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Senses Fail – One Eight Seven Lyrics 7 years ago
So I know it's old, but the meaning of the song is pretty easy. I've over analyzed because I just had a heartbreak. Anyways, not important. The meaning of this song is right in the title. 187 is police code for homicide. He's saying the girl that broke his heart, killed him, metaphorically. "I should have known that you were a killer, but now I'm dead". Then, he talked about not metaphorically, but literally killing her and getting his revenge for her breaking his heart. He says she "ripped his heart out" and "ripped his eyes out". So he's going to now stab her, and then rip out her heart out the way she did to him. It's a song about love, heartbreak, and ultimately, revenge. Revenge for that heartbreak. No one deserves it but it happens. Some people go insane like he does in the ending of this song, and seek revenge. It's happened. Either way, that's the meaning. To anyone who may read this, now you know. It's not just a song with violent, heartbreaking lyrics. It's a phenomenal song that a lot of people can relate to, including myself.

Stone Sour – 30/30-150 Lyrics 7 years ago
@[jjmcderm8050:17003] Corey has talked about this many times so you don't really need to give an interpretation about the song. Coincidentally 30/30 was Corey's pants size and 150 pounds was his weight. The reason it's coincidental is that it's also a bullet for a lever action repeater rifle (there is also 30/30 170) and it's code for Total Nuclear Annihilation. There's another reference about the Egyptians which suggests that they ruled their land from 3030 B.C. to 150 A.D. The song also talks about politics and the fact that his generation was called a "dead generation". There are also bible references in which 30:30 150 fits but I'm not really convinced that Corey was talking religion here because out of the many interviews he's done where he's talked about this song, it was never brought up. So I'm gonna leave the religious references alone.

Stone Sour – 30/30-150 Lyrics 7 years ago
@[UncleTom:17002] Not a bad interpretation but it's a political and personal song. 30/30 - 150 were Corey's dimensions when he was younger. Pants size 30/30 and he weighed 150 pounds. Coincidentally these were my dimensions in high school as well, but that's beside the point. It's also a rifle bullet, 30/30 150 ammo (there is also 30/30 170) Winchester, Remington, etc. 30/30 150 is also code for Total Nuclear Annihilation. There is also a reference to the Egyptians, who were said to have ruled their land from 3030 B.C. to 150 A.D. but I never ended up doing much research on that one.

Blink-182 – Not Now Lyrics 8 years ago
Tom has come out and explained what the song means and so many people still have the meaning of the song fucked up or they misinterpret the meaning. I mean shit, I knew what the song meant before he said anything but still, knowing that he confirmed it, I can't figure out how the fuck people still get this wrong. He says it's describing when you die. You finally realize you're dead, and you see your lady. Your woman. Whatever you wanna say.. Youre already dead, and you didn't have the chance to say goodbye, so you're trying to figure out how to do it. You can't. You can see her, but she can't see you. You basically want to say goodbye and tell her you love her, but you simply can't do it. She has no idea you're there. Hopefully that clears things up but people to this day still have this fucked up when I hear them attempt to explain the meaning behind this song. Tom said it. You still don't get it, I don't know what the fuck to tell you honestly.

KoЯn – Alone I Break Lyrics 8 years ago
Basically the song is about a man not feeling the way a man should feel. A man is supposed to be tough/strong and just deal with problems that come his way. But at this time, Jonathan and everyone else in the band were going through all this bad shit around the time 'Untouchables' was being made. They didn't feel like men should feel. They felt broken down, and we're dealing with a shit ton of problems and didn't feel like they were being man enough in dealing with them. So, they wrote this song. The part of the song when Jonathan says "I have lived the best I can, does this make me not a man?" explains the entire meaning and point of the song. Not feeling how a man in supposed to.

KoЯn – Falling Away From Me Lyrics 8 years ago
@[King:14865] Nothing You actually inadvertently proved yourself wrong because in the song "daddy" he says "And fucked your own child".

KoЯn – Falling Away From Me Lyrics 8 years ago
@[dmac19:14864] It's about depression, suicide, and abuse, whether it be physical or mental, hence "Beating me down". Also somewhat describes compulsive behaviors and mental issues.

KoЯn – Falling Away From Me Lyrics 8 years ago
Quite a few incorrect lyrics here. I've noticed most of the songs on here have incorrect lyrics. First off it's "Do what others say" not "Hear what others say". Also, it's "I can't always say, it's gonna be better tomorrow" not "Can". And it's "Slow it down" not "So down". Whoever writes this shit needs to double check before songs are posted because almost every song I've ever looked up on here has 3 or more incorrect lyrics. Either that or someone needs to skim through and edit this shit because something is always wrong on here I swear.

