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John Fleagle – The Hern Lyrics 9 years ago
Here’s the original Middle English poem from c. 1500:

He bare hym vp, he bare hym down,
He bare hym in to an orchard brown.
Lully, lulley, lully, lulley!
Þe fawcon hath born my mak away.

In þat orchard þer was an hall,
Þat was hangid with purpill & pall;
Lully, lulley, lully, lulley!
Þe fawcon hath born my mak away.

And in þat hall þer was a bede,
Hit was hangid with gold so rede;
Lully, lulley, lully, lulley!
Þe fawcon hath born my mak away.

And yn þat bed þer lythe a knyght,
His wowndis bledyng day & nyght;
Lully, lulley, lully, lulley!
Þe fawcon hath born my mak away.

By þat bedis side þer kneleth a may,
& she wepeth both nyght & day;
Lully, lulley, lully, lulley!
Þe fawcon hath born my mak away.

& by þat beddis side þer stondith a ston,
“Corpus Christi” wretyn þer-on.
Lully, lulley, lully, lulley!
Þe fawcon hath born my mak away.

Rush – Closer to the Heart Lyrics 10 years ago
This song is seemingly based on an 11th-century poem by Omar Khayyam:

Ah Love! could thou and I with Fate conspire
To grasp this sorry Scheme of Things entire,
Would not we shatter it to bits — and then
Re-mould it nearer to the Heart's Desire!

Max Richter – Shadow Journal Lyrics 10 years ago
The original poem:

"O, jakże trwałe. O, jak potrzebujemy trwałości.
Światłem nasyca się niebo przed wschodem słońca.
Lekko różowieją gmachy, mosty i Sekwana.
Byłem tu, kiedy ta, z którą idę, nie urodziła się jeszcze
I miasta na dalekiej równinie trwały nienaruszone
Zanim wzbiły się w powietrze pyłem nagrobnej cegły,
I mieszkali tam ludzie, którzy nie wiedzieli.
Rzeczywista jest dla mnie tylko ta chwila o świcie.
Żywoty, które minęły są niepewne jak ja dawny.
Zaklęcie rzucam na miasto, prosząc, żeby trwało."

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