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Social Distortion – Story of My Life Lyrics 21 years ago
This is by far one of my favorite Social Distortion songs. The lyrics are wonderful and I can't help but keep playing this song over and over again.

Good Charlotte – Thank You Mom Lyrics 22 years ago
A lot of people diss GC because they aren't "hard core" but whatever, I think this song is awesome. People go through hard times and so sometimes they write songs like this to get out how they feel. I really think this a great song. Its okay for punk bands to show some emotion sometimes, I mean they're human!

Something Corporate – Punk Rock Princess Lyrics 22 years ago
all i have to say is i love this song. i can't say anything bad about it! i can't wait to see them oct.26th!!!

Good Charlotte – The Innocent (feat. Mest & Goldfinger) Lyrics 22 years ago
I love this song. 9/11 really made an impact on my life and I think this song says exactly how a lot of people feel. Yeah it's not the usual somber tone of a tribute song but I don't think it matters with this song. I like that it rocks, it really captures the anger and saddness. I think its's a great song by three great bands. Its also great live, I heard it last fall at a GC/Mest concert in Columbus.

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