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Barenaked Ladies – Boomerang Lyrics 11 years ago
It's a song about hopes for a reconciliation after a break up or divorce-- a guy gets dumped because of the problems he brought to the relationship, but after fixing himself and taking everything she said to heart, he is coming back like a boomerang.

Moving at the speed of sound
You'd think I'd be slowing down
But I'm not losing my momentum
There are ways to turn around
So I don't crash into the ground
I wish someone would invent them

(He's very hopeful about the reconciliation, possibly getting ahead of himself and wishing that he doesn't fail and 'crash')

Going down but no one knew
I was losing altitude
Should have landed and I tried to
I never took my eyes off you
But I got dizzy and you
threw me you were right to

(Nobody knew about the problems he was having, perhaps he was keeping it inside. It made him feel really 'down', hence the reference to altitude. He always knew he loved his girl, but got confused and "dizzy", so she dumped him but he knows that she had every right to do so.)

I flew apart but they reattached me
I'm coming in hot, hope you'll catch me

(His problems made him fall apart but he got help and now he's 'fixed'. He's rushing back to his girl and hopes she'll take him.)

I love this song... I am in the same position and can totally relate. :)

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.