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Jars of Clay – Fade To Grey Lyrics 1 year ago
This song has always felt very honest and comes across as genuine because it doesn't resolve (like many of JoC's songs) in a clear resolution or path forward.

It's about the comedy of the human condition. Everyone knows one thing but does another, or says one thing but does another, or understands the difference between good and evil but ends up doing both.

The entire song is the singer laughing at themselves, and how goofy they must appear to God, who sees the obvious good path from above and likely is frustrated as to why human beings can want what is good and even talk all kinds of truth about what they believe is good and then when they actually do things in life they go completely off the rails.

I especially like the later refrain where he very directly says God's arms are reaching out to embrace him, but because of where he is it feels like chains and he wishes God would let him go. There is a bit of a darker meaning here, they could be alluding to it - not sure.

It happens so often in spiritual growth - the things guiding us towards the best outcomes often feel like torture and brute force when we want something else.

If you follow what someone does, not what they say they believe, you often find that the black and white beliefs that are expressed don't match up - the black and white ideas fade to grey in action.

And that's being human. I appreciate that a Christian songwriter can write such a great song about such a terrifying moment to get stuck in. Kicking against the goads, so to speak, sucks.

The Moody Blues – Never Comes The Day Lyrics 10 years ago
I always got this vibe - that the line suggested he would be leaving and she'd regret the encounter. Definitely one of those "love the one you're with" songs, but still beautiful.

The Moody Blues – Watching And Waiting Lyrics 10 years ago
This song is sung from the perspective of the undiscovered planet that can see the ship from earth making its way through space and can't wait for humanity to arrive.

The chorus talks about how great it will be when they arrive since no one currently inhabits the planet.

The second stanza talks about the mystery of another habitable planet in the universe - it doesn't know why it exists and hopes the humans that arrive will give the planet meaning.

The last stanza echoes all of these ideas - the undiscovered planet is floating in space, waiting for the astronauts to discover it and give the planet a reason to exist.

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