years ago
he was dead, now he's not: like a zombie. pretty straight forward.

Audio Adrenaline – Chevette Lyrics 18 years ago
i used to jam this song when i was younger. i was raised on Audio Adrenaline, DC Talk, and Newsboys.

Paramore – Never Let This Go Lyrics 18 years ago
the way she articulates on this song reminds me of the Swift.

Creed – I'm Eighteen (Alice Cooper cover) Lyrics 18 years ago
Anthrax does an awesome cover of it too. in my opinion it's truer to Cooper.

Relient K – Charles In Charge Lyrics 18 years ago
Willie Ames, the guy who played Buddy on Charles in Charge is Bibleman, really.

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