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Spinvis – Limonadeglazen wodka Lyrics 10 years ago
Wat mischien vergezocht is maar ik wel intresant vind.

'en dat ik zo iemand was die van alles wou
en niets begreep van de film waarin hij speelde
en de lafbek die hij was'

En uit Limonadeglazen Wodka:

'Je zag er heel goed uit
Je deed als iemand van TV
Zo kon ik toch nooit zijn
Niet ik, niet met dat haar van mij
Een cirkel op je arm, ik niet
Want ik was veel te bang'


'Oh, als je hier kon zijn vandaag
Mijn vreemde vriend
En dat je nuchter was'

Mischien is hier een vriend overleden aan zijn alcoholisme of nog beter, korsakoff. In ieder geval wel iemand die je niet wilt vergeten vandaar een speciaal nummer in plaats van een zin in de tekst van 'Voor Ik Vergeet'. Ik heb geen idee wanneer nummers zijn geschreven maar in beide nummers personificeerd hij zichzelf met een 'Lafbek' en herinnerd hij hier speciaal iemand waar hij tegenop kijkt.

Spinvis – Limonadeglazen wodka Lyrics 10 years ago
'En dat je nuchter was...' Ik denk dat deze overleden vriend zichzelf kapotgedronken heeft met limonadeglazen wodka.

Imogen Heap – Hide and Seek Lyrics 11 years ago
Reflecting this upon my own life. I'm diagnosed with conversion-disorder due to ignoring and blocking emotions wich caused my life to implode.

Where are we?
What the hell is going on?

The feeling of losing yourself to your own mind, the confusion.

The dust has only just begun to form
Crop circles in the carpet

It's the start of a long process, the crop circles represent the unusual new patterns in my behavior and thoughts. It is just the beginning.

Sinking, feeling
Spin me around again
And rub my eyes
This can't be happening

Can someone tell me what is going on? I have no understanding of myself anymore, how do I continue?

When busy streets
A mess with people
Would stop to hold their heads heavy

The rest of the people in my life continue with their busy lifes. While I can only see the chaos inside my head.

Hide and seek
Trains and sewing machines

Hide and seek, the game of searching. I've used quite some drugs. Trying to spot that train that'll guide me to another realisation, something that I can't find on my own. Also am I looking for the sewing machines, something that will just alow me to just do something to get trough a moment, to let me saw trough that chaotic unstable construction and start again.

All those years
They were here first

All my life I have felt all of my emotions, they were here first, all those years.

Oily marks appear on walls
Where pleasure moments hung before

Now where I've lost my capability of feeling there'll appear an oily mark. Something that I can see from far away. Something ugly that shouldn't be there.

The takeover
The sweeping insensitivity of this

I've been conquered and taken over by my own mind. In this process I've been sweeped over, not being able to feel my emotion, I've become insensitive.

Still life
Hide and seek
Trains and sewing machines

My life continues, however.

(You won't catch me around here)
Blood and tears
They were here first
Mm, what'd you say?
Mm, that you only meant well
Well of course you did
Mm, what'd you say?
Mm, that it's all for the best
Of course it is
Mm, what'd you say?
Mm, that it's just what we need
You decided this
Mm, what'd you say?
Mm, what did she say?

I've explained most of the things above. The blood and tears also represent my emotions. Now there are alot of people, desperatly trying to help me. Everyone has their own idea of my process. This also calls upon the busy streets with the many opinions of people, the mess inside my head.

Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth
Mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cutouts
Speak no feeling, no, I don't believe you
You don't care a bit, you don't care a bit
Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth
Mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cutouts
Speak no feeling, no, I don't believe you
You don't care a bit, you don't care a bit

This is something that someone very dear to me would've said. This is the intrepretation of my highly sensitive ex-girlfriend. She can't understant my chaos. All she can see is that I don't care about myself, that I can't explain to her why I'm using these drugs, wich I cannot explain to someone else who's never been in a position like me.

(You don't care a bit)
Oh, no, you don't care a bit
Oh, no, you don't care a bit
Uh-uh, you don't care a bit
You don't care a bit
You don't care a bit

As if it has been quoted out of her head after every conversation I'm having and will have with her.

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.