Box Car Racer – Watch The World Lyrics 8 years ago
@[trvsbrns9:14731] If you seriously can't understand why people referenced 9/11 being that this album was released less a year after, I don't know how your brain funtions. You might be able to look at the deeper meaning but you're obviously not using common sense.

Five Finger Death Punch – Walk Away Lyrics 8 years ago
It's about a destroyed relationship that has been wrecked almost beyond repair. He's saying it would be better to just walk away instead of trying to fix things, because it doesn't seem like it's feasible. Even though it could be possible for things to be repaired, they're still the same people and the outcome will always remain the same. It started out great, both involved had the best of intentions for each other, but it got progressively worse and eventually became a horrible relationship with an ugly ending. While I think you can always reconcile, at least one of these two doesn't believe the same. They believe this situation is in no way fixable. I disagree completely, because I have experienced this sort of thing first hand, but everyone feels differently. Either way, even though I disagree with how this particular person feels about things, it's a great song. Absolutely top notch writing and the song itself sounds amazing, and I've heard I live. Incredible job.

Hellyeah – Moth Lyrics 8 years ago
The song is mainly about him having compulsive or addictive behaviors that prove to be somewhat destructive in ways. I think it has a lot to do with love as well. He's saying when someone loves him more and more, he loses that feeling of insecurity. But with most things that are beautiful, he destroys them because he's afraid of getting close or attached for fear of being left abandoned by whoever it is. He hates that that's the person he is, and he just needs the other person to love him enough so he doesn't have to feel so insecure and worried about being left alone like all the times in the past. It's all about what has happened to him, and his fear of history repeating itself, like it sometimes does, and finding himself being hurt and destroyed all over again.

Mudvayne – Scarlet Letters Lyrics 8 years ago
Personally I think they're saying they've done something specifically wrong, referring to the scarlet letters of course. I think it's plural because they're trying to say their life and existence is just one big fucked up mess and they don't want to burden their loved ones with their presence anymore. They don't want them to have to deal with what a mess the person is anymore and the person would just rather off themselves than stick arkind and bother everyone with all the shitty decisions they've made or the train wreck that their life is or has become. They've tried to fix it many times before, but they just can't seem to find a way to make things better.

Seether – Rise Above This Lyrics 8 years ago
Shawn is talking about losing his brother who took his own life before this album was released (The album 'Finding Beauty In Negative Spaces' was dedicared to his brother). Shaun is talking about the fact that he misses him and knows he's gone, but calls his name when he's feeling helpless because he knows there won't be a response and it tears him up inside. He is talking about how the pain of the loss and the absence of his brother has given him the urge to commit suicide as well. He says "I'll end this all before it gets me", basically saying he'll kill himself before all the pain and sorrow destroys him first. Sad song, but a great one at that. And being a huge fan of Seether since I was young and heard their first album, I'm glad Shawn never let his suicidal urges from this consume him. Would have been to great a loss.

Bring Me the Horizon – Drown Lyrics 8 years ago
Also to add to this, he talks about being "fixed". And this refers to his drug addiction. That drug addiction is referenced more in their album "Sempiternal" which Oli revealed was written after he kicked the addiction. But this song has references to that addiction as well, though it is heavily based on issues of depression.

Bring Me the Horizon – Drown Lyrics 8 years ago
It seems to be about depression, being upset about everything, basically feeling like the weight of the world is being put on your shoulders. Also with the word "you" being used as much as it is, maybe there is a girl in his life that he feels can help heal all his pain and relieve him from the suffering. That's just a guess, but it does really seem that way to me. Ollie is a terrific songwriter and I think he makes the lyrics as crystal clear as he can, and I think the girl represents the healing and the only bit of happiness he finds in his life now, and that she can help get rid of the depression, and possibly some anxiety he's feeling. Love this song. Amazing lyrics, and Ollie's vocals are amazing and he really let's his voice out in this one. He's a great screamer but his singing completely almost puts the screaming part of BMTH's music to shame with his incredible vocals in this song.

Seether – FMLYHM Lyrics 8 years ago
I've been listening to a lot of older CD's I have and found this one. I listened to this song and it seemed clear, yet somewhat unclear. I can't tell if it's just a relationship with a girl that didn't work, or if there's more to it. He says "You come around when you finally face this." and "You come around when you find me faithless." Then the song takes a raw turn to sex. What I've kind of gathered from that is that the relationship part makes sense, but it's more than that now. Now the girl comes around when she sees him distraught or upset and just wants sex, so acts like she'll be there for him but it just ends up being meaningless sex. I don't know, maybe I'm just reading too deep into it.. But, that's what I feel it means.

